Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (NO REPLIES TO OTHER POSTS)

I live in Michigan, a state that gets snow and ice pretty regularly. So, we get a quarter inch of ice for one day, and based on news reports one would think there was a national emergency or zombie apocalypse. It must be a slow news day if the press needs to exaggerate the effects of a minor ice storm. I understand that snow and ice shuts down southern states that don’t see it much, but it is business as usual in the upper Midwest.


Curious to see how the NFL will react to the former UGA player, a potential No. 1 pick (~$40M), now being charged in the driving events leading to the death of two others.


My mom used to talk about going to “heck” in a hand basket. I’m pretty sure that’s what is going on now. Let’s just say that I am not in favor of turning back time.


Things are getting to me today! Seriously … apparently, our electricity provider’s upper management can’t afford to pay the ridiculous price of lake “cottages” anymore, so they need raises. We now have “peak” rates between 4 & 7 on weekdays. You know, when people make dinner, do laundry, and otherwise take care of the things that they couldn’t do while at work & can’t necessarily put off until after 7. Supposedly, it’s “more expensive to produce electricity” during those hours. But fear not, because I am sure that as soon as people start waiting until 7:01 to do those things, peak hours will be extended accordingly.

Filed our taxes. Need a glass of wine… I’m in a foul mood after this annual exercise… but I did not cheat. :wink:


I’m 60, not 16. I don’t do drama, in fact, I didn’t do it when I was 16 either. Not interested. It’s hard not to respond with irritation or defensiveness, so I’ve decided not to respond at all. I’m done. I thank God my kids aren’t like this.


Ugh, 3:55 am and here I am on the nebulizer. I am so tired of wheezing.

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I’m going to say it here and not in the appropriate Class thread.

D18 was rejected to a certain school for undergrad, a school which we live in close proximity to. Well, D18 received a phone call this AM from that certain nearby school and the “Assistant Director” informed D18 that she was accepted there as a grad student.

And in all likelihood she will be rejecting them.


Yes, I’m the “King of Petty” and hold grudges.


Dear Nosy Neighbor,
You are so weird. This morning in between conference calls, I took a moment to step into my backyard to assess things after last night’s storm. And while I was out there puttering around, there you were, looking at me like always from your 2nd story window…only this time, you banged on the window to try to get my attention.

I purposely pretended to not hear you.

Then later on, tradesmen showed up to do I don’t know what. You’ve had them remove all of the gravel in your front yard. And they were all inspecting your super fancy overpriced outdoor BBQ kitchen thingy.

Stay weird. It gives me weird stories to tell all my friends…both in person and online. :rofl:


We live on a cul de sac with a circular island in the middle. For the almost 40 years we’ve lived here, there has been a pine tree in the center of the island. S spent countless hours climbing the tree. D and her friends sat under it and talked for hours. I gathered the neighborhood kids & had them make Christmas ornaments to hang on it. But it eventually became old and dried up. The five families who live on the cul de sac mentioned over and over that “we should get rid of that thing.” H is the only one who mows it, so we offered to help pay for removal, but we said that someone else needs to arrange it. That never happened. We ended up having to get some tree work done, so we asked how much they would charge to remove the tree and the stump. We thought that the $100 quote was reasonable, so H & I decided to take care of it. We hoped that the others would offer to help, but we were willing to pay ourselves. H mentioned it to the neighbors, who were all happy that it was being taken care of. No one has brought money to us, which, again, is fine. But … the neighbors asked if we are going to replace it. H told them that he doesn’t plan to, but that he’d be happy to kick in money if someone does it. Crickets. Today, the tree is gone. One of the neighbors commented that it looks awful now, and maybe a dead tree was better than no tree. Argh!!!

P.S. it’s sad that it’s gone, because it held great memories. It didn’t look the same, though, and it would be unsafe (and probably impossible) for a kid to climb it now. But I will still miss it.


I am so close to just ordering a storm shelter to be installed in your garage and letting you deal with it. You have a three car garage and two cars, so there should be enough space. Every time we have a tornado warning my stress goes through the roof from worry, while we sit inside our very secure shelter.

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We just got a new roof last month. And I’m lying in bed listening to it hail. :rage:


My dad is in remission. Best news in such a long while. Yay!!!


You and your child signed an ED agreement for a highly selective school and announced all over social media the acceptance - now you and your daughter state she “forgot” to withdraw an EA app and she now committed publicly to the EA school after visiting it last week “on a whim” - now her commitment to this school is all over social media. I hope she takes an ethics class or two in college - as this is wrong, wrong, wrong and most likely impacted other candidates from our school and region. Kids change their minds and that is the risk of ED - but adding lies about affordability issues when both cost the same makes your story ring even more false.


I am back in Hilo for a few weeks. I brought along yet another arsenal of “product”. I give up. There is no amount of babying my crazy @$$ hair and no amount or quality of conditioner, serum, or magical potion that will tame it in this humidity.

On a good note: my crow’s feet have disappeared. So there’s that.


A Daiso store is opening in our area. I’m so stoked!


I think I am jus getting old when the music at a wedding is non stop DJ loud bass. But when people are going out on the patio to smoke pot and there is a strange man in the men’s room selling drugs, that is not me being old. This is how our young people celebrate today - thank god my daughter is nothing like this.


Despite our ski calamities this year, glad we didn’t ski in California! Too much snow!!


It’s just heaven sitting in our hot tub in the woods during a snowstorm. :slight_smile: So thankful for my husband’s hard work in making everything so nice.


Dear Drama Friend (emphasis on drama; questionable on the friend part),

While visiting a mutual friend, was it really necessary to be working in the kitchen while I was preparing dinner? Was this your attempt at attention grabbing? And no, you weren’t helping me. First you were just going to chop some items for the dinner you were to prepare 2 nights later. Oh, then you were just going to brown the meat. And THEN, you ended up putting the whole pot of chili together on the stove. Since you were using my chili recipe, I KNOW that this all could have waited until your agreed upon cooking day.

The final straw was when you took items off the buffet that I had set up for my dinner and moved them to the dinner table. I was so glad when another friend called you out on it.

I really hope to never travel with you again, but it’s not my position to tell our mutual friend who to invite to her home.