Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (NO REPLIES TO OTHER POSTS)

On to the antibodies, my friends! Please do not mess this up. :sunglasses:

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Dear coworker:
I enjoy working w/you and you do a good job. Donā€™t screw it up by deciding to continue working here AND doing part-time consulting on your own on the side. Eventually, your full time employer will find out and then youā€™ll be out of a job. If you go through with this, you are an idiot.


Who would have guessed Iā€™d be thrilled my son is in a state psychiatric hospital? The staff is awesome. We just met with the social worker, in person, for an hour and a half. Sheā€™s bright, enthusiastic, and really thinks they can help our son. And he likes it there! The only disadvantage is that itā€™s two hours from our house.


Iā€™m worried about you. I hope they find a bed for you soon. I know you feel lost and alone. We did all we could, I wish we could have done more. Iā€™m so sorry, and so sad.

Please, stop the destructive behavior. :broken_heart:

Another child my sib taught has lost a parent. How do they deal? The poor kidā€¦life changed in a minute. My heart weeps. D*** DUI.

Not my school district, but word gets around in this county. You took your own life at age 15. I wish Iā€™d had a chance to talk with you, hug you, and let you know whatever problem you were facing that seemed so great would be just a campfire story 10-20 years later. Thereā€™s never a reason to choose to leave this world at 15. Thereā€™s so much life left to live and you can choose among many paths. You just couldnā€™t see it unfortunately.

My heart goes out to your parents/family/friends/teachers.

To anyone reading, hug your kids/friends and be an open listening ear. Donā€™t fight over the small stuff, or even the stuff that seems huge at the moment. It can be tough being a teen. Offer a hand/shoulder/understanding. Humans need to be there for each other.


So, I thought it would be a good idea to get the flu shot in my right arm and the Covid booster in my left so, in case of any topical reactions, Iā€™d know which was which. I just got into bed and realized Iā€™m a side sleeper with no good options tonight. :woman_facepalming:

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So happy that we did not go with the fancy PV shingle roof! Thank goodness for skylights.


Hospital-affiliated urgent care, please stop sending me emails several times a day asking for feedback on my visit. Iā€™m pretty sure you are aware that your urgent cares went downhill when you decided to hire an outside company to run them. I know I told you that the last two times I used them, and you didnā€™t bother responding (or improving them). If I wasnā€™t worried about getting socked with out of network charges, Iā€™d go elsewhere.


It was hard not to laugh when you were trying to teach GD to say ā€œIā€™m sorryā€ when she hurts someone, even unintentionally. Iā€™ve been trying to teach you the same thing for over four decades.


Anyone feeling nervous about this upcoming election or just me?


Nā€™kay? I cringe every time I hear him say that.

I had to literally LOL reading this tweet:

hearing that Elon Musk just reduced Twitterā€™s staff to a single employee living in an underground station who has to push a button every 108 minutes to prevent the entire site from exploding

No one else here could appreciate it.


Iā€™m glad you thanked me. That was a really big deal. I hope youā€™ll do the same for me one day.


EV makersā€¦ will anyone please make a real truck with a bed big enough to haul 2 cubic yards of fine bark?! I will buy one tomorrow. I donā€™t need 4 doors and 5 seats! Ugh.


Band in Seattleā€¦ the worst show on local TV ever.

What a fantastic editorial. Thank you, CBS Sunday Morning.


Lordy, lord, lord! She finally has an interview!!!

I have been praying for this for two years!! Now two companies have asked her for interviews!

The first interview, I get that it was ā€œmehā€. This next interview, on Monday, is complete change to research position. Please get this job! Please have faith in yourself!


Why yes, we know you have multiple Porsches and you have a wonderful house and you did well in the stock market (I notice you didnā€™t mention this year), etc.
But you donā€™t need to keep telling people about all your ā€œstuffā€


It just dawned on me that this Thanksgiving, it will be only my husband and myself. Iā€™ve never had a Thanksgiving that small. I donā€™t want to sit around the house all day, so weā€™re trying to think of somewhere we can go.