Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (NO REPLIES TO OTHER POSTS)

I hope the offer you make is accepted. It looks like a really cute place, perfect size for you two and the pets, and not too far from us. Dad liked it & you know how nit picky he is about houses and construction.


Not gonna lie, makes me a little nervous watching football tonight. :worried:


Miracle number one, miracle number two, going to the playoffs!


No, you did not eat that sandwich. Your daughter did. :laughing:

Best. Ad. Ever!!


Another hour and 45 minutes with Verizon and it has been ridiculous again. The guy tells me my bill will be 20 less after the next cycle so will be what I think it should be. I asked him to note that in my file and then he ā€œrealizes he made a mistake.ā€ Then he tells me I have a better plan for the same amount as the one I was supposed to be signed up for, and that one would be the same price. Then eventually he tells me the $25 plan I was supposed to be getting is only for new customers, so thatā€™s where the problem is. Note that was 3 different answers in an hour. Oh wait, another option. If I add a new line it will be $25 per line, and we are at an hour and 55 minutes.

Turns out the adding a new line with Verizon was wrong too. I finally got to a supervisor, and wait for itā€¦
Got a $15 credit for the inconvenience. I was quite literally shaking after talking to Verizon for over 2 hours.
My husband has called to change from a phone/internet/cable plan to just phone and internet, and heā€™s had to start all over 4 times, and averages multiple hours per call/chat.

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Apparently upgrading from a 2017 intel based iMac to a 2023 M1 based iMac is akin to upgrading from a lawnmower to a combine. SO many possible pitfalls. None of the old gazaoutas will go-into the new gazinta ports. Going to go dongle shoppingā€¦

Do it wrong and you risk loosing all the meta data to your music and photo libraries.

I know it will be wonderful, enlightening, joyous and celestial voices will sing Iā€™m on the other sideā€¦wellā€¦at least for a year or two until itā€™s all out of date again.



Argh. That was on me. I forgot why I kept my mouth shut for months and stick to select topics. Thanks for the reminder. I wonā€™t make that mistake again.

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Reading the local paper about restaurant closuresā€¦ Noma is closing? Uhmmmā€¦ OK. No, waitā€¦ did I read this right - no more Northlake Pizza?!! Nooooo!!! :cry:

When will I ever learn? Thwonking myself on the head!!

sense you wonā€™t hire me even though you said you would and needed me but anyway iā€™m going to go work somewhere else that will actually hire me and not make me wait 2 years just to find out itā€™s not happening

Ugh, wheezing again. I have a standing prescription for Prednisone but this is getting very old! !@##$%^& Covid!


Wasnā€™t sure where to put this, so itā€™s here.

Thanks to all on this board who share pros (and cons) of various schools across our nation. Itā€™s why Iā€™m still on this site long after my own have graduated college. Iā€™ve been still going back to my high school occasionally filling in for math/science teachers in the high school, therefore still have discussions with students. Itā€™s really nice when I can give juniors suggestions that could fit them based upon what theyā€™re telling me they want. Not everyone wants to stick to the ā€œtraditionalā€ schools around us. I wouldnā€™t know about many of these schools if I hadnā€™t learned about them here.

Chances are some of these schools are also going to end up with some good students at some point down the line, just as many have in the past (since about 1999).

Oh, and I enjoy the camaraderie with yā€™all too. :wink:



I was just at the vet with my 11 year old cat. He has hyperthyroidism so he needs to get senior blood work every year. That, plus rabies vaccine and another vaccine - $520!!
To add to this absolute insanity is the vet recommended dental surgery / heā€™s had bad teeth since he was adopted 5 years ago. Yes, heā€™s eating fine, but she suggests it. Most teeth would be removed. Cost? Around $1500! Thatā€™s not counting the $600 for an echocardiogram because he has a heart murmur. Oh and I could get that wart removed off his head while heā€™s knocked out .
I need to lie down. And switch vets.


Wow you are really bad at your job! Thought you might grow into it but clearly that is not happening.


Some threads and responses make it pretty clear we are a privileged bunch.


I am still amazed that people with mental illnesses have the ā€œfreedomā€œ to live on the street. Each person most likely has a family or friend who would like to take care of them. I sure hope New York State finds something better with its additional spending and reforms.


Feel like I need a vacation after 2 days of filling out FAFSA, CSS, IDOC, and other forms for one school that has its own darn process. Yeesh! :woozy_face: