Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (NO REPLIES TO OTHER POSTS)

Miss you. Cancer sucks.

i am an orphan now. :pensive:

If only
if only every single person alive would not respond, not listen, not engage. Ignore. Move on. Don’t look back, you’re not going that way.


Dear Nosy Neighbor,

You are a coward. Hiding in your huge house w/its white leather furniture and white floors and hiding behind your dumb HOA complaints about my plants (which DO conform to the CC&Rs, unlike yours).

Either Amazon, UPS, Fedex, or USPS delivered a package of yours to our door by mistake. Since I am not a butt hole, I went to deliver it to your house. I know that you were home. All of your lights were on. Your husband was upstairs in his man cave watching a sports game on his gigantic big screen TV
the whole neighborhood could watch it from the street because he always has the blinds open. You had your backyard string lights on, which you only have on when you’re home.

I rang your doorbell. You have a Ring doorbell. With a speaker and camera. I looked for a safe place to leave the package, left the box, and spoke into the camera to tell you that it had been delivered to our house by mistake and I was leaving it right there at your door for you.

You never came to the door.
You never even spoke back into the Ring doorbell.
You are weird.

Earlier this past week, the neighbors on the other side of you were visited 2 days in a row by the local police. I have no idea why and it’s none of my business. On day #2 of their visit, there were 2 police cars instead of 1. You texted Normal Neighbor’s husband across the street while this was happening and demanded to know why there were police parked out front. Normal Neighbor’s DH said he had no idea, why not ask them yourself? (that neighbor is awesome, by the way)

You texted back and said, “But 1 of them is parked in front of my house! What if people think they’re at my house?”

Normal Neighbor’s DH texted back, “So go over there and ask the police to move the patrol car.” :rofl:

Trust me
nobody’s going to think anything if the police were actually there to visit you. You’re not that important. And you do not own the street in front of your house. Anybody can park there at any time. Especially the police. And there was literally nobody around, so it’s not like if an entire army of people came over right then to visit you, there would be nowhere to park.

But you’re not the sharpest tool in the shed. I mean, you thought that everybody celebrates Christmas, for pete’s sake.


If you really meant it when you said; “I don’t mean to brag”, you simply would not have bragged.


My cousin’s wife was recently diagnosed with stomach cancer and has been undergoing chemo in preparation for surgery.

Today, their son, who was hospitalized this week with serious cellulitis, died of a heart attack. 36 years old, same age as my son.

I just
 can’t fathom this.


you know what sucks? when nobody believes you even if you’re saying the truth.


If I could find a primary care doctor who would be half as thorough and caring as my cats’ veterinary team, I would be extremely happy. RIP Dr. J, you are missed.


If you’re going to be so incredibly picky, maybe you could take a look at your own messages and make sure you’re using the correct month (November vs December) and check whatever the heck autocorrect is doing to your posts


Maybe not safe after all - two months to improve. You can do it - just don’t panic.


Sorry, tv commercial. I find it hard to believe that a real cardiologist would pronounce it “fribrulation.” It bugs me every time I hear it!


Saw a perfect lawn scene today. A big inflatable turkey, standing tall. Next to it an inflatable Santa, lying on its side. And a sign, saying “Hey, wait your turn!”


Oh no, no, no, no!
I wont be able to get a plumber tomorrow!
I’m hosting Thanksgiving for 20 people because no one else stepped up! I have a small house and now I have a sunken area under my sink!

Guess we may be barbecuing or Chinese take-out!

You keep saying your family was poor - right along in the same stories with talking about the large amount of land they had, rental houses they had, meat they had that you sold or bartered to others during the depression and war, and showing the picture of the large house you had.

I think you have little understanding of who the poor population really was.


We’ve had 5 dogs in our 40 years of marriage, and never had to decide to put one down until now. We feared making that decision, but our very old, very sweet dog pretty much made that decision for us—once he started to suffer, the decision got a whole lot easier.

As sad as we now feel, at least we know he’s not in pain any more, and is playing with our other 4 dogs, waiting for us.

All dogs go to heaven.


Even though this is the right thing to do, it’s not easy. It’s a great opportunity, but I’m still sad at what I’m leaving behind.


Just wish the holidays were over (for good). My dad started chemo yesterday, our son is deployed, and I’m just going through the motions.


Thinking of the families of the victims of the several recent mass shootings, and of all victims of violence. Thanksgiving will be especially tough for them. :cry:


Nothing like finding out you’ll be hosting Thanksgiving @6 the night before. Relative’s oven broke, so they’re bringing most of the food to our place.

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