Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (NO REPLIES TO OTHER POSTS)

Who comes to an estate auction to badmouth the property and tell people not to bid on it? Who heckles the auctioneer about the condition of the house? Do you understand the “estate” part? Have we not been thru enough you idiot?

You are lucky I wasn’t there next to my DiL or we would have had words, buddy. Karma comes around.


Please. For justice.

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Winter, how I long for the days when a kind attendant would pump gas and check my fluids while I sat in my warm car.


A little snow, a great workout, work I’m happy to do - starting February off the right way.


You lost your home life because you were selfish. Now you’re done, but you ride off into the sunset without the woman who was behind you for so long. Was it worth it?


No, your wishy washy answer was not a clear yes.

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WOW College Board, I’m so, so very disappointed in you.


Pet insurance, how I love you so.
(I get how lucky we are to be able to afford it in the first place.)


Worldle today, bonus round: that was unfair!

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My H is a very intelligent man. But sometimes … dude, do NOT order something through a Facebook ad. Good thing i watch our credit card online like a hawk. Fraud reported, card closed. Please be more careful in the future.


Really? Your bias is showing. Really.

If you don’t like the policy, don’t go there.

Oh, young clients, I really don’t think the few concrete piers required for your “tiny house” are going to ruin the environment. You want to go with proprietary metal supports instead and berated my husband for showing concrete. Good luck with that. I hope the company’s engineer understands the complexities involved.


Have my year #3 post-breast cancer check up today. Every time I go to this appointment, I’m a nervous wreck. 2 more years until I hit the magical 5-year mark. had my double mastectomy on D24’s 13th birthday. She told me afterwards that she was afraid that I would die on the operating table on her birthday. :frowning_face:

Am grateful to be alive. But anxious as heck today. Need to get a colonoscopy this year. I’m not going to put that one off anymore.


Someone wasn’t paying attention in their classes teaching about WWII. Putin really, really disgusts me. And to think it’s all happening in this century. Just a few decades ago most of us were thinking the world was getting better. It only takes a few idiots to change millions of people’s lives for the worse - then to portray Russia as positive in it all? Wake up!

I hope there’s a special place in Hell for such people.


Annual cancer doc appt is done. Doc said chest looks good. No lumps. No lymphedema either.

But because I’m turning 50 this yr and because of the frickin’ ATM gene mutation, now I get to have annual pancreas MRIs.

My mom died of pancreatic cancer.

F!!! F. F. F.

In a year and a half when ODD turns 18, she can get genetic testing to confirm if SHE has the mutation, too. :confused: And if she does have it, they recommend double mastectomy for prevention.

F. F. F. F.

Then 2 yr after that, do same thing with YDD.

F. F. F. F.

A whole bunch of swear words. That’s all I have for now. 4 letter words. Could be worse but just needed to vent for a sec. Everything will work out ok.


When I have to sit for an hour in the lot for the ferry, I don’t want to hear your lousy music the entire time. If I have my windows closed and it’s this loud, lord knows you must be deaf.

May your battery die and you (literally) miss the boat.


Why can’t you learn to turn off the burner once you are finished with the stove? You have two Master’s degrees. You are smart. Why can’t you learn this??? One day you will burn the house down. I can’t trust you. Please, please, please move a pan off the burner to make sure that you have turned it off. This is a gas burner by the way. You don’t seem to care!!

Ninety-nine spy balloons… :musical_note::notes::notes::musical_note:


Baby it’s cold out there (like really, really cold).