Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (NO REPLIES TO OTHER POSTS)

Why in the world are we here
Surely not to live in pain and fear
Why on earth are you there
When you’re ev’rywhere
Come and get your share

Well we all shine on
Like the moon and the stars and the sun

Instant Karma by John Lennon/Yoko Ono with the Plastic Ono Band

Happy 90th birthday today, Yoko!


Ugh. Sometimes, I find it hard to fathom just how far you’ve fallen. They are both awful. Seriously, folks, you must have better options for leadership.


Sometimes it is hard to fathom how far apart some of us are in our beliefs about people in leadership. Harsh, I tell ya, harsh. :disappointed:


Dear cat, I’m seriously blaming you for my lack of productivity. You plop onto my lap and just assume I’m going to stay awhile. I don’t know how you make yourself go from 10 to 20 pounds, but it sure feels like you get heavier as you sleep.


It took you three years but you finally got to me, Covid-19 :microbe: :disappointed:

Luckily, not doing too badly and I’m going to be fine. But it still stinks.


The disparity is real

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Why do doctors alway try to shame a patient by not believing that the pain is real?! Can’t you see that the patient does not want any drugs, not even ibuprofen?!

Why does tv news make a huge deal every time a snowflake falls? Not every predicted snowfall is a “winter storm on the way.” We live in Michigan - we get snow in the winter (and sometimes in the spring). It’s not uncommon.


Driving through West Texas today and I see signs in a small town for a WASP museum that highlights the accomplishments of white Anglo Saxon Protestants. I wonder how many visitors they get.

H’s sister just shared the most tone-deaf meme on FB. I am shocked. Seriously, don’t joke about shootings. SMH.


You can’t come see us because we are too far away, but you are driving that exact distance/time to a airbnb to relax. That puts you even closer to us than to home. But your return trip is already planned to skip us.

You spent a month with her sister and husband three time that distance away. What did we ever do to get on your “not worth it” list? jeez louise.


Good friends were at the parade near the shooting. Had to run and hide; shooter came in their direction. Had 15 month old grandbaby with them. Thankfully they were all okay. But terrible about those who weren’t.

We can’t keep this up–something has to change.


Bring your A game tomorrow, doc. Here’s hoping your hands are very steady. I wouldn’t have chosen you if you weren’t board certified, experienced and have many excellent reviews. I’m still anxious.


“I will be working from home today.”

That’s great, and thanks for letting the team know, but you left your laptop on your desk at work when you were in a hurry to get out of the door at 3 pm Friday. :sunglasses:


TIL: There IS a human version of the pit bull. You know, that person that once they bite on a subject - their jaw locks and nothing, but nothing is going to make them let go of what they bit into.


If it’s Wednesday, the forecast is for 5" of snow. We still have ice in our north facing backyard from 6 Wednesdays ago.

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WHY is it such a hardship and impossible task to keep our schools safe??? It just makes me SICK. :rage: :cry:


I hope that news organizations are filing FOIA requests or filing lawsuits if they’ve had their FOIA requests declined.


When all you want to do is make it better, yet you know it is not yours to take on.

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How stupid do you have to be to send the prescription for my post-surgical pain meds to my mail order pharmacy on the day you discharge me from the hospital?

I broke 3 bones in my ankle on Saturday, had surgery on Sunday and was sent home yesterday. The discharge nurse sent all my prescriptions, including the pain medication, to Caremark. When I pointed out her mistake, she said I could transfer the prescription to the local pharmacy. Um, no, they won’t transfer controlled substances. Finally got it straightened out today but honestly, what was she thinking? :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: