Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (NO REPLIES TO OTHER POSTS)

So trivial, yes I know, but I just do not like man buns, especially the ones on top of the head.


Dear Cat,

Please stop singing the song of your people at 1:30 am. It wakes me up. Please also stop trying to hump your roommate. You guys are all missing the right parts and itā€™s not going to work. And besides, she just wants to be friends, not friends with benefits.


I was reminded again last night that a parent never stops worrying about her child. My S is in his 30ā€™s and very capable of handling situations as they arise in his life. But when a shooter was on the loose from a crime scene 6 miles from his house, I couldnā€™t sleep until I knew that the perpetrator was no longer a threat. What a sobering reminder that the parents of those who were right there must have been terrified.


Not a overzealous Valentineā€™s celebrator, but I keep seeing female friends posting pics of the flowers/candy/whatever they received from their spouses/male partners todayā€¦inquiring minds want to knowā€¦why am I not seeing any photos of male friends showing off some gift they received? Is this a one way Valentine treat??? :thinking:

Also totally donā€™t get the whole concept of posting gifts like this receivedā€¦feels like youā€™re sharing ā€œlook at me, someone likes/loves me!ā€

(take that back, I saw one banana cream pie intended for a husband).


You have broken up with him three times already! No matter what he says, just say NO!! For the love of DOG!!!


When Iā€™m watching UK competition shows, thereā€™s usually a viewer contest within the show that I fast forward through. Apparently that also happens on Irish shows as well, as this is the competition question on this season of DWTS IE. So my question is: how can anyone get this wrong?!? :thinking:


I worked with my counselor today to stop thinking, ā€œPeople are idiots!ā€ all the time. It will take focusā€¦


The inside of your head and soul must be an incredibly angry, angry place. Itā€™s exhausting to be a bystander, canā€™t even imagine being the actual container for this level of negative energy.


My kid knows that my favorite presents are hugs and kisses. I didnā€™t realize that I also needed to request polite, kind, and helpful behavior for a 2-hour window as my Valentineā€™s Day gift. Apparently I will need to be more specific in the future.


I canā€™t wait to see what happens in real life. Such lofty ideals, Iā€™ll be rolling on the floor laughing when it turns out it doesnā€™t work as planned :rofl:

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Very long and difficult day at work (from home), on what was supposed to be my day off. When a client tells you that she just gave away her cats which were her primary coping skillā€“gotta worry! But allā€™s well that ended well without a 911 call. And lots of ice cream for me! Happy Valentineā€™s Day, Oldmom to Oldmom!


We all need to take some time to accept this.

My sweet grand nephew had another surgery related to his feeding tube, and there were some complications. He is in such pain. He could use all the prayers and positive vibes he can get.


Iā€™m sorry that your father passed away in January, but the large invoice was due at the end of December. Youā€™re a developer! Pay us what you owe us. :rage:


My client got her cats back. Happy ending. Yay!


He passed the test to change titles at work. It was very stressful, and multiple parts, including multiple choice, a case kind of thing that took quite some time, and interviews. Hopefully a promotion will happen within the next couple of months.


I keep seeing news articles saying that the 911 dispatcher did such an amazing, professional job during the situation at Michigan State. Absolutely true. Her salary is public record, so I looked it up. Like so many incredibly important but undervalued jobs, the pay is way too low for the knowledge required for and responsibilities of the role.


Holy Cow! We have an escaped kangaroo in the neighborhood down the road from us!

Sure hope they find him- I donā€™t want that encounter!


Reading some posts here and dunno how to react. We seriously need a :open_mouth: or :scream: or :flushed: emoji!!


Not sure how much more I can take. There is a breaking point, and Iā€™m worried that I have reached it. I wish there was someone I could talk to. This is not normal, and we will lose good people if we arenā€™t careful. I hope I donā€™t end up one of the lost.

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