Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (NO REPLIES TO OTHER POSTS)

Just overnighted the copy of S’s birth certificate that I had in my files to his new employer. He didn’t realize that his passport had expired, and that’s what he took with him for his onboarding in another state. He felt bad that he hadn’t realized it expired last spring. I am proud of myself for not mentioning that I told him it was expiring before it actually did. Is there an emoji for biting my tongue … or maybe I should just accept the fact that my kids don’t listen to me!


Ugh! I love ordering from your store and usually find great deals. But this latest order has me rethinking. I ordered 8 items, 3 of which are multiples of the same and you ship it to me in 7 packages? WTH! Shouldn’t you be giving some more thought to your impact on the environment? Oh and while I’m ranting, why do you need to pack an item that is 2”x1” in a box that measures 10”x10”? So much waste — maybe it’s time to stop ordering from your online store.


Not sure which is worse- that some people think they need to constantly regurgitate the news on their facebook pages, or that many people probably get their news from facebook.


Speaking of news… in solidarity and support of a family member… consider supporting today - editing to say the “walkout” is TODAY Thursday, December 8.


Great news🙏


So you tell the media to leave you alone … in an overhyped broadcast focusing on your private family moments. Nope, I’m not playing into your plea for attention (and money). Well, I guess it’s hard not to pay attention when it’s constantly in my face. But you planned that. So back to the leave me alone thing. I’m rolling my eyes.


Your experience is not their truth


This really, really has to be the last year of sending holiday cards. It’s exhausting. Have great sympathy for people who have to autograph photos, books, etc.

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Amazing - I called a customer service number (that’s usually VERY difficult to get through to) the moment they opened, and had less than a 1 minute wait.


LA Rams … where good quarterbacks on bad teams go to prove that they are actually good.


Glad I am good health and not easily discouraged. Otherwise the “help” Medicare chats, customer support and telephone help would be causing me to stroke out from RAGE. Your website is broken, Medicare!!! I might as well shout it here or to the wind, because they are not listening. Got hung up on 4 times (after average 15 minute hold) yesterday. I’ll try again today because now I am MAD.

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Why even have a dedicated bragging thread if…


My package managed to get to the town next to mine on Monday. But then on Tuesday, it was scanned for departure, en route to the next state south. No update since. I wonder when or if I will actually get it.


It is a freaking midnight here… why on earth does your tracking say “out for delivery”? Who the bleep is outta there delivering at this hour? FedEx… you used to be great. WTH has happened?!

/ *be.


Unbelievable. I find it difficult to understand how someone can be so spiteful toward someone they don’t know in person and more importantly whose actions has little to no effect on your life. It’s one thing to think the thought, but a whole nother level to feel the need/desire to post it.

I pity people who cannot control their negativity toward others. It is a poor reflection of your character.


RIP, “Meechie” Walker. :cry: Thank you to UMich football for giving him happiness during his very difficult illness. There are good people in the world, and good stories.


No! I said No! Why can’t you listen to me. I love dogs but I do not want to take care of someone else’s dog for two weeks. Aaagh, but you said yes. You better take care of him as I have my hands full with our two.


I wrote and deleted paragraphs several times. I just need to detach. It’s depressing to think of living this way but there don’t seem to be any good options. I’ll put on a happy face when we babysit and when S is here.

Update to wine co-host: when you text me and I tell you I can’t talk right now (was in the middle of preparing tonight’s appetizers of latkes for our festive theme!) and I say “let’s talk tonight” please don’t text me 4 more times.


Go Army!