Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (NO REPLIES TO OTHER POSTS)

Ok Costco chocolate covered dried mangoes - why do your keep Jumping into My mouth?




You are right. If all four parents you just spoke to removed their older children before they went to high school at this particular school, you should be worried. Because we do know something. Why do you think you just got a spot? Why do you think there are spots? We are nice and friendly but all these people and kids will be gone, gone, gone

We have a community garden. I joined to support my husband who likes gardening.

I have a spectacular brown thumb. I have killed 2 ivies and a cactus plant in the last month.

Lord have mercy, I really do not like gardening. :unamused:


Easter Bunny back on duty in Bay Ridge, Brooklyn, after a strategic retreat last Saturday evening.


Deleted. Thought this was another thread.


You don’t have to attend a top 20 college to be successful in life.



Oh, how I wish more people would close their mouths and actually listen.


Everyone I know is tired of listening but I am so frustrated.

I got sick last fall (virus- not covid) and I am still sick. I underwent screening for lymphoma, MS, Lupus, and multiple myeloma. My tests came back normal, but it was a lot of testing, very stressful, time consuming, expensive even with insurance. I should recover but it’s a very slow recovery.

I am missing out on so much. I missed out on my DS’s sports seasons, I can’t attend college visits with my DS24, I can’t attend events with my younger child, I can’t see friends in person, etc. If I get another illness, it causes this one to get much worse, so I can’t risk it. I am tired of being sick and missing out on all of the fun. I miss friends. I post too much because I get lonely.

So many people don’t get that I can be this sick and are being jerks about it. I’ve been accused of making it up, not doing everything I can to get better, etc. by my parents and their cousins who are also their friends. People think I’m being a drama queen for not attending events even though this isn’t covid-related. Every time a holiday has come up, I have to deal with this attitude and I am sick of that, too.

Off my chest. Back to coping. Thx.

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RIP my childhood friend. We grew up together, we dated briefly, you became a minister and married me and DH, you pastored a church and had a decades-long ministry of abounding hope to the poor and underserved in your community and in India. And this morning on your way to church, a drunk driver hit you head on going the wrong way on the freeway. I am thankful your family wasn’t in the car. We are all devastated and grieving mightily. Save us a place until we see you again.


I wonder what you mean by “celebrating country music and the values it is grounded in.” Like cheating on your wife? Getting drunk? Fighting in bars? :rofl:

Yeah, I think I know what you mean and why you aren’t enjoying this show.


While I think CC can have good advice and information, it’s unfortunate that some frequent posters who have zero experience and little knowledge about a college show up to say negative things.

My kids did not love every college we visited but I don’t find it helpful to mention that every time those colleges get mentioned.


Guess what? My African American S23 DID have the high stats to get accepted into that elite university. Stop assuming URM = low stats and unqualified. No one “took” your kid’s seat. :rage:


No one wants to help your kid decide between Harvard, Yale, Michigan, Rice, Duke, Vanderbilt and JHU. Read the room.


Neighbor’s kid+spouse & 9 grandchildren are in town for the week for spring break. They were outside screaming at 8:15 am. Maybe if we’re lucky, I won’t hear yelling of “DON’T PEE ON THE ROCKS!”

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Going to see the Boss tonight sitting in a suite. This is definitely going to be one of high point for this year.


Proud dad here. DD21 got an internship with a major health insurance company as a sophomore. The pay is pretty good too!


Go ahead Mr. Groundhog, show your face