Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (NO REPLIES TO OTHER POSTS)

If I had unlimited funds, I’d tear it down and start over with a different builder. We’ve spent months correcting things you screwed up, but not everything can be corrected without a total rebuild. Seriously considering litigation.


I don’t see this anywhere else here on CC, I just became aware this morning… my thoughts are with UVA students, staff and families. We need to not only ask “why” but thing about “how”. :broken_heart:

Edited to say, there is a thread in the Parents Forum.


University of Idaho has a tragedy as well. So sad.


Just calmed down Amazon son; presumably (crossed fingers) his team is not involved in the major areas under discussion for cuts. 10,000 employees including 3% of corporate.

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I’m done with home projects!


While certainly well intentioned, when a very specific request is posted in a local facebook group, its really not helpful to suggest multiple other options “have you thought about…?” YES I have thought about. I have also already done all the other things people suggested. All I want is X. Not Y or Z. Its really not that hard.


Friend of a friend got breast cancer a year before I did. I’m at the 3 year mark post-double mastectomy. She found out last week that cancer has shown up in her ribs, which means it’s leukemia, which means it’s terminal. She has a child. She’s chosen to not pursue further treatment. This will be her last Thanksgiving and her last Christmas.

I’ve never met this woman in person before and here I am crying like a baby over this. Life is so unfair sometimes.

Dear God - I really want to live. Please keep the cancer at bay. I don’t want it to come back. I want to grow old and see my kids graduate from high school, from college. I want to see them launch and soar. Please help my friend’s friend during her remaining days. Bring her a lot of love and protect her child.


Is he trying to destroy the world just to have some twisted legacy? There may not be anyone around to remember him if he keeps escalating.

I am pretty sure if you are on a call from your car with earbuds, and arrive home, you can pick up your cell phone and walk into the house. :smirk: So why is it we have been home from dinner for now 15 minutes, and you are still sitting in the car, in the garage, on the phone to my mother?

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If only one could get answers to valid questions.

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I just voted in the annual goodreads poll. I cannot believe what a wide range of books I read this year. I had read something in almost every category. I guess that is what happens when you belong to 9 book groups and they read various genres of books.


Made it over here before sundown. Unpacked and relaxed. Fixed a cocktail, reheated half of the extra pizza from the Ooni oven the other night & had it with a glass of wine.
Now I can spend the next few days reading a stack of books + the ones one the iPad, sleeping as I wish, and fixing food whenever.

Maybe the elk will even show up.

Peace on the HC.


Why yes, you really can share too much.


Whew, son and his department made it safely through the layoffs yesterday and are in the clear for now.


I would not be clicking that link. Pretty sure those who do will be used and abused, with no recourse (“You agreed”).


Ahhh, Karma…we all know what they say about it…

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That poor little two year old boy. My heart just breaks thinking about his final days.


Oh man. My sister is coming to visit, which I love, but now my niece wants the three of us and my mom to go to the spa. Which means that I pay. For everyone. My mom has a hard time pulling out her wallet, niece and sis can’t afford to, so it will end up going to me, and with inflation and tips for four people, it will be expensive. I don’t even want to do it. The family routines we get into, the difficulty I have saying no, grr!


Hey kid, I know you are at your wits end with everything you got going on, but for the love of God can you just finish the scholarship apps without me hounding you. I said it over the Summer I was not looking forward to going through this again with Child #2. I hate having to hunt for merit$


Some people are much more territorial than others…