Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (NO REPLIES TO OTHER POSTS)

Oh my gosh, lets just auction the stupid propertyand be done with it all. Walk away. You cannot do anything to fix this, and time only makes the condition worse. it’s not a “hole in the roof” It’s a faulty chimney that tore a hole that leaked into two floors of drywall and through the basement ceiling into the giant piles of boxes. Just can we be done?

Halloween was nice this year. Our subdivision has turned over in recent years and there are a lot of families with young children. We gave out maybe 150 pieces of candy. No issues.

However on Nextdoor, many are venting their anger over stolen Halloween candy and candy bowls left outside their homes. They’re often posting videos…which I guess is questionable. (I’m not sure what the purpose is…an attempt at shaming or holding the kids accountable? I’m not sure.)

The thing that bothers me are the adults who are supporting the poor behavior, thinking it’s funny and harmless. That just doesn’t sit right by me.

I wouldn’t have even posted this except I just saw something similar on our local news station and the newscasters were laughing at the video of someone emptying a bowl of candy from a front porch.


So I tried to vote early today.

I need to vote when the township clerk is there. She works Monday 8:30 - 1 and Tuesday 8:30-11. :roll_eyes:

I called the county clerk, can’t vote anywhere but my local precinct. By law they are supposed to have 8 weekend hours.

I emailed the township clerk, I’ll see if it gets answered.

Btw, I wanted to vote absentee but my husband thinks we need to go in person. I thought early voting was easy. Guess not so easy

i find this really annoying but anyway im i have been trying to get a job as a dish washer and the owner has said many times i can work there but then never gets back to me and yesterday she told me she would talk to her manger about me working there and i would find out today she didn’t come in so i didn’t find out

Been out of the country for 5 weeks. Normally shop Costco 2X week. Get an email saying ‘do you know you can have a replacement Costco Citi Visa card within X days if you have lost yours’. Feeling missed. Feeling loved.

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You’ve already got quite the cough. Telling us, while coughing, that you know you have to give up smoking “someday” for your health will only go so far. I feel for you TBH, but there’s a point where one is already over the waterfall and not much will be able to be done, esp since “someday” is obviously not today. I doubt tomorrow is promising either.

Addictions suck. I think on the Grateful thread I can add that I’m grateful I was never tempted to start, nor were H or my kids.


You should know about the Federal law regarding disclosure of Country of Origin on textiles, it’s only your business. Now I miss fabric - dot - com more than ever. Why does Amazon have to ruin things?


Ordered a Bosch DW this weekend. Was told they had plenty in stock in nearby city and they would call us this week to install it this week.

Learned today that it was just ordered today and that it could take 3 months to arrive bc supposedly shortages of Bosch nationwide?!

Sigh. I will refrain from cursing bc I know this is not horrible in scheme of things but it would have been NICE to have been given accurate info this weekend when we ordered it and expected an installation this week when reality is 3 months!

ETA: I think 3 months is incorrect. Another Lowe’s now told us within a week. I will chill and wait.

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I’d like to add to my early voting quest. Because I’m not done being annoyed :joy:

When I went to my township offices, the clerk wasn’t there. The zoning official was there, he did not know when the clerk worked (but told us her hours were on the door) and didn’t know when we could vote there except when the clerk worked. Maybe, he wasn’t sure about voting at all. Except Tuesday

I called the county clerk and the person who answered the phone said I must vote at our precinct and that by law, the precinct must have 8 hours of early voting open.

But she did not know the hours we could vote. Said that the extended hours were in the newspaper. Which we don’t get.

I looked on the newspaper website for early voting hours and found nothing.

I finally googled early voting hours on and found that my precinct will (should) have voting from 8-4 Saturday.

Is it too much to ask that the county clerk would have a list of when you could early vote in your precinct? Is it too much for early voting hours to be posted outside our precinct, a township hall where the clerk has an office?

I’m a smart informed person. No wonder people don’t vote.


I am so tired of the same refrain!

You do not need a man to prove to your parents that you are a viable person!

Your parents expected a “man” to marry and take care of you. So did you! (We’re living in the 21st century not the 15th century.)

When that didn’t happen, they have been grooming you to become their caretakers and not to be a fully functioning, responsible adult. Quit giving them excuses to condone how immature you are!

Finding puppies (strays or otherwise) to live at your house shows them your immaturity when you want to dump them at a shelter once those puppies become adult dogs.

I’m sorry that you feel the need to chase after a cheating man, who you hope will make you respectable in your parent’s eyes. He cheated on you several times! He’s not going to marry you!
Stop being so reliant on a “dream man” to solve your financial and parental issues!

I’ve tried to help but I am so tired of your going one step forward and two steps back. EVERY. SINGLE. TIME!!!

You have a lot of heartache coming.


Bla, bla, bla, bla, bla

Same old, same old.


Dear Harris Teeter grocery store,
Your upgrades certainly don’t feel like upgrades to me. Can’t specify how much you want except in full pounds, and I had to rebuild my list from scratch, instead of being able to just click through what I’ve ordered the last 6 months. Now I can’t even log in, AND the cart I built for Saturday pickup appears to be gone! ARGHH@@@!!!

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27 week waiting time for replacement aluminum sliding doors? Aluminum shortage? Who knew?

News flash. All of CC is NOT affluent nor lives in high COL areas. This is assumed though because perhaps those are the most vocal or can comment with experience on the threads that it really helps to have a healthy bank account (retirement with little worries, investments, buying homes, etc.)


Harris Teeter’s “new shopping experience” musta been designed by a robot. It is so much less nice than the old one (for shopping online/pickup). Cart arranged by the order I put items in, not by department? Yeesh. Poor beleaguered store employees couldn’t even tell me if I got my senior discount-- and I didn’t want to fuss at them too much, it’s not their fault. CORPORATE, you stink.


In case you forgot, you work for us.

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I’m not confused. You wouldn’t be, either, if you bothered to think critically.


The vibe in the air…just not good. Feels like we are teetering on a rocky edge again…


I just got home from the hospital. Second case of pneumonia (and bronchitis twice) since I tested positive for Covid on Mother’s Day and felt pretty much back to normal five days later. Just because you are lucky to have mild or no symptoms doesn’t mean that Covid is nothing. Just sayin’!


God Forbid my day gets any worse.