Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (NO REPLIES TO OTHER POSTS)

Tennessee beat Alabama in the last 2 seconds ….best college football game I’ve ever attended!

And bonus….Phillies won the same day! :tada:


deleted for privacy reasons


Sometimes you have to keep your mouth shut, even though you know you’re right, to save a relationship.


The weather is depressing, wet and cold, I can’t do a thing in my garden until it’s more dry.

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T-5 until (supposedly) the rain comes back.
I have to say that the evenings for the past week, sitting on the deck with a cocktail, have been so enjoyable. We gotten moderate temps - 87° at home, 67° here - calm waters, and some amazing sunrises. Heaven.


Instagram, your AI sucks, you pick the wrong person to show all these cosmetic procedures, they are actually freaking me out. Why on earth would people go through all of these procedures.

I gotta admit… I get some of my personal highs from having a stray thought about a trip, discussing it with H, deciding to go for it, and leaving in a couple of days - stray thought to set plan all accomplished within a few hours. It’s ok that it’s a domestic trip. It’s still one we haven’t done before. That’s what counts.

I suppose that’s what happens when one is addicted to wandering, looking at the beauty of the planet.

It’s a good thing I don’t have a full-time assignment at school! Perhaps retirement is the next step for me.


While my mother is 91, she is self sufficient and still drives, but just to appointments. As she and I see the same specialist, I am the contact for her appointments. A few weeks ago, I received a call that they needed to change her appointment as the doctor would be out. We moved it to the following week, still on a Monday, but an hour later. I called mom to tell her, and she had me repeat the day and time as she was writing it down. Yesterday, she questioned the appt. as she had written down Tuesday, the 17th at 2:30; Tuesday will be the 18th, so she wanted to know when the appt. was. I told her it was Monday, the 17th at 2:00, but she insisted I told her it was Tuesday at 2:30. I don’t even think our doctor is at that office on Tuesday, but that is another story.

Yesterday she tells her sister that I am gaslighting her :scream:, as I must have been more insistent that I indeed told her it was Monday at 2:00. She was in the kitchen doing something when I called, so it is possible she wrote the wrong thing as she didn’t remember once she got to pen and paper.

This makes me SICK. And beyond angry.



Those of you who are pet owners, and use Chewy, then you likely already know how wonderful (very quick deliveries and boxed so well that nothing is ever damaged etc.)

Well, they are amazing.

We had made an order (prescriptive wet and dry food) last week for our dear pooch who was failing quickly in his health, and we had to say goodbye to him Fri night.

Well the large Chewy box arrived yesterday and yet we clearly no longer need the $170 worth of special prescription food. They refunded the food and told us to donate it to a shelter, etc.

Just wow.

And the email they wrote about loss made me cry.

I love Chewy. I sound like a commercial. But honestly, they are good people who run it.

(And thanks to all of you for the support and kind wishes here. It means a lot.)


S was looking to buy a place in 2018/9 but just had a hard time committing to staying in a particular place and in fact just moved to NY. He could have afforded to buy but has been ok renting.

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Reminder that this is the no response thread.

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Yippy, got an email that the seller is refunding me my money for my stolen peonies. To self, no more buying peonies, they are much harder to grow here, you can space for them. They are not like roses.

Your color preference is not my concern. If having to hire someone to paint a couple of rooms is the make or break for this deal, then I will consider offering a credit for the cost at closing but I will not accept a lower price when I don’t know if you can really close. That would set a precedent for any other offers if you fail to close, and I have been down that path before.


I am considering the purchase of a specialty sedan from a GM brand and have been having trouble finding one in the Detroit area. Dealers do, however, have a performance version of the same car with a larger engine in-stock. The stickler is that dealers will not allow anyone to test drive one. Supposedly, they don’t want people running up the miles on these cars with test drives. I asked one dealer if they could have a salesman drive me two miles out and back so I could see how the suspension handled Michigan’s third-world roads, and they denied me. One dealer wouldn’t even allow potential customers to sit in the car in the showroom under the watchful eye of a sales person. Meanwhile, they allow customers to drive vehicles in their line-up that cost $40,000 more every day.

I would understand a Bentley dealer not a wanting 20 something who pulled up in a 10 year old civic to get near one of his cars, but I’m a guy in my 50s showing up in at a Big Three dealership in a comparable or more expensive vehicle. Do they really expect people to drop money on a car without even sitting in it first?

The silver lining is that a dealer who is around an hour away has no trouble letting me test drive the vehicle. They thought the Detroit dealers were nuts. Where do you think I’m going to spend my money?


Is there some contest I don’t know about where you win by having the most recent post on as many threads as possible?


Mind your own business.

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I don’t understand my siblings. I mean, if I’m being judgmental, maybe I do, but I’m trying not to be judgmental.

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DH & I planted young tree in Spring. Fully fenced tree and wrapped trunk to prevent deer buck rub or chewing. Babied tree all summer & dry fall. Trimmed a few tiny branches that deer could reach over fence. 4 months later, nearby mature tree drops major branch – not clipping new tree so we can prune, but ripping the new trunk off it’s roots at the base. What gives Mother Nature??? Visions of film clip “Bambi Meets Godzilla”

I hope posters who offer to read students’ college essays have training specifically for that purpose, and/or have direct knowledge from a given school exactly what they are looking for in their various supplements.

Essay writing is a specific type of writing, one in which even English teachers need training (which some HSs provide).

If you don’t have this training, please step back, as you may do more harm than good.

One can get essay training in many places…college essay guy runs a class, and the various college counseling certificate programs (UCLA, UCI, UCB, etc) run classes.