Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (NO REPLIES TO OTHER POSTS)

Dupixent was approved, yay!


It’s International Women’s Day!


Animal shelters around me are full. Owner surrender appointments are booked through mid April here in Wake County, NC. Just awful all around.

My niece is going to be evaluated by a school psychologist. Kid is in 9th grade and really struggling. I have strong suspicions what’s going. Hoping that my SIL gets some answers
wish her dunderhead of a husband hadn’t been so stubborn and refused to see the light of day all these years while the issues the kid has been struggling with have been mounting. But glad that SIL is starting to advocate for her kid finally.

Vacation is definitely over

I can’t believe some people put so much personal information in their posts. Some family members may be surprised (or not


We claim to teach our kids to be resilient and calm in the face of adversity.

We preach your school/college won’t define who you are.

Then we Freak Out over college and prep school acceptances, portals, and notifications. As parents, we set a poor example at times.


So sad when it is so obvious car salesmen are lying through their teeth.

I know you are doing all the work, so I don’t want to second guess you. But she’s been sick a week, and now he’s sick too. The ER over the weekend is always a disaster; wouldn’t it be at least consdering to take them BOTH to their doctornow just to keep him from freaking out on Saturday? How is an ambulance trip better? But yes. Their doctor is gonna order xrays and send them home.

OR they are frail elderly parents, he with severely compromised lungs, who ought to see a doctor every freakin time they are sick for a week. If only I were closer. Do the best you can.

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my 16 month old aussiedoodle ate my retainer.

It’s all about you, it’s always all about you.


M10 (decision day) is such a big event on the Prep forum. I can’t believe I still get excited for these kids and families I don’t know. Our M10 was 12 years ago, and I remember it like it was yesterday. Best of luck to all our CC kids who are anxiously awaiting results and probably won’t sleep tonight. Hugs to each of you. I’ll be there tomorrow watching as your results roll in and rooting for you.


I.Hate.Packing. It stresses me out so much I am considering how much I really want to travel. I have this horrible fear of being without something. And, each and every time I get to a destination and start unpacking I say to myself
‘what the Blinky bloop was I thinking
I don’t need half this schtuff’

And here I am
at it again



Told. You. So. yes, please do text me from the ER.

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Here we go again, GM.

Coworker of mine has a kid in same grade as mine - 11th grade. They’re doing the college search, too. Parent planned on taking kid over Memorial Day weekend to visit a college, thought that you could do college tours any time of day, even on holiday weekends after the academic year is done. Parent had no idea that you had to reserve a spot for a campus tour, thought that tour guides would be just sitting around waiting for somebody to show up whenever.

Oh boy, that family has a lot to learn pretty fast.

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This is actually a post of gratitude, really it is, but after decades of barely scraping by, why does it have to be this tax year that we finally logged significant income? Lordy.


No, it is not your subordinate who is doing inadequate job. It is you the boss who needs to train and mentor your employees. After all, this very specialized skill set can only be acquired on the job! It is not being taught in college!


S’s college’s weekly email today includes tuition increase info for next year (4.2%).

Maybe they thought release of this at start of school’s SB would be less noticed?!

Wish he had squeaked into the school two years earlier when the school would freeze tuition for one’s 4 years of attendance.

Only in Seattle there can be “a rogue, unpermitted palm tree!” It is a beach, folks! Calm down. :laughing: