Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (NO REPLIES TO OTHER POSTS)

Missing my older S.

He’ll be home for SB in a couple weeks but I really miss his energy around the house.

My eyes lit up when I received a text from him today. (He was excited about his first Stitch Fix box arriving. He had ordered it recently and turnabout was quick. And he’s pleased with the items.)

He’s now off to dinner with gf, and I sit and wish I was there, too!!!

I need to consider some volunteer work or smthg to get me out of the house😆. It may be time.


No it’s not weird that we are trying to book a vacation 6 months ahead. That’s what normal people do. Of course things can change in that time. It’s called life! It is super frustrating that I carry the burden to schedule and then you think you can come in at the final moment after giving no opinions to the family previously and give a negative opinion.

Sorry that things are different now than in 1975. I wish you’d make some effort to understand the process.


Yes! So happy that she is running for the Senate seat. It’s hard to replace someone who works so hard for the people, but she definitely can do it.


Speaking from experience, or did you stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night?


Dear Ex-H, you see our children very infrequently and I know you aren’t used to the high energy level of having 3 preschoolers together. However, it made me both sad and angry this morning when D reported back on their trip to spend a few days with you in FL rental to hear that you were rude to S without reason and told him they should go back to their home an hour away after only a few hours visit rather than stay for dinner because you wanted peace & quiet for dinner. I’ve said some ugly things about you through the years based on your self-centered existence, but I also held back much of the time because I wanted our children to love you ( not as much as they love me, but still…). For awhile it seemed as though I had succeeded, but it has become clear in recent years that they view their relationship with you as one of great pain, particularly as you are intolerant of their small children acting like small children. I don’t know if I am more angry or sad about what I heard this morning because I’m feeling lots of both with 99% of the sadness felt for my children. I don’t want to call S to inquire about what his sister reported, though I’m sure I’ll hear about it at some point down the road. I knew it was bad when I cried and then D cried as she continued the story. Grateful to have a place to come and vent about what a jerk you are.

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We had a half inch of ice last week & lots of branches fell from our pine trees. It’s 32 degrees and raining … and a huge branch just fell right on the spot our S’s company car was parked in during his visit yesterday. Glad it waited until today (and glad no one was in the yard at the time). I really hate to take down a very tall pine, but I think keeping it is getting too dangerous.


I was sad and mad when I couldn’t get Springsteen tickets this time. But through some strange connections I may end up at the owner’s box at one of the concerts.
I am going to see BRUCE!!!


Ignorance is ignorance is ignorance. People really need to do research and not speak like they are experts on topics that they really have no experience with.


If you gave all the information up front rather than sprinkling it like fairy dust, people wouldn’t judge you for being such a sanctimonious, argumentative clod.

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A reminder that this thread is NOT to be used to subtly (or not so subtly) complain about other posters or moderation.


I was looking for a best motion sickness medication suggestion on a travel website today and read this sentence in the middle of an otherwise serious and staid review:

Studies have found that women and people who suffer from migraines are more likely to experience motion sickness than others, because life is obviously super fair.

As a woman and migraine sufferer, I laughed, but unfortunately, the implied conclusion behind the sarcasm is so true. So true.


I am so thankful for our wonderful veterinarian. When I ask our dogs if they want to visit Dr. March they knock me over to get to the car. She is so thorough and professional but one of the most compassionate people I’ve ever known. I hope she never retires.


Looking at Zillow today there are only 5 homes for sale in our town of about 8,000 people, and the cheapest is $800k. I would hate to be someone looking for a home right now.


deleted for privacy reasons

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Somehow another box of Girl Scout cookies has just vanished. Someone must be breaking into my house and stealing them. I swear I couldn’t possibly have eaten them all myself.


Hey Apple, I’ll determine when and how to charge my phone - thank you very much.

And, btw, some of those Android phones are kinda looking good to me. Just saying……


If men in Afghanistan were treated the way that women are, would the world ignore the situation? It’s shameful. :cry: