Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (NO REPLIES TO OTHER POSTS)

What are you teaching your “kid” when at 30 you want to subsidize them so they can live by themself and go out multiple times a week to eat/drink, while your $$$s shrink. It’s really OK for them to learn you need to live within your means.


An amazing woman from my area passed away. She fought a horrible cancer for several years - basically lost her lower half to the tumors - and she kept her sense of humor through it. She worked so hard to be present for her family as a wife & a mother of young adults. She was the epitome of grace under pressure, so much so that I would call her a diamond. May she finally rest in peace.

I did not see that regeneration coming (or hear rumors) but I am very VERY happy! Husband can’t appreciate my excitement. Woo hoo!


It’s a gorgeous day in the Midwest. I didn’t think it could get better, but then I received an email from an estate sale company about a sale in the town where I grew up. I recognized the address as my childhood BF’s house. Last I knew, her mom was still living in the house. I pulled up the pictures, and it was like being transported to my childhood. Albums we listened to, the organ we banged on, the china we ate lunch on, her dad’s Shriner hats, knickknacks that have been in that house for more than a half century. My brain is enveloped in happy memories.


Oh grow up. You whine every time we see you. I don’t know how your wife can take it.

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I predict combs and hair gel will now be making a strong comeback in the United Kingdom.


We’re driving home to AZ from ME. Yesterday we arrived at our hotel in Oklahoma City to 85 degree weather. :sunglasses: :sunny: How can it be snowing outside Albuquerque today? :snowman_with_snow:


Yeah, I’m scared.

I’m so thankful I tape TV and can fast forward all commercials, esp during “Politics Season.” I don’t know how anyone can watch TV the old fashioned way TBH. Ditto that with streaming that has commercials.


Today wasn’t the first time a massage therapist told me several times “I needed to relax.”

Well, if I could do that on a regular basis, I wouldn’t have all these knots in my back.



Coach Cal, you made me cry - in a good way.


I’m not sure what’s worse. Listening to the drilling/hammering renovations underneath my office, or listening to my coworker (two cubbies down) cough, sneeze, and hack all day long. This is going to be another very long day. Yesterday felt like 40 hours…


I shouldn’t have reacted as I did. She’s 90. But I am so tired of her being critical of others. I mean, when we were kids she probably could’ve helped herself, but trying to correct her at 90 is a lost cause. I wish I could take the whole conversation back. In good news, she may not remember it tomorrow. :smiling_face_with_tear:

Time to buy a pair of Adidas or Sketches sneaks. :sunglasses:


Don’t ask for advice if you aren’t open to hearing it. If your mind is made up, then run with it and don’t second guess yourself.


Trying not to cry in public gets tiring.

You, ma’am, are a disgrace. I have been trying to find something positive in things that happen, but I absolutely cannot find a single positive when people choose to belittle others. It wasn’t okay then, it isn’t okay now, no matter what some seem to think.

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Sorry, but you’ve reached the limit. I can’t always be the one suggesting a date. Fetch isn’t going to happen.

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Stop making everything about you!

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Some people are super prickly.