Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (NO REPLIES TO OTHER POSTS)

Really? My doctors office called, but didn’t leave a message. I’m expecting paperwork from them and it could be available any time between the 11th and 21st. When I call back no one is sure who called or who will be filing in the paperwork. Great. :face_with_spiral_eyes:

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Thousands of people have lost their jobs. From the top to the bottom of the pay scale. It will be tough for some of those people to find new positions. Let’s not forget about them.


Opened my bottom drawer freezer this morning to find every surface covered in big fluffy frost. I’m pretending it’s because I accidentally left the freezer door ajar, and not that the defrost sensor has failed. It can’t be the latter because it’s Saturday, and any problem that requires calling a repairman would be considerate enough to wait until Monday to fail, right?


Oh wow, now both son and nephew have been caught by the FANG layoffs. Hope this doesn’t affect nephew’s June wedding (for which we already bought airplane tickets and to which we haven’t yet been formally invited). Son has been through this before, albeit not recently. Nephew had been in same company since college.


Argh. How many things can go wrong with one task? I send papers to NY to get attested - they mail it back in the prepaid envelope that I sent. Very happy with the prompt response - not so happy when I discover one of the pages of the document hasn’t been stamped. Oops - we missed it. Please send it back. Ugh. Sent it again, with another prepaid envelope to return them. USPS tracking says mail is here, delivered to my front porch on Thursday. While the mailman dropped off a large parcel to the front porch on Thursday, there’s no sign of this mailer with the documents.

Why do they keep asking me if I currently have a fever, sore throat, or have been exposed to Covid in the last 2 weeks, if the appointment to be scheduled is 2 months away? By the time I have the appointment, who knows!


Miss my son. Second year student and he just returned to school last weekend and had a bday during the week.

Am thankful for his friends and gf who are surprising him with a bday party tonight. It means a lot to know he has support away from home. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Please keep your fingers crossed!



Dear sweet little new cat:

Five minutes of scratching at the side of the box, the top of the box, the wall next to the box, the cardboard stacked beside the box, the plastic bag that fell behind the box…is not going to help you bury your poop. In order to bury your poop, you have to scratch at the actual litter inside the box. Why don’t you try that?


I have never been cool, haven’t wished I was cool since I left high school behind, and certainly don’t care to be considered cool now. I feel sad for my family member who seems obsessed with getting others to believe that she is cool.


The neighbors next door are idiots. Had a fancy ‘outdoor kitchen’ built literally up against the wall of their house. Also had fancy firepit installed complete with an in-ground gas line. Doesn’t have a firepit screen over the top. They must have been burning something other than gas about a week ago because an ember escaped and burned part of my tree in the front yard, about 8’ away from their stupid fire pit. Had to cut out the entire middle trunk of the tree because of the split wood and other damage. Luckily it didn’t spread to elsewhere.

The husband uses his phone on speaker phone in the driveway and watches sports games on his 60" television in his upstairs man cave…with the blinds totally open for all to see.

A few times, the wife asked me in the past if my tree is dead. No, not dead. Deciduous. “What’s that?” It loses its leaves in the winter. Same woman who apparently didn’t know that not everybody celebrates Christmas. Had no idea what Hinduism is (other neighbors are Hindu).

My eyes roll back into my head so much sometimes when them that they’re going to permanently get stuck in that position.

I really wish they would move.




I just returned from a walk in the snow. It was delightful!


Geez, you don’t need to jump all over me. :roll_eyes: (nothing to do with CC, ha)


Who Dey!!!


My next door neighbor is in heart failure, and he just had another ambulance ride to the hospital. His wife lost her only son in a horrific car accident a year ago this week. Please, please let her husband be okay.


I really hope this turned out well for her. She needs it.


Yay, my persistence paid off. SSA admitted they screwed up (“the records got tangled” were the exact words). They are deleting the demand that my son repay them over $1600 and are instead sending him $1695! A net difference of $3300. My Congressswoman’s staff was no help. I emailed the staff member to tell her I had resolved the problem and to keep it in mind if/when other constituents call. It irks me that she just took the canned reply from SSA over the specific information I gave her.

Another reminder to have compassion for the seriously mentally ill. Everything is stacked against them.