Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (NO REPLIES TO OTHER POSTS)

How is it possible that I now have a kid old enough to take the SAT? Where did the time go?


Why would anybody want to work at Facebook/Meta these days? It’s kind of a dumpster fire of a company.


We bought husband a new pair of AirPods on November 9. They are lost today December 1.

Find my phone says they were at his mothers yesterday. :crossed_fingers:they are still there. She couldn’t find them.

These are the 2nd pair of AirPods that have been lost since July. He really wanted a new pair because he can’t hear with the regular wired headphones on an airplane.

At least when he loses the wired headphones, I can order new ones from Amazon

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Thanks, doc2. I scheduled that appointment months in advance and made sure it worked with everyone else’s plans. Canceling on me with short notice and not being available for another month, and then only on a babysitting day, would ordinarily make me want to find another doctor. Unfortunately, I don’t have good options here.

Doc1, maybe you and your wife/business partner are too busy doing pop-up botox events for you to take care of your patients. I shouldn’t have needed to find doc2.


How I wish you wouldn’t “send a balloon” to your departed loved one. It’s bad for the environment and potentially animals. I see so many on the water.

But I don’t have the heart to tell you this. Sending the balloon skyward brings you some peace.


First for me. I was shopping in a local grocery store and another customer had a question. She stopped me and started with “Do you speak English?” I wonder what language I look like I speak?


I thought bad things came in threes. So last Monday: (1) son parted ways after over 5 years with employer, (2) I was diagnosed with pneumonia, and (3) took out car rear lower door panel leaving medical parking garage after chest X-ray. That was three. That was enough.

Why oh why last night did I have to lose a bonding over a filling. Now waiting until Monday to see where on the spectrum of redoing bonding up to losing tooth I fall - having been at every stage on one tooth or another. My bet is replacing filling and bonding.

Honey, we chose to downsize. Do you not yet understand what that means? I’m trying to be patient and keep a pleasant tone because I don’t want to sound like Scrooge, but we cannot have more Christmas trees here. You agreed that one was enough, but you’re upset that this smaller single tree cannot hold ornaments that used to cover three large trees. Get over it! Yes, we will have to donate most of our decorations. The kids don’t want them and we’re not holding onto them until our grandkids are grown - if we live that long.


She found THE dress! And it’s beautiful. I’m going to need a waterproof face for the wedding.


My friend retired from an agency that works directly with resettlement of people impacted by war and famine. He has chosen to return to work on an important assignment. I am very proud of him. He has devoted his life to making the world a better place.


Dear husband of friend who we are co-hosting with: did anyone tell you you are a serious pain in the neck? You are new to the group and I have to keep telling you your suggestions were recently done. You keep rejecting my suggestions/ideas and you obviously didn’t read my responses to your texts telling you our availability to shop together. And when I ask if we can go to one of the 2 stores closest to us because we are in a tight schedule, you want to go to a 3rd store that would add a half hour to the travel time because you want to go visit friends there? I will bet my socks you will do nothing the day of the event to prepare for hosting 20 people (at my home) because you are “too busy”. I wish they’d invited a different couple to the group or paired us with someone else. I lost an hour of my life I will not get back texting with you this morning!

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Library, I use you all the time for physical, e-, and audio books. When I saw that Overdrive was going to go away in 2023, I managed to switch reading to Libby. I can’t, however, make the Libby search and refine work. I choose new books, try to pull up a category, and it brings up nothing. I’ve deleted all preferences and it still doesn’t work. I just want to know what brand-new mysteries, cookbooks, and some other categories were added. In English too, if it’s not too much trouble.

Now I have to figure out how to get the 2,000 books I borrowed from Overdrive onto the Libby list of borrowed books

When help doesn’t help :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:


The AirPods were found! Under a chair at his mothers that he swears he never sat on! :thinking::roll_eyes:


I’m gonna be honest, I think it’s time for me to start consistently masking in stores again. Holidays are coming, more people per square foot in the stores. LOTS of sickness going around, Covid and otherwise. Why take that chance?

Also because of the above, REALLY not feeling the desire to go to a work party this week at a smallish restaurant with bunches of people
thinking of a plan to get me out of it


We just drove down Main Street. The Christmas parade was a few hours earlier. I was amazed at the amount of trash everywhere on the sidewalks, mostly coffee & drink cups and food bags. There are trash cans at the end of every short block on both sides of the street. Come on people. What’s wrong with you?! Someone has to pick it up.


New glasses, where are you hiding? I haven’t even had you for a week. I was using them Thursday morning and didn’t leave the house all day.
Is their an invention to locate glasses?


Dear Starbucks,
I shouldn’t have to download your app or join your special program just to send a future dated gift card.


Why are there suddenly so many AIDS treatment ads everywhere? Has there been a large increase in the AIDS virus in our population?

i am so jealous of you and her even though you tell me i don’t need to be but i also know you liked her at one point

It was bad enough that our son is in Qatar for the next few months and my dad started chemo last month, but now my mother is living with us for the next six weeks while she recovers from surgery for a broken patella after slipping off a curb last week. Just stop already.

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