Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (NO REPLIES TO OTHER POSTS)

Dear Dentist - Do you look in my mouth and see $$ signs? I know I don’t
have great teeth, but I am not falling for your recommendation that I get six crowns on my front teeth. I went to your predecessor for 25 years and he never mentioned this. Time to find a new dentist.


If only you had used those funds, - voted for and designated - over a decade ago to build infrastructure to capture water we could be saving some of this for a sunny day. But nope, nothing, nada - just population increase without subsequent infrastructure.


The city hasn’t picked up our recycling since before Christmas. Used to be every other week. Then starting Jan 1, they charge us for trash and replaced our x-large one with a teeny tiny one with the condition they’d pick up recycling every week, plus give us a compost can. Oh, now can’t get compost can until July.

Just pick up the recycling already! Instructed by phone to leave out over the weekend. Instructed by email to bring it in at 6 pm Friday and put it back out on Tues (Mon holiday) but why would they pick it up on days that aren’t trash days? (ours is next Thurs, but now Friday because of the holiday).

Friday the 13th started at the dentist for my regular cleaning where I learned that the little piece of restoration that came off a tooth necessitates a crown. Then my nice afternoon walk on the beach with a friend resulted in a rogue high tide wave drenching us to the knees. Came home and am doing as little as possible until the day ends.


Thanks to everyone who played Mega Millions. The state of Maine will take in a lot of tax revenue from the winnings. :sweat_smile:


I went to the good bakery to get fresh baked bread to enjoy with our charcuterie board. They didn’t have my favorite kind, so I got lovely French baguettes instead. I looked forward to our feast only to discover I’d accidentally picked up sourdough bread. I so don’t like sourdough…:confused:


I really enjoy being able to a) help my D & SIL stay sane by watching GD so they can go out with friends once in awhile, and b) watching GD. GD had me read Snuggle Piggy and the Magic Blanket six times at bedtime. It was her mom & uncle’s favorite book, so it made my heart happy. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Who or what allows SS? some other government agency? to sell our information to at least 1M organizations to try and sell me medicare? I will be 65 in 6 months, and I’m getting calls and letters and invitations to free seminars every single day. These are not highly trained insurance sales people but people calling from calling centers. They ask me when I’ll be 65 (hmm, if you have my information, don’t you know that?) or tell me that they have more information than I’m comfortable with them having. They are calling on my cell, so where did they that get that from? I asked one caller where they got my info and she wouldn’t tell me, and hung up.

If they think I’m going to give them any more information about myself, they are crazy.


Two friends of my son’s just had a baby, and I’m the one crying. I don’t even know why this particular birth is so touching, but I know the dh is older and wanted to have a baby right away when they got married five years ago. The wife wanted to wait a bit. I’m just so happy for them. Parenthood is the best, isn’t it? :purple_heart:


First sentence of the Washington Post article titled Perspective: I’m letting go of ageist stereotypes - and living life on my own terms: “As I turn 30 this year …” Hahaha!!


As I was reading in bed last night, I noticed something moving next to me. A scorpion! In.our.bed. That’s it. My worst nightmare. I slept (fitfully) on the couch. DH plans to call pest control. I plan to call a realtor.


There seems to be something super ironic and wrong about having your coat stolen at church.

To whoever took it, if you’d asked I’d have taken you to a store and let you pick your own that fit and gifted it to you. Taking mine really angers me. I don’t have another. We’re more on the minimalist side. I have one heavy coat and I use it for everything from chores to work and church. Now I have nothing and it’s January. Thanks :rage:

To the church - a relatively new one for us - you tell me this actually happens often. You’re sorry. Is there any particular reason you don’t have a sign up warning people of that? I could have easily taken mine with me to the pew. I’ve been going to church all my life - several different churches over several years - and not once had something stolen from me at one. Also, have you thought about getting some coats from the thrift stores and having them there with a sign saying if you’re cold and want something, take one of these? It seems like a simple solution.


Rumor has it our Verizon cable will finally be gone as of Jan 18, AND supposedly they will give us a credit for what we’ve paid since husband first started trying to cancel. I’m not holding my breath, but we have already unplugged the cable box.


You can’t dribble a half of a basketball. :basketball: :sunglasses: Just sayin’…

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Go Big Blue!




“Martin Luther King was a good man. He was assassinated by a bigot.” quote from the 2 sentence ‘report’ written by my (then) 6 year old daughter for her first grade homework…she’s right, and it’s in context…I was still called to the Principal’s office - they thought it was “inappropriate” for a 6 year old…until they learned that her great-grandmother and great aunt had been Freedom Riders, and she (the 6 year old) had heard their story firsthand. They backed off.

Painting by dear friend artist Melinda Jones


Oh please go on… if you’re claiming CA’s being impacted by all these storms as God’s vengeance, I really want to know what you think about the southeast getting hit by their storms essentially at the same time, not to mention FL in Nov with the double hurricanes.

Why stop with CA?

And it’s adults talking about this! One would think they could process a little bit more, but apparently not.


Paid $1,227 for medication today. Sigh.

Sometimes, I think that some of the people I work with are idiots with almost no common sense. Because they come up with some of the most inane ideas on how to change things up.

And then there are always those couple of folks who are like barnacles…attached to the tidepool, doing nothing, waiting until the tide rolls in (aka pay day), and then they go back to sleep again.