Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (NO REPLIES TO OTHER POSTS)

You’re addicted to it and defined by it, so nothing will never be good enough.


Very depressed about work rn. Feeling unappreciated and dreading management edicts. Thank god for solidarity: I love being in a union, but sometimes the target on your back weighs more.

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It’s interesting that California has lost 500,000 residents in the last two years and Texas has gained 700,000. Florida gained 900,000.


Oh, my gosh. I told you “the usual” when I dropped off my dog for grooming this morning. YOU SHAVED HIM!!! In February? In MAINE?!? I’ve been taking him to your establishment for a year and you shaved him only once, in the summer. “Well, his hair was matted…” Ack. I will be looking for a new groomer, obviously.


Pressure washing may be one of the most fulfilling tasks there is: you see the results immediately!


Be more positive, they said. It will be more fun, they said.
:face_with_thermometer: :face_with_thermometer: :face_with_thermometer:

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Cancer sucks. :broken_heart:


I had to do diagnostic imaging after the annual mammogram because they found some suspicious masses. Of course it was nerve wrecking prior/during the testing.
They told me that the radiologist would be available to tell me the results right away.
it took over an hour to get all the images then the technician told me to wait for few minutes for the results.
The few minutes turned into 15-20 minutes, and I was thinking about all the worst case scenarios.
The technician finally came back to say I was all cleared, everything was fine. I asked her why it took so long (longest 15 min of my life).
She said, “Oh, the radiologists work remotely now. I was having some Zoom problems, had a hard time getting online.” !!!


For those who believe, no proof is necessary. For those who don’t, no proof is possible. Sadly, that no longer just applies to religion.


It makes me sick. I cannot even fathom being a teenage girl when everything is challenging anyway and having strangers have a right to information about my periods. I can’t process this at all. It makes me angry. How dare they. It’s outrageous.


Not cool Tiger Woods, not cool

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Thank goodness for smart, elder sisters!
You were absolutely right!
Your suggestion, in November, made me change my way of thinking in how I approach the “powers that be”:
“Don’t mess around with the “little” people whose job it is to keep you away from the people who can make those important decisions and changes. Go directly to the top!”

I did that in January, and immediately received a response from her. Now, I’ve been in contact with her almost weekly. She’s aware I’m not some “crazy” lady and thanked me for the suggestion. She also had a hard time with the person who was trying to block her!

Today, I received great news from her and it all had to do with how I approached her, based on your idea. She appreciated the feedback, as did I, and told me she wasn’t used to being in a position of having to constantly be persistent and requesting the same thing, over and over again.

She’s made the relevant changes that will positively affect a large number of people. She said it was a great idea!

One step at a time, Big Sis! Love ya! You have always been incredibly smart and really gifted. I always wished that you had gone to college, but you were too busy working and helping to support us and our parents. You have done well professionally, in spite of not having that education. So smart! We are all blessed to have you!


You’ve been laid off from your first job. The company hired ahead of the curve and you were caught when sales didn’t keep up with projections.
I am so worried for you. For your emotional health, for your plans. For things I can’t even articulate. But I can’t, won’t tell you any of that. Instead I’ll keep answering the phone when you call and try to take your lead in what you need from me.
I will try to avoid “solving” this for you. You’re an adult now and fully capable of handling life. Even if sometimes you’re not sure how you’ll do it.
I just wish this was happening to me instead of you.


Add it to the list that grows longer everyday. I used to feel a little badly about it but now it’s just plain hilarious. Life is too short.


I am so done with you. And …pointing…you.


I’m proud to be an old crone!

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It’s highlight reel, it’s not real life.

Give yourself some grace. You need time to accept this.


While I prefer cold weather, after a 10 mile run in 21 degrees followed by a lifting workout in an unheated 35 degree shed, I really look forward to snuggling in my recliner on my heating pad while eating my breakfast. I knew today would be rushed since we are supposed to go out of town by 9-10 to see younger S for his bday.

What I did not appreciate was walking into the house with H fussing at me that he could see his breath. What’s the thermostat say? I dunno. I Look. 56. Crap. The boilers not working. I go downstairs and try to reset it. Nada. Is he calling the heat people. No. That’s my job too. I call and leave a message. Did he turn on our heat pump. It is only in a few rooms, but it’s something. No. That’s my job too. I do that and the heat guy says he’ll be here in 20 min. Yay.

Unfortunately it needs a valve and it can’t be ordered until Monday. For once im glad for our warm winter this year. At least our pipes won’t freeze. But ugh Im irritated at H. What would he do if I wasn’t here?


Rest in peace, our friend. You will never be forgotten and your memory is indeed a blessing.