Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (NO REPLIES TO OTHER POSTS)

I got through testifying at my son’s involuntary commitment hearing without losing it too badly. Never thought I would be doing that. When it was time for the opposing attorney (who supported my son’s wish to be discharged from the hospital immediately) to cross-examine me, she said she had no questions but wanted to say that my son is lucky to have my support. I almost cried then! The judge ruled that the hospital can hold my son up to 45 days max, which is what they were asking for. I’m driving over an hour now to drop off the petition for emergency guardianship at the probate court in the county my son lives.

A suggestion to those of you with friends going through tough times - don’t tell them you don’t know how they can be so strong. It doesn’t help.


The family I’m working with through the court system was approved for a housing voucher. Now they can stop couch surfing and maybe get some clothes hung up in a closet, get bikes for the kids, have some sense of safety

Next? A car.


You’re lucky that H is so agreeable. As a RE agent you know that you’re not entitled to anything beyond what our contract requires, yet as the buyer you’re making absurd requests. Our agent should have set you straight. Once we close, do not even think of contacting us.

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I cannot pretend to respect you any longer. I no longer can see any sort of decency in you.

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Mr. Muscle head trainer: I signed up for a free session (well I entered my name and you claimed I won) . I suppose seeing a female name interested you. But when you saw I was an old broad your face said it all. Then you made it very difficult to schedule. But we did. For this morning. You sent me questions about my goals, history, etc which I carefully answered. I arrived early. Said hello when you came in. When I came to your desk precisely at the scheduled time you looked at me quizzically and said “did we have an appointment”? I have a report I have to get out. Go warm up on the treadmill.” After 15 minutes I texted you to forget it. I had some other things my inside voice said but I did not text it. Your report could have waited. You finally texted back that you “mixed up” our appointment time. Baloney.I do not appreciate being blown off.

(Oops this accidentally posted as if it was a response to the post above. It obviously isn’t. Apologies for Misclick.)


County tax office, you did it again. Over the years you’ve made significant errors on each house. At least I’ve learned to not count on phone calls or in-person visits to your office. Now I document everything in writing. If I had made a mistake, you would have charged me back taxes plus interest. When you make a mistake you never ever refund anything even after admitting that you made incorrect assumptions. Your latest screw up would have cost me about $5K - never to be recouped - had I not pushed back in writing last week. Maybe if the clerk I dealt with earlier hadn’t been so focused on asking if H had died or if we were divorced or how I came to be the sole owner, she might have gotten her facts straight on the forms.

Nobody on Facebook wants to buy your used clothing. You’ve been trying to sell a high school graduation robe for 3 years now. Be like Elsa and let it go.


I know it’s hard to be 17, but red Victoria’s Secret lingerie with devil ears and a pitchfork does not make for an appropriate Halloween costume.


I can never envision myself running for office, but I would like to be Queen for a Day. I have some priorities that would get fixed in the first 15 minutes of my reign - some tweaks to Social Security & Medicare to improve their longevity, a law that would fine people who shame those of us who put up our Christmas trees early (not apologizing for the tree being my 2nd favorite part of the season behind time with family and wanting to enjoy it for as long as possible) and some other fixes that might be too much of a hot potato to list on this forum. However, my absolute first fix would be to GET RID of the time change! Already dreading this a week out!


Just watched a great piece on the interracial marriage featured on Time magazine … in 1967. 1967, people. Think about that very carefully.


There was a man sitting buck naked on the wall of a school. It is in a preppy neighborhood on a busy street.

It took police 90 minutes to respond and then they said “Oh, it was just a guy on drugs.” Yeah, a naked guy on drugs near a school with about 400 kids stuck inside for several hours.


Ugh, Covid with bronchitis in May, followed by pneumonia, bronchitis, and now I can hardly walk a block without wheezing uncontrollably. Hope pulmonologist has some answers!

Ladies, I enjoy our group birthday dinners, but your constant complaining to the staff and manager is soo embarrassing. And some of the complaints were ridiculous! You didn’t want the Octapus in your seafood pasta? Take it out! Don’t send it back and then complain that the shrimp had the tail on or that you didn’t get mussels. I really hope they didn’t spit in the food. My veal and my coffee were lukewarm at best but I kept my mouth shut!


Anxiously awaiting the Court’s decision on the admissions policies at Harvard and UNC.


When you are texting to a three person group text where one person hasn’t acknowledged you since the incident you know what you are doing. Either grow a pair or just give up.

My kid dressed up as Ahsoka Tano today and I’m dressed up as Barriss Offee. I don’t care that I’m going to be 50 next year…I’m goin’ into Circle K this afternoon with my kid and we’re both going to carry light sabers while we get our 99 cent sodas.

HAPPY HALLOWEEN! :jack_o_lantern:


And just like that, overnight…Christmas decor, gift lists, holiday music music lists…

GROAN… :frowning:


Could we at least have VOTING SEASON before the HOLIDAY SEASON?!! :roll_eyes:


Every single post does not need a story and every single pitch does not need analysis!

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Dear vacation rental owners,
I do not need three sets of dishes or every kind of bar and wine glass there is when I stay in your two bedroom home. What I DO need is a couple of shelves to store my groceries! I’m only staying a few days this time, but often I stay two weeks or a month, and no space for our own stuff is so unwelcoming!

Also: magic erasers are your friend.