Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (NO REPLIES TO OTHER POSTS)

Please don’t date her.

Please don’t share things today that make it look like you are open minded. Because you really aren’t. (Not directed to anyone on CC)


Stop calling me. There is nothing I can do to help. If you need something press the button and be patient and a nurse or somebody else will help you when they are free. I am not there - I am 45 miles away. I spoke to you 3 times already today and ignored the other over 40 times you called. On one call you told me your phone (which you had just successfully used dozens of times to call me) was not working. Now, your TV remote is supposedly not working. This has to stop!


Peyton and Eli can make a bad game entertaining! Love them!


Hypocrisy is not a good look.


My D20’s roommate and best friend passed away in a terrible accident last week. Obviously, we are all heartbroken and she is devastated. Bringing her back to school yesterday, moving her into a dorm room, then cleaning out the apartment she and her friend shared certainly ranks among some of the hardest days of our lives. My girl is strong and brave and resilient, but these are some really dark days for her.

Please hold my daughter in your thoughts as she navigates a new normal this semester.


What is it that makes me so annoyed by people making phone calls in public places like doctors’ waiting rooms? I now know about your skiing accident in Europe last week and your investment plans in Portland.


I went to get my Botox done by a plastic surgeon. I asked him what kind of face lift he would recommend. He examined me and say, “you look fine, you don’t need a face lift.” I am going to feel good for a while. :slight_smile:
This doctor has always been a man with very few words. For few years I have gone to him it has always been in and out. Today I asked him about his adult daughter (his only kid). He couldn’t stop talking. He told me what her profession was. She happened to be in the office. He asked her to come out to me and tell me all the cases she was working on.
It hit me that every parent gush about their kids. If you want to connect with someone just ask them about their kids and grandchildren.


I’m going to miss Kerry Sanders. He has always been an excellent reporter, and his reporting the last few years made me smile. I hope that he has a long & enjoyable retirement.


It snowed here about 10-12 days ago. About 10" when we were expecting 2-3", and it was wet and heavy. No clearing the streets and the snow melted a little, froze, and never was cleared unless you happen to have exposure to the sun at the right time of day. There are still ruts and patches all over the streets.

It’s snowing now and we are supposed to get 10" tonight. They are going to plow with little trucks (like a Ford f-250) with plows on the front. But don’t get too excited. They are going to do a pass down the center of residential streets, pushing any snow into the parking lanes and onto sidewalks. Homeowners have 24 hours to shovel sidewalks. If they plow onto the sidewalks, we get to shovel that too, again and again. I have about 100 feet of sidewalks in front of my house. No one walks on the sidewalks because they are too skinny, but I still have to shovel them. High temps in the 30s for about a week so little solar melting.

Public service announcement about Venmo: If your settings are set to public, your payments and messages are visible to a lot of people. I can’t even figure out why I’m seeing everyone I am. You can go to settings and change it to “private” to avoid this.

MTA: Huh, now I know that a young relative plays a lot of poker and blackjack!! You would think a 20-something kid would know about privacy settings.


I am so stupid and gullible. I can’t believe I fell for it again. My inner fat middle schooler trying to fit in is shaking their head at how I just.never.learn.

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Making it illegal to talk about doesn’t change reality. What are you so scared of?


People who abandon pets at airports and people who steal from sick animals are disgusting.


If you want a sure-fire to shed excess holiday weight gain, I suggest reading the thread in the Parent Cafe entitled What’s the food dish that traumatized you as a kid?.

Yikes! :rofl:


In sixth grade my child received the dubious assignment of writing a poem from the perspective of an abused child. My talented kid wrote something so realistic that he had to see the counselor three times so he could fess up his trauma for real. They almost called CPS. That same year they assigned a “big project” of drawing a map of our city because they were so thoughtful and interdisciplinary. It was worth almost half his grade (The same year he completed one required page of writing through the whole year and including every class.)

As a ninth grader at a different school he has been assigned BOTH projects.

Is there some weak curriculum playbook out there?

Amazon has new 2023 marketing hires who are Notting Hill fans?


Ha husband, so the other day I mentioned that the bathroom door was sticking at the top and wouldn’t close properly. Your response, “You’re telling me this because…?” Just researched online and fixed the problem myself with a few turns of a few hinge screws. Ha.


Mortgage company, are you people idiots? Our town is moving from property tax payments four times a year to two payments a year. They sent you the next amount due, which is twice the old payment since it covers HALF a year and not a FOURTH. But you are assuming this payment is for only a fourth of a year and that our 2023 taxes are doubling. No amount of argument will convince you otherwise. You say our monthly payment needs to go up over $800/month. So much steam coming out of my head right now…


Recently I mentioned my cousin, whose son died unexpectedly, and whose wife was recently diagnosed with cancer. Just talked to his sister. Their mom, my aunt, who’s been in assisted living for years because of a chronic hip injury, has been diagnosed with an incurable infection and is going into hospice. My male cousin’s wife is literally in pre-op for her cancer surgery, as this news is coming out. The cousins also have a cousin on their other side who is dying of leukemia. My female cousin has been helping out their cousin’s family as they deal with this (the sick woman is under 60, with two disabled kids–husband totally overwhelmed.)

I just can’t fathom how much grief they are going through right now.