Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (NO REPLIES TO OTHER POSTS)

That parent has been working on a plan for her kid with an LD for almost a year – all in the thread. Would it be too much to read the full thread before offering “suggestions” that the plan is not researched or unworkable? It’s already so stressful!


To my sheets-I take care of you and treat you right; why do you torment me so? No matter how much I shake you out before putting you in the dryer, for some reason, YOU top sheet and pillowcases, love to spend your drying time hiding in a pocket of the bottom sheet. You must think this is funny; I have to fight to separate each of you, and return some of you back into the dryer for another spin. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


You loudly tell everyone you aren’t judgmental - while judging them for not meeting your expectations in beliefs (church related). Pot, meet kettle…

I have to say, I enjoy this Sunday School class except for you. All the rest of us listen to each other politely and think intelligently about their thoughts. We may, or may not, agree. You just criticize everyone you disagree with - then tell us how “we’re” so judgmental?


Dear NY Times Letter Boxed:

First, you say that carbohol isn’t a word, even though I learned it back in 9th grade biology. Fine, it’s a specialist word.

But lothario? Come on! I thought this was a newspaper that wasn’t afraid to have higher reading levels!


Folks, here is a great opportunity to honor your ex if you have one! :laughing:


It is really exhausting to wheeze all the time–even now, 10 minutes off the nebulizer. I am so weary of not feeling well. Poor, poor pitiful me!


You didn’t teach your kid to wipe? At 14?

Not actually a complaint but…

Old rich people. Thank you for funding the arts. In our experience, also funding the arts outreach. We don’t usually qualify but I see you and you do make the arts more equitable. And if it helps, we do our absolute best to only use programs that offer some sort of equitable access.


I can’t believe you are arguing with me when I’m trying to explain the M&M’s spokescandy joke.

My nerdy 14 yr old used the word ‘egotistical’ correctly in regular conversation after dinner today. It made my nerd mom heart soar. I love it when she drops $5 words into everyday conversation like that and she has no idea how awesome it is. :slight_smile:


Finally, Boeing makes a smart decision. About time!

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S21 received mail from school he doesn’t attend (but was accepted to) soliciting him to contribute to their annual gift giving!!!

Maybe I should put this in the “tips are getting out of hand” thread?! :joy:


:hugs: + :hushed: please.


Hey Hollywood, share your secrets. How comes your stars can make it half way across town, even in rush hour, and disarm the bomb or bad guys in 25 minutes, but it takes me a minimum of 30 minutes just to get basic chores done here at home?


Your beliefs on that issue are so different than mine. I back him all the way.

:notes: Happy Cake Day to Me. :notes:


How can any parent not be cynical, jaded, and bitter after going through the college admissions process (three times for me)???


Why, oh why, can you not get your assignments done on time? Every time I look at Canvas there are so many missing/late notes. Ugh . . . how are you going to make it alone in college without me cajoling you day in and day out? Gap year here we come?


24 hours later, I’m still annoyed. You sit down in my living room and comment, “it’s so clean!” Um, yeah. We do keep things tidy and dust and vacuum, etc. Why on earth would you make such a comment? Your usual passive-aggressive nonsense. Another reason why I’m always happy to have H go over to your home w/o me.

Friend, I’m sorry you have to deal with more stuff and you feel you have to cancel your trip. I hope your hip won’t need more than PT and that’s the last of it.

TMI! Please stop with the oversharing! I miss the days when certain subjects were shared among family and /or friends, not the entire internet.