Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (NO REPLIES TO OTHER POSTS)

My husband collected his mom to drive her to our place for Thanksgiving. On the way here this evening, she talked about how she doesn’t understand why it’s a big deal for people to have asked what color Prince Harry and Meghan’s baby was going to be.

He tried explaining why it’s a bigoted thing to ask about.

She still doesn’t get it. :roll_eyes: It’s going to be a long 48 hr. Pray for me.


Random thoughts even though the day is def a day of gratitude:

Sister in law, you can’t announce the morning of that dinner might be ready early so we should come earlier - one of our party is driving 2+ hours to get here and then we have another hour to your house……it’s no fun to change the game plan last minute!!!

H, I’m not mad about it (not today anyway) but it will never cease to amaze me how you really take no responsibility for ANY holiday. Holiday by abasket, always. You often can’t even remember the time I told you we have to leave or people are coming. It’s a piece of you that blows my mind that you don’t consider being a helping hand - at least offer (yes, I could give him a task but it’s more trouble than it’s worth….)


Ugh, do you know why you have that beautiful table you posted on FB with today’s brag? Because it’s too big for our dining room. Do you know why we don’t have a bigger dining room? Because unlike you, we have always lived within our means. We never needed our parents to help pay our mortgage (for 10 years). Just sayin’.


Happy Thanksgiving everyone! :turkey:


Paraphrasing the joke I saw on LinkedIn.

Corporate: Performance reviews are coming! Each department’s performance will be measured by the amount of savings produced. Legal, what did you save us this year?

Legal: The company.


This was our first family gathering since my niece’s 16 year old daughter (who uses they/them pronouns) was around family since they go by a new chosen name. My niece sent the nicest text to me on my way home thanking our family for embracing their new name and making them feel comfortable when they had been very anxious about today. This is what Thanksgiving is all about.


So, I had too much water, with the new leak under my kitchen sink, and our daughter experienced a neighborhood water main break early this morning-she and her husband are now spending the night here. Her neighbors don’t have water either.

Cousin, out in the eastern part of the county, has not had power since early this morning, with the strong winds, and a tree falling on local power lines, no hot Thanksgiving dinner!

What a mess!

It’s a FREAKY Thanksgiving today in our part of the county!

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You can be happy or you can be right. You’re on borrowed time and aren’t going to live forever. If you want to go visit your cousin 1 last time, this is your chance while you are still semi-well enough to travel. Oh…you want your cousin to pay for a plane ticket to come here? That’s never going to happen and you know it. She’d come if you’d be willing to pay for her plane ticket. You can afford it. But because you bought her ONE $200 plane ticket 15 years ago, you’ve decided that you don’t want to see her again unless it’s on your terms.

You are being totally ridiculous. You will be on your death bed and will think, “I really wish I had gone to see my cousin 1 last time like I’d talked about for the last 10 years.”

It’s too bad. Opportunity is passing you by. But it’s your life and if you want to be a fool about it, you totally have the right to do that.

But you’d be better off if you did like Elsa and just let it go.


What a pleasant surprise. My daughter got up early and waited on line to bring me some nice Thanksgiving baked goods (and kept it from me).


I usually watch the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade on NBC, but yesterday I accidentally recorded CBS’s coverage instead. Oh, my gosh, what a waste of time. It was really just one long commercial for musicals, movies, celebrities, etc. Really poor. :frowning:

On the positive side, my husband and I had a wonderful day at my personal trainer’s off-the-grid house about an hour north of us. A beautiful setting on a pond in the woods. All the food was cooked over an open fire. We bundled up and stayed outdoors all day. It was in the 30s but it was sunny with no wind. Other than my trainer and his wife, we didn’t know any of the other 11 people. It’s cool how total strangers can have such a nice time together! One husband and wife are both engineers, and he grew up in Texas, so we had fun talking. It really was one of the nicest Thanksgivings I’ve ever had. :slight_smile:


Your failure to communicate is not my rudeness.


There was a leak on my ceiling. The upstairs owner insists it’s not their fault. The management agent said it’s not the buildings piping. I guess the only explanation is I must have cause water to leak upwards.
Sigh - Not looking forward to have to go to court to file a claim.
No One even apologized to me to have caused damage to my newly painted ceiling.

Unlike you, I do not offer unasked for and unwelcome advice. But I also don’t like helping you when you do ask. Why? Because you ask me for help then you interrupt me when I try and show you what to do and argue with me because you can’t shut up long enough to listen . Then it ends up a big argument.

It must be exhausting having to know better than everyone all the time. Even when you have no clue and have asked for help because you don’t know how to do something you still somehow know better.


Looks like most people spent Thanksgiving this year with family and friends. My Facebook is filled with lots of pictures of big family gatherings. This make me happy - nice to see the holidays back to normal!


At some point I knew my investment in my kid’s education would pay off. D2 just wrote a very professional email to my pain in the butt upstairs neighbor about the water damage. She also asked me if I wanted her to make a call to them as my legal representative.
I did ask her if she knew how to file for a small claim. She said she wasn’t sure if I could afford her.


I think we may have had too much family time and I am tired of being the police! You know our GD had severe food allergies, yet you continue to eat foods by her space or on the sofa, knowing it it dangerous and upsets her parents; one would think you were the toddler that needs to have his way. :face_with_raised_eyebrow: I could say more, but then I would just be a b**ch, so I will stay quiet.


Good grief. I had no idea I had family members involved. No other explanation is possible. Then again…a sane person knows when to leave a discussion…or the room.

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If you buy a company, why is it you immediately turn around and kill the very thing that attracted customers to the company in the first place? As a customer, if I have a technical issue, I want to deal directly with the professional handling the work. The business model of having a customer service rep, who does not have the underlying knowledge, be the sole interface just doesn’t work for me in the realm of technical matters with high liability.


You have a mean streak.