Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (NO REPLIES TO OTHER POSTS)

Omg I totally understand now why people like these Daiso stores so much. It’s full of awesome Japanese stuff that I HAD NO IDEA I NEEDED UNTIL TODAY! :rofl: …including toilet bowl erasers. Awesome. TAKE MY MONEY!


Today is a glorious day. Beautiful weather, good talk with a friend, great workout and treated myself to lunch. We appreciate to appreciate the good in life when it happens.


Yay. I got where I needed to be this morning. The person I met said I did well…let’s wait and see if I actually get selected!:crossed_fingers:t2:


I’m just so exhausted with that argument


You can’t fix stupid, so it’s better and more amusing to remain silent and watch you spin yourself into a tizzy.


Saying something authoritatively doesn’t make you an authority.


I am so sorry for Bruce Willis and his family. There’s a story today about paparazzi following him and shouting to ask him how he’s doing. Time to STOP. Leave the man alone.


Today would be my sweet mom’s 99th birthday. Sadly, she left us almost five years ago. I miss her every day. She blessed so many people with her love, kindness, and generosity. I love you, Mom.


RIP, Mama Blue. Best football fan ever!


The USPS is driving me nuts. We had our largest snowstorm of the season on Saturday. They delivered the mail, yay. But there was also a note for a certified letter - they said nobody was home. Uh, not true. What they meant was that they couldn’t get up our driveway to ring the doorbell. Why even bother in the MIDDLE OF A SNOWSTORM? Why not save the letter until the next business day and then deliver it? I went online immediately to request that it be delivered today. DH thought he should check on it so he called the post office. Our carrier had already left for his route, and sure enough, the certified letter is sitting in the post office. So DH is driving over to pick it up. Ugh.

MTA: Oh, great, the state is fining us $500 because we failed to file the tree harvesting plan that’s required every ten years to stay in Tree Growth tax status. DH got the plan done but then forgot to file it. Just ducky.

Happy 27th birthday to my baby, soon to be Dr. Baby! She will always be my :heart:.


Thank you thank you thank you for not being stubborn and choosing to cancel your basketball game tonight. Even though the doctors couldn’t nail down what caused your “event,” it did happen a bit after basketball practice. Whew, don’t have to track down your estate planning documents.


So many, so stupid, for so long.


DH and I used, for 20 years, his cousin the veterinarian. We got the “friends and family” discount. Well, he recently retired, and now we’re paying full retail price. Oh.My.Gosh. :moneybag: :moneybag: :moneybag:


All those hours and aggravation, instead of the doctor’s office resubmitting the insurance claim with the correct coding (which I researched and told them exactly what to do weeks ago), they are sending my bill to a collection agency. Even though I really like this doctor, I am done, finding a new one, your billing office is incompetent.

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Love the pictures of Matthew McConaughey’s kids at a fashion show. They are styling, but the clothes are appropriate for their ages.

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Quote from a comment on an article about tech layoffs:

“We need to replace STEM with PEACH: Plumbing-Electrical-Automotive-Construction-Healthcare.”


Job applicants need to learn some etiquette. I posted the job link on my LinkedIn to give it some visibility, not so a bunch of candidates can start harassing me via LinkedIn messaging. Hiring takes lots of time, HR does its work first. They send me resumes (once they have screened them) in big batches, maybe once a week. I am also not going to LinkedIn connect with you, or talk to you on the phone. I have over 200 applicants for this job, I will hire somebody much faster if I just follow the company procedure.


Lots of people seem to have trouble with “than” vs “then.”


I can’t find the financial aid forum in the drop down anymore. I see it’s been renamed Paying for College.

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