Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (NO REPLIES TO OTHER POSTS)

PITA experience today - my iPhone froze and I didn’t have any luck trying to hard reset. Delightful experience - now that I live less than 10 minutes from Apple Store, I made quick trip over for help, got help in less than 3 minutes and problem is resolved.
There is something nice about an ordinary January day where weather is above average and not everyone is out shopping for Christmas, so errands are manageable.


I hope all goes well and you PASS the days long test for your new position.
(I am not calling the person taking the test until the time is up, and probably a few days after that - but I can’t stand the wait).


That rueful realization when you spend $15k to update a single bathroom and realize it instantly makes the entire rest of your 23-year-old, never-updated house look (more) shabby.

My kid walked in there and said, “Wow. This does not belong in this house.”

So do I now bite the bullet and spend a fortune more? I guess I have to, don’t I? That is not going to go over well.


Thanks, DH, for opening the bottle of wine using two kinds of pliers, so I can watch the reality show that I discuss with the kids. But what are you doing with a hammer and screwdriver to the chocolate and how is our kitchen counter going to survive it?? #toomanytools

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I’m so tired of disrupters…or is it disruptors? (Regardless, Glass Onion hit it out of the park.)


The system is broken. :frowning:


That scared me, but I didn’t want to let on as I know showing my stress isn’t helpful to you. I hope the new meds get the seizures under control. I don’t want to lose you.

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Verizon, YOU SUCK! You tell me my phone plan will be $25 per phone, because once I sign up for auto-pay I will get $40 off per bill, but then I look online and it says each phone is $40. Well, 40-10 per phone is $30, not $25. Now I’ve called and you say you applied the other $5 per phone, but I suspect I will have to call again.
Not to mention my husband has tried canceling FIOS for the last month, dealing with people and/or texting for multiple hours 4 different times, and you always claim you have an error and will need to call him back. Yet IT IS STILL NOT DONE.

Do you always need to be a naysayer?

So, you made my husband come in on his day off.

The memo was sent to 50 people. It was my hubby’s day off. He was the only person, who is working in the trenches, who showed up and you gave him a burger for coming in?

He’s pretty patient but he’s not a wimp. Being savvy is just the beginning of his talent. What will you do when he decides to take a very “early” retirement? He’s been asked about it, by his colleagues, and you all visibly cringe.

Good riddance to bad rubbish . . .


Been feeling awful after making a mistake at work and having a client mad at me for it yesterday. Right before leaving for vacation.

But got some exciting news this morning about vacation that helped me perk up. I just gotta tell myself it’s not the end of the world and enjoy the week.


I’ve nursed others through Covid and have never gotten it. Until now, when I’m supposed to train a new employee that I’ve been begging for for months (never great trying to do two different jobs), and have some other appointments that have taken nearly 6 months to get.

Also, I wish my mother was not elderly, as I don’t want to risk anything happening to her. But I sent the males of my household out for some soup and said it could be chicken noodle, or chicken with rice, or chicken with barley…and apparently chicken clam chowder came home. Apparently I needed to clarify that I wanted a broth-based soup.


Dear Harry, I definitely will not be reading your book. The tidbits I get stuck seeing online strike me as being the musings of a whiny little boy who didn’t get his way. Can’t wait until it all dies down, so I don’t inadvertently see the family gossip when I go online.


Excuse me sir, did I really just hear you go on about how your group is persecuted horribly, then proceed to talk about a couple of other groups you dislike and how they shouldn’t be allowed to live their lives or do anything, because “it’s wrong?”

Can you hear yourself speak? What if the groups “persecuting” yours think you’re wrong in the same way you think about the others? Stop and think about it. You’re doing the exact same thing you’re condemning when it happens to you. Pot meet kettle. Let’s all live and let live, no?

Someday I should get over my politeness and bring this up when I hear it, but honestly, it’d probably fall on deaf ears. (sigh)


Perfect, family day. I am so blessed. So blessed.


Welp, that was embarrassing. Sent brother-in-law a happy birthday gif. Had I watched it all the way through I would’ve seen the unfurled sign that said, “I love you” at the end :flushed:

All’s good and he and husband laughed. I’m still slightly mortified. Lesson learned, watch gifs to the end. Save yourself some embarrassment :joy:


I didn’t think it would be so hard to lose these couple of extra post holiday pounds, now that I threw away all the chocolate left from the party in the trash. But…I still want that chocolate, and well, it’s tightly wrapped and I could go dig it out of the trash and it would be sanitary :grimacing:. But that’s gross. Not gonna do it! The waste collectors really need to not skip coming out this week.


These therapeutic facebook posts where you bare your soul to hundreds or thousands of your “friends” are a big mistake, I think. A small private group of like minded people, sure. Anonymous forums like this, sure. But if you talk about how many terrible mistakes you made last year, and your resolution is not to care about what others think or beat yourself up about it, some of these friends might think, “What? How about resolving to fix these mistakes and not to make them again, instead of determining that you’re going to keep doing them, but just not care about what others think nor feel bad about it?”

Is this a generational thing?