Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (NO REPLIES TO OTHER POSTS)

To: not very DH. You refuse to wear a mask or try to keep your germs to yourself. I suppose it no surprise I came down with your covid. I guess I also shouldn’t be surprised you asked me just now if I felt like making you dinner. You are the same person who thought I should help you reset a fence panel two days after knee surgery. Really?!! Sometimes your sacred motto “it never hurts to ask” is just blankety blank.

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About 2 months after the beginning of our Verizon saga we finally don’t have cable and DO HAVE Internet and phone. We had to pay a $149 installation fee which wasn’t quoted ahead of time, and were without anything but cell phone service for several days, but we are saving $150 each month. NOW we need a new alarm system, because new phone system isn’t compatible with old alarm. One step at a time.


Three letters from three different people have arrived in the last week about my Medicare cost; not one agrees with another and none agrees with the bill I received. Phone calls do no good. I’ll try again next month, but it’s getting harder to be patient and polite.

went to a wedding this evening for 1 of DH’s coworkers. Ceremony was wonderful. Everything else was stressful. Who the heck gets married on a Monday evening?! Having to make small talk for 3 hr with people I don’t know. Meanwhile, DH is flitting around the room like a social butterfly. And I have to be up at 5:30 am tomorrow for work. Stick a fork in me because I’m done. So exhausted.


H is falling again. As in passing out not gently collapsing. This is exhausting. If he thinks I’m driving him 9 hours away for a retirement get together ( he has worked remote for years due to health issues way before Covid) he’s lost it but is going to mad when I tell him.


I can’t help but wonder whether you and your friends, who believe that the mentoring program is going to prevent future tragedies, would have allowed your kids to mentor him?


Sometimes, I see a thread that I was only partially reading get locked…and suddenly I have to rush over to read whatever “good stuff” I missed! Same with “post was hidden”–I just cannot resist.


I loved the movie The American President and especially loved when Michael Douglas gave the speech where he said something like these are serious times and we need serious people to solve serious problems. All that leads me to wondering why we are spending so much time and effort on Ticketmaster’s business failure. Maybe the difference between Aaron Sorkin’s fictional world and our real world.


An old friend made this statement (her grandchild is a little over a year old): “My SIL is amazing. D went out of town on a business trip, and he’s willing & able to handle everything without a hitch.” Uh … bet she wouldn’t have even thought to comment on how awesome her D was to handle everything if her SIL went out of town. Wonder if she says he’s babysitting when he watches his own child?


I didn’t know it was possible to screw up in the parenting department like that, but the 2 of you have taken it to a whole new level.

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Well now while dealing with H, I need to coordinate uncle move from AL to healthcare from another town. Also, I know I shouldn’t but getting really depressed reading thread about people’s retirement plans since ours is looking like doing nothing new or different. H has a couple of things he wants to do, but unsure how that works with health problems. I may have to be very involved with going along with him and I’m not feeling charitable about that right now. Just got started back with healthier routine that is once again derailed. Exhausted and venting here.

So it’s bad enough if one of us is injured. But both of us at the same time?!? This will be a lot of pathetic togetherness if we can’t help each other much. Maybe we are too old to keep skiing :frowning:


Why ask when you already know the answer and you’re just poking the bear?


I like these quotes:

We see everything through the filter of our own desires and regrets, hopes and fears.

The way people interpret a situation often says more about them than it does about the situation.


Our subdivision has a small park, and the electric bill for the lights is typically $50-60/month. The bill is on autopay. Thank goodness our treasurer looked at the bill before the autopay date, because the most recent bill is for $14,004.92!!! The autopay was canceled & the power company is investigating the charges. It will be interesting to see what they find … it’s definitely a mistake.


I think I will not watch the news for the next couple of days. :cry:


Please, please stay put. :mending_heart:

DD reported yesterday noon that she couldn’t find her key fob/drivers license/credit card pouch, last used the day before. And she had to work the evening so she couldn’t spend much time looking. Running through all possibilities- maybe the parking garage, but she was able to drive home and didn’t get any messages from the Jeep. Checked it anyway. Called University Police and city police just in case. It wouldn’t start again so they were not in the vehicle. She recalled rushing into the house to use the bathroom and throwing her coat on the bed. Took furniture apart, blamed the cat, stripped the bed. Meanwhile we’re giving suggestions from afar. Froze credit card. Researched disabling the fob and replacing license, etc. Tested driving Jeep by leaving other fob in the garage and it gave a visual warning she hadn’t seen on the last drive so a good clue that the fob did get home with her.

This morning she found them in boyfriend’s coat pocket which he hadn’t worn for a few days but was hanging next to hers :woman_shrugging:

We bought air tags for the family this morning.


We don’t have much in common. It’s clearer everyday. And that realization brings relief in an odd sort of way….liberating, invigorating and empowering.

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My heart is breaking over and over. When will things change for the better?