Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (NO REPLIES TO OTHER POSTS)

:heart: :heart: :heart:


I am finally learning to just shut my mouth & not ask or say the things that run through my mind when talking to my S. He’s 30, and I can’t imagine my mom involving herself in my business at that age. But it’s not easy. Parenting never stops, but we have to learn to stop parenting sometimes.


A friend who is a teacher posted that one of her former students (she’s in a K-8 school) matched at Stanford for a Questbridge scholarship. Yeah!


Rest in Peace Bob.

You were the quiet one, not the one poised to be the favorite person/muppet on “the street” but the steady one, the calm one. I remember my oldest loving you because of your smile and calm.

You truly dedicated yourself to kids and all things Sesame Street for 50+ years. You were the one ALWAYS at the Thanksgiving parade on TV on that float.

Music and kids was your life. I shouldn’t have been surprised today to learn that it was your voice on the pilot episode opening song for SS. It gives me both sadness and joy and thanks to listen to this today.

(I have a special obsession with SS that I passed on to my kids!)


Wish I could reply to some of these. My BIL just died before TG so Christmas (this year of all years when kids aren’t here to help keep us uplifted with youthful enthusiasm) is H, me and my newly widowed sister. Gotta think of something to keep up the spirits for us. I need focus. Last year my dad died about the same time but this is worse in so many ways. So much work and uncertainty is daunting.


I am disappointed with you FIL because two of your daughters are fighting and you can’t step in and help resolve the situation. Is this how you want to live the last part of your life?

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Random thoughts for today:

  • To whoever needs to hear it, you are more than a test score.
  • To whoever needs to hear it, you are more than where you do or do not get into college.
  • Attention neurotic parents: chill out. It’s all going to be ok in the end. Your kid is not going to end up a failure if they don’t get into Yale or Harvard or Stanford or Georgetown or wherever.
  • I wish that the cat would learn how to cover the poo. She has bad manners and I do not appreciate it.
  • MIL finally is using a cane. Reduced fall risk now. Thank goodness.
  • Kid taught other cat how to press a button to signal his desire for treats. Now he presses the treat button all the time. This took months of training. Am both impressed and annoyed at the same time.
  • Wish husband would shut up about kid studying computer science. Listen, buddy, just be quiet and let the kids find their own path.
  • Dear MIL: I didn’t set out my fancy dishes at Thanksgiving to make you feel special. I used those dishes because I like them and because they’re a family heirloom on my side. The dishes are not about you. But everything is about you. Always has been. Always will be. Even your grandchildren know this. It’s annoying. We still love you a lot. But sometimes it really gets on our nerves.

I don’t think it’s appropriate for him to joke like that. It’s legal, of course. But that doesn’t mean it’s appropriate. Act your position, sir.


The phone will hopefully stop ringing after tomorrow. Whew


I can’t believe you didnt tell any of us that you were sick, and now you are gone, and I am so sad.

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Visited my college alma mater today and walked around the quad. Was I ever that young?


RIP Kirstie Alley. 71. Cancer.

I’m feeling numb when it comes to my son. He’s been hospitalized almost five months total in 2022. What can I do? :cry:

I have to get it off my chest…

" What is the average clothing size of a Woman 2022?

size 16

According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, the average woman wears a size 16 (typically translated to an XL); this has historically represented the end, or the beginning of the end, of many apparel size runs, when, logically, it should be the very middle.Mar 10, 2022"

" The average size of an American woman has historically been reported as a size 14 ."

Health and mental wellness is not only measured by a number on a scale or a dress size.


But what is it with clothing designs for women these days. They seem to fall into one of two categories - unless you live in ‘athleisure wear’.

  1. I hope I get the part of an extra in the Rocky Horror Picture Show
  2. Omar the tent maker had patterns left over so we’ve made some clothing for women out of those…

Seriously. If you are over the age of 25 everything is baggy, saggy and floppy. If your under 25 (or think you should dress as such), it’s cropped, cold shouldered, ripped and possible something known as ‘body conscious’.


Please pick up your poop irresponsible dog (I hope) owner. Even the dog shot me a dirty look for having tracked that through the house.


No wonder clothing is on deep discount.

Ordered 2 pair of madewell jeans. Both I couldn’t zip up. Both in sizes that I have in my closet and wear.

Madewell, you didn’t used to be this way. Sizes were true.

And Talbots, I have no idea what you are doing this year. Trying to find something for my mother in law that doesn’t pull or has skinny arms or too long. Terrible fabric, terrible fit.


Hmmm. When the shoe is on the other foot, it suddenly doesn’t fit? It’s exactly what is being considered at the highest level … just flipped from the typical narrative.

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I hope she will be OK. Sad for any family.


Now those memories come back to haunt me
They haunt me like a curse
Is a dream a lie if it don’t come true
Or is it something worse

Springsteen sums it up for me, like always. Sunday I cleared out the reminders. Today I will walk away but with my head up.