Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (NO REPLIES TO OTHER POSTS)

When I just want to look at a restaurant’s menu online, and I click “Menu” – it really chaps my bum when I then have to pick a location, and then start an order. I doo not want to start an order – I just want to look at the menu. Please make your menu easily available on your website, restaurants. Usually we just want to look at it.

Let’s say I do go ahead and “Start An Order” – many sites then ask you to Sign In, Sign Up, or Continue as Guest… and enter a bunch of personal information. That’s more wasted time.


came in to the restaurant today and got told they would have to turn off the water because we had a really bad leak and the ceiling tiles were broken all over the floor because of the water damage and sense they turned off the water i couldn’t do my job (Im a dish washer there)

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Your lack of appreciation is astounding.


i just wish we could have one family event when no one starts a fight, like come on people its Thanksgiving. or you don’t need to fight with your mother or brother and walk out when i need you, when grandma needs you, we lost someone and your starting fights? grow up.


Does anyone have a conversation with your child, think that they said one thing. But later when you try to confirm those plans, it seems like the kid and you spoke completely different languages?

And you aren’t sure what to do? Can’t figure out if the plans are ok, or not?


I am really sick of all the emails for Cyber Monday. My phone (and Fitbit on my wrist) keeps pinging.

Tomorrow is Beg-a-thon Tuesday, so it won’t stop.


Dear Total Wine On-line sales person,
Why did you tell me you could honor the 24.99 sale price per bottle, plus 15% off, for the wine that’s now $34.99 per bottle, when it comes back in stock, just to have me call back and be told there are no notes on my account to indicate this.

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Now you say you made bad decisions and you squandered your money. You were told several times you were running out of money, to cut out some things, but you didn’t pay attention. You only cared about yourself, now that you won’t have the money to live how you like, now you suddenly care.

You spent twice what you needed to the past several years. Well, you will have to say goodbye Ritz and hello Motel 6. I feel a little bad, but I will not be sympathetic to your complaints (I plan on not answering the phone when you call to complain).


I’ve been cured of feeling sad. Hope you find a warm body to take my place soon.

What a horrible crime. My heart goes out to the whole community.

Double homicide stuns small-town Covington | News |

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I know the Giving Tuesday emails/posts get annoying. I have received more than 30 myself today.

But want to put in a word for the “little guy”. Small non-profits often really do their work on a shoestring. Every $ really does make a difference. If you spend the last week buying multiple gifts for family/friends, see if you can spare literally $5 and pick one - just ONE - small non-profit to give to today. Your gift will make you feel less annoyed deleting all those asking emails and truly makes the non-profit service a little more doable.


why did you have to leave? i looked up to you, i loved you like an older brother i still do, please come back around. :cry:

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Trying to be patient and compassionate but sometimes it’s hard.

The message I shared (but in more subtle manner)

Mom, you have another adult child besides me who has no responsibilities (and no spouse or children, or pets) other than WFH (a few hours a day) and going to the gym daily which he could do at your house and visit you.

I have my hands full and bc you choose to socialize nonstop (when I continue to tell you to pace yourself, and especially during flu season) I can’t just ignore my teen (and my own doc appts) and drop everything to come give you a Covid test to see if you have it.

Call your son. He can step up.


If you didn’t want me to call, why did you request additional info?

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I ordered something that was supposedly delivered by FedEx to my garage. The picture verifying delivery shows nothing … just a light tan glow. I can’t file a claim, because FedEx says the company I ordered from has to do it, while the company clearly states that its responsibility ends when it hands off the package to the shipper. Not that they are responsible, since theoretically it was delivered. My H was working in the yard when it was supposedly delivered, and he never saw a FedEx truck at our house. I tried to send a FB message to FedEx, but it doesn’t actually work. So guess I am out $30. I’m not happy.

Update: After a couple of you reached out to me & encouraged me to reach out to the company I ordered from, I was able to reach a very helpful customer service person. Shoutout to Hallmark for quickly handling my issue. They are sending a replacement right away. Now I am feeling a bit more in the holiday spirit!


I don’t care how trendy it is, I am not painting my walls pink.

I don’t care what exotic name the paint company gave it, I am not painting my walls pink.


I’m going to keep trying, for another year at least. But then, after that, if nothing has changed, I will conclude that you are just a – oh, I can’t say it here, but it rhymes with rich.


Recently heard of a woman diagnosed with early onset Alzheimer’s. Another negative effect from the pandemic. Since she was staying mostly at home and lives alone, nobody noticed her cognitive decline. I feel like we will be seeing a lot more of this in the coming months. It was not just skipping your physical or missing your mamo that is causing delayed treatments.

RIP Chrisine McVie (Fleetwood Mac).


Dog poop bags that are bio degradable are a good thing. Rain given our drought conditions a good thing.

Bio degradable poop bags on a rainy day apparently a very bad thing!!