Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (NO REPLIES TO OTHER POSTS)

One step closer to the edge …

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What is the real point of telling other people “my kid/I got rejections from all these schools BUT got into Princeton (or Harvard) so dont worry, it’ll all work out!”. So would you be posting this if your kid got rejected everywhere but say U Oregon or U Arizona?!! Also have been honestly frustrated to see kids who have asked my child for answers and help with their schoolwork and projects get into the same ivies/elite schools that my child didn’t. I know it’s all a crapshoot at that level, but still just frustrating to see.


Please let those test results be a lab error. Please.


Ha, I’ve been working on not calling people (architects in particular) “idiots.” Then I’m on a conference call with a general contractor this morning and he says he doesn’t know what the architects’ problem is. Trying to be polite, I said, “Well, architects are busy…” and he said, “No. Architects aren’t busy, they’re idiots.” :sweat_smile:

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No snowflakes? No problem. You haven’t been relevant in many years.

Dear Hospital,
The new wing and new ORs you recently opened 2 wk ago are not ready for prime time. I wasted an entire day off of work in an attempt to get 2 invasive cancer screening procedures completed. Went through the rough prep beforehand. Followed all the instructions like I was told.

Showed up on time at 10:00 am today to check in like I was told for my 12:00 pm OR appointment. Actual procedures supposed to take about hour and a half. I’ve had to check in for outpatient surgery before…figured that by around 11:00 am, I’d be brought back to the recovery room area, hooked up to IVs, interviewed by anesthesiologist and all that good stuff.

11:35 am comes around and nobody’s said a word. I’m still waiting. Starving at this point and dehydrated. Because, well, of the prior prep and nothing by mouth after 8:00 am, too. Went to your check in desk, was told about 30 more min. Told you that I was really not feeling well.

12:35 comes around. Still haven’t been called back. But other patients have…who checked in AFTER me. What the heck.

Now I’m so shaky that I feel like I’m really about to pass out. Send husband to check in desk to inquire. Was told ‘probably another 30-45 min, but we’re not really sure.’ Told you again that I was really not feeling well, felt like I was going to pass out, VERY hungry, isn’t there ANYTHING you can do?

So your staff offered to reschedule. Fine. Husband then spoke with patient check in supervisor…that person was awesome…that person basically said that the new ORs are pretty much NOT ready for prime time yet and LOTS of patients are having to wait a VERY long time…all because 1 of your hospital execs pushed to open the new ORs before everybody was really ready.

What I went through today was pretty much hell. But I can AFFORD to miss a day of work. I WILL reschedule…but I’m not going to put myself through this hell until 3-4 months from now…because you all clearly need a few months to get your act together. You shouldn’t have scheduled all of these patients in the first place.

Other patients? A lot of them pretty much won’t ever go back. Which means that they’ll skip the cancer screening.

Get your act together. Today was total incompetence.


I will not be intimidated. This is a team, and I was hired to be the leader. Discussions are held and decisions are made. You won’t always agree, but that’s the way the system works. Talking over me, standing in your chair and leaning in at me will not shake me.


How much do I love Jacinda Ardern? The answer is quite a bit!

Also, I love students. I hope I am around to see them affect the changes they are demanding.


Why do you always have to have the last word…and especially about things you really know very little about?



Just watched the opening of the masters. Enjoyed seeing Gary Player, Jack Nicklaus and Tom Watson, but how did they age so much when I haven’t? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


You publicly say you are a regular guy who prefers RV parks and WalMart parking lots to traveling abroad. Privately, you fly on his private jet, vacation on his private yacht and at his ultra luxurious properties, and hang out with his many carefully chosen friends. I wish I could do more than just be angry.


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Introvert birthday nightmare – I am trying to be gracious, I know you all mean well and want good things…but I have had 6 deliveries, 5 phone calls, 4 calls to my cell, and 28 texts. And 31 cards. All of you want to verify this is awesome fun, and check my face (4 facetimes!!) to see if I mean it!!! I am exhausted.


So is it a bad sign when the oral surgeon says “I am going to take some additional Xrays because I haven’t seen anything like that in a long time” and then postpones surgery so you are the last patient of the day because he doesn’t want to rush?

FYI just reread and didn’t mean to be so dramatic. In the big scheme of things it is hardly a big deal😀

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It just gets more entertaining everyday!



Weekend trip coming up to a beautiful town on the inner banks of NC. In other news, it is going to rain all weekend. Joy!


Feeling a bit sad that after so many years of hanging out in Augusta during Masters week & enjoying at least a day at the tournament annually, we no longer have the connections that allowed us to experience that. It sure was fun while it lasted!


I 495 & I 95 between DC and Fredericksburg, VA, I despise you (sigh). You’re probably my least favorite (regular) drive anywhere. Glad we ran the gauntlet again safely and very glad we had EZ Pass even though it cost us around $20 today due to a moron who kidnapped a lady, then had a shoot out with police leading to (somehow or another - too early to know) the lady’s death (RIP poor lady - my heart goes out to you and your friends/family).

But a nice shout out to the Afghan refugee who works at the Gyro Factory in Lorton, VA. We truly do love your gyros - and catching up with you pretty much each time we run that gauntlet. We’re looking forward to taking you up on your invitation to meet your wife and kids once we get a little bit of actual free time - perhaps this summer?