Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (NO REPLIES TO OTHER POSTS)

One way to get out of jury duty - teach 500 kids for 30 years. Chances are you’ll know the defendant. H got out of a murder trial this morning…


I’m trying to solve a problem. Stop being so defensive.

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Yes, I have 25 years of experience in the industry. Yes, I’ve previously run other companies. But also, yes, this is a new type of role for me and it would be really great to have a reporting structure that provides some level of support. Sink or swim is not what I signed up for. Nor is it what’s good for the company.


A small, pretty vase of flowers was delivered today with a dear message about our recently passed beloved dog.

From Chewy.

(And yes, I apologized profusely to the delivery man who stood there patiently for many minutes while I initially ignored him thinking he was advocating for a political candidate, or a solicitor. Felt horrible. And hadn’t checked my Ring.)


I’m just going to keep crying.
The neighbors sent a sympathy card from their dog to us,
And the Vet emergency services sent a card and two ceramics with our beloved dog’s paw prints on them with “Truly Loved (Name)”.

What compassion.

I’m sorry. I’ll stop posting so much. My filter is gone and my heart is filled with others’ kindness.


To political candidates: my donation does not give you permission to bombard me with texts begging for more. I deleted close to 50 texts yesterday, and blocking and texting “stop” does not cure the problem. :rage: I’m seriously considering not making any contributions to any political campaign no matter what. How come cancer research organizations and colleges I donate to never pester me with such annoying texts?!


Another amazing comeback by the San Diego Padres! Going to Philly at 1-1. Tickets secured for Monday night game back in San Diego (fingers crossed). LFGSD!


I sent you two detailed emails in a friendly tone containing concerns about a looming issue. You didn’t seem concerned about the first email and ignored the second. Now the problem is here and I sent you a third email using more direct urgent language. Instead of addressing the issue, you want to meet to discuss my tone. My tone. LOL


I love, love, love my future son-in-law! Lucky me, that my dear daughter found such an amazing guy.


You could not pay me any amount of money in the world to go back and be 16 or 17 all over again. So hard to watch my D24 go through it all…


Thanks for the comment about my weight, Dad. :roll_eyes:

Happiness is getting upgraded to business on a long haul flight.


It’s not the end of the world that ODD isn’t ready yet to take her driving test for her driver’s license. Stop acting like the world is coming to an end over it. In less than 2 yr from now, she’ll be leaving the nest. Try to smell the roses a little bit right now and appreciate the time we still have left with our daughter. And in the meantime, get a grip. The kids are tired of your Gen X stories about how back in your day in the 80s, you did this and that and the other thing all by the time the sun came up. :rofl:


I miss my kids.

I miss making them dinner, and drinking coffee with them in the morning. I miss watching TV with them, and shopping with them.

I’ll see them both soon for Thanksgiving and we will have a blast.

Then they will leave and I’ll miss them again.


Working a remodel is stressful when you’re 50 miles from the project. I’m doing it, but it’s stressful.


I almost fell off the wagon…and got back into the fray. realized at the last moment it is way more fun to just watch…and see how much someone is actually (unknowingly) willing to reveal about themselves.


I knew going to that wedding was a risk.

I’ve been a fan since D met you at a tailgate years ago when you were just starting out, but this last drop sure does have a lot of F bombs. I mean, I use that word on occasion and I’m not a prude, but …


Are you flipping kidding me? You are cleaning out your mother’s house and not one of her 5 kids or many grands wants those old things and you expect us to buy them?


And what exactly are ‘mild symptoms’? It’s day 5 and I still feel terrible. I’m not in the hospital so grateful for that.