Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (NO REPLIES TO OTHER POSTS)

You brought home seven boxes of chocolates. You’re on two diabetes meds. You’re developing symptoms that aren’t reversible. I just had a long chat with you about my need to be more diligent about food and you said you’d be supportive. Do you really think this was a good choice?!

I realize I’m responsible for what I put in my mouth, but SEVEN BOXES is not good for either of us!

After watching our power consumption and generation for a couple of weeks, I decided to let my cats enjoy their space heater during the day instead of sending the excess electricity back into the grid - for as long as the power co is dragging its feet to turn on the net metering feature. Not very green on my part, but I too like to be warm. :rofl: But with net metering, the cats will have to grow some extra fur! :laughing:


What a jerk

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These 4sigma events in the market are exhausting. Just when you think you are inching back at performance, you get trading days that completely set your performance back. I want to just throw in the towel for 2022.

Why are you referring to people things in dog terms?

Sooo……. The “trainer” who promised a free session and then blew me off has a peculiar idea of “exercise”. Walking on a treadmill on his phone. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: I was running on a nearby treadmill. . And…as an aside, somebody has too much time on their hands. Find a new hobby.

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Just watching, and watching. Proof again that when one is inside of crazy one doesn’t know it’s crazy. Carry on…it’s entertaining as heck.

Being here with my SIL, I am reminded how very different we are. I know that she’s trying to draw me into a “discussion” of those differences, but I am not biting.


Should have listened to my intuition and not taken this on…

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When I got to my mom’s house she had the heater on but all the windows open. Turns out the fire alarms went off because she left something on the stove while she went out to rake leaves. sigh

I did a bad, bad thing… my husband does not think so. My friends sent their congrats. I still feel horrible. :frowning:

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First you say spouse can’t have a “new house” party before January because the time around the holidays is for family time. Now you say you’re not going to Thanksgiving with family, because you want to relax at home (for 4 days in a row). Forgive me for being confused…

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Is it just me or is the “coastal grandmother” look THE classiest classy look ever and forever and has always been with us? Love how someone thinks they’ve discovered something. :rofl:


Seven days in and I’m still not getting much better. D now says she isn’t feeling well…this does not bode well for Thanksgiving dinner.

Congratulations on getting that Research position offer! We are both very proud of you.

Okay, reality time DD:
I don’t know much about that area of research, but I think the offer should have been double what they are offering. What I call a “teacher’s salary” is not what I was banking upon. You need to pay your bills.
Plus, the other position, that you didn’t want, pays you what you’re worth, has great hours and benefits.
Sorry, I’m just being a Mom.


Stop trying to sell your stuff on FB marketplace. Nobody’s going to buy your used sheets for $45.


My 7 year old PC was crashing this week but Thursday night I fixed it and it’s working better than it has in ages. We bought a new one Friday anyway to be safe. It’s dumb but I feel bad now for replacing a working computer. Like not BAD like we can’t afford it, but like I’m going to offend the old one when I unplug it :rofl:


Had to go see granddaughter to make sure she is ok with a respiratory infection. She looks like she is doing much better. I just hope I don’t get it right before Thanksgiving.


Have I mentioned before that you are a jerk?

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That’s Kraken hockey, baby! 7 wins in 9 games, 2nd OT win in a row. :grinning: