Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (NO REPLIES TO OTHER POSTS)

Its a bit windy here and there are huge waves and high surf warnings. The undertow is significant. Its a super fun day at the beach if you know what you’re doing. Hey idiot parent! Your three year old does not know what he is doing! At least put a @$^&$%! life jacket on him. :woman_facepalming::woman_facepalming::woman_facepalming::woman_facepalming:

WHAT is the matter with people?


Thought I’d do a nice motherly PSA and reminded each of my kids to remember to turn their clocks forward an hour before bed tonight. The response from both…'um…mom…it’s all automatic you know.

Well…what about your microwave and, and your coffee maker huh…see listen to your mom :slight_smile:


I think that was really a bad etiquette judgement call, but now I guess I have to be the bigger person and smile and nod.
When it involves your kids, it’s harder than when it’s a call against you.

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Wait, how come “adapted screenplay” can be based on “characters created?” So all sequels are now adapted screenplays!?


Amazing how the little guy always gets screwed and those at fault just waltz through life.


So glad the little guys will get their paychecks on the 15th and going forward. No worries, I will keep buying your wine. It is good wine.


Wow, Furman is in the NCAA tournament!


H & I almost got killed several times on our walk just now. We live in a quiet neighborhood, and although we do get speeders from time to time, it’s never like this. A road outside the subdivision is undergoing work starting today, and while it’s shut down quite a ways from us, it’s backed up. Streams of cars are cutting through our neighborhood, and they aren’t concerned with speed limits or stop signs. Time to contact the police for assistance, because this project will last for at least four months. What is wrong with people?


deleted for privacy reasons


Rode “The Monster” earlier today - the second longest zipline in the world at a little over a mile and a half in length. Loved every second of it (and others we did on the site).

It’s really great for the brain/body to take time to enjoy life. Do what you love (even if Ziplines aren’t it). Play a little! You only live once, so enjoy the journey.


7 decisions for my S this Fri-Sat and only one school with >15% acceptance rate. Could be brutal.


I’ve been wanting to close my accounts at a certain credit union for years. I set it up almost 30 years ago at my prior workplace. I have never set foot in a branch. The closest one is an hour away. But I kept it for various reasons in the beginning (great car buying service that I never used), but then out of laziness. I didn’t want to take off to go down there to close it out.

So a couple of months ago I decided to finally do it. I stopped all automatic deposits and waited a month to make sure all was well. H and I decided to go together and we will eat dinner out. Our date night? This Wednesday. I’m sure the bank will think it’s because of the giant fiasco elsewhere. They just sent me an email saying they were fine. Great.


Yeah, your kid won that competition. You don’t think the fact that Dad is an award winning professional who works in that medium helped, do you? It doesn’t take anything away from the kid’s accomplishments, but Dad’s mentorship over the years really does provide a distinct advantage.


You are coming to the culmination of what you have worked for. Up until now it was preparation, study, learning and practicing. You have relationships in your life and all of this is good. You will have choices to make soon. I am so happy for you but I know you’re in anxious turmoil. You’ve always made good decisions and you have our support regardless of where you go what you do or whom you choose to do it with. I’ll eventually say this to you but not yet. It’s not yet time. You go girl!


My DH received an e-mail from the president of an organization that he is Secretary of. He asked for $700 worth of Wal-mart gift cards to give to the other officers. Of course my stupid husband went out and bought them. When he came home he really looked at the email address that was sent and figured out it wasn’t the president’s. So, now we have $700 worth of gift cards. Fortunately, we belong to Sam’s, so we will use them there. I can’t believe that he almost fell for the scam. He never gave the request a second thought. Arrgh!!!


It was my exit interview, right? You spent almost all of it sharing all the difficulties you have. And when I say yes, that is an accurate list of all my tasks that will need to be reassigned, saying “oh good, that’s not too much” is a bad look.

At least I had the presence of mind to politely decline “so do you wanna come in for a luncheon”. Really? With the people who think I am beneath them? Let’s just not do that to ourselves. You know it, too.


Please don’t litter the threads with your comments - everyone is helpful, but when you ask the same question on numerous threads and also spout inaccurate “facts” about the process - it is not only confusing to all of us that have been there with our kids - but also puts out inaccurate information for families in the future. We are not here to debate you about the process - just sharing our experience and not that of a friend of a friend or this is how I think it goes. Please post when you have something new to add - as we all wish you and your child well - but speculation is not a good place to be in the stressful college process - things will become clear and not by asking different ways on CC.


Went to a doctor’s appointment today in a medical building and masks are no longer required.


Thank you, thank you, thank you to the wonderful 26 year old woman who donated stem cells to my sister, a complete stranger on another continent. The transplant was today and went off without an hitch. Our family will be forever grateful and wishes you a life filled with love, luck, health and happiness. I wish I could say this in person and give you a hug.

Today is a good day!!!


See ya #12. You were a family favorite for many, many years. I’m not sure how we feel about you these days though. Lets bring in some NEW (vaccinated) blood! :football: