Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (NO REPLIES TO OTHER POSTS)

‘Very unique’ is meaningless and you don’t understand what ‘begging the question’ actually means. Please stop using both.


Some things about my move to a new state have been wonderful. Others not so much. SMH today…

So much I could say today, but my mother always told me, “If you can’t say anything nice, don’t say anything .”


Oh my gosh. I thought I had seen everything when looking at construction drawings. This marked a new low. The architectural drawings showed the north arrow pointing to the left and the structural drawings showed it pointing up. Really? You can’t coordinate something that basic? It’s a miracle any building ever gets built.


Wow, Harrison Ford is old and showing his age. His interview this morning is awkward. :cry:

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A casual friend of mine just died at age 79. As I approach my 75th birthday in June, it’s hitting me hard!

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Such a great game last night; so exciting to have been there in person to see the result of a season’s hard work. Now onto the playoffs!
(The brawl in the third period was something else.)

You spent $$$ on pro FB season tickets for years, so don’t make this out to be me overspending. We didn’t. The price for 2 tickets was less than 1 of your club seats.

I’ve volunteered for an organization for 3+ years, all through COVID (finding places to meet, doing online trainings, driving way more than I wanted to or originally agreed to). They’ve changed the requirements for clearances a few times; I think I’ve been fingerprinted 4-5 times as sometimes the prints don’t go thru and then I have to redo them, did an initial 2 week training and then continuing education. Spent dozens of hours writing court reports ‘just their way.’ Well they changed the background check requirements again and I said no, that’s a bridge too far, it has been 9 years since I’ve lived in Florida and I’m not opening a file in that state. I asked for a waiver. Today I get a call saying ‘thank you for your service’ and please transition the family you work with (no one to take my place, just end it with them). I hadn’t received any notice that my waiver hadn’t been granted and this call was from someone I do not know.

I don’t get to change the rules but they do?

And they wonder why no one wants to volunteer there.


Why is the hiring process such a mess?

When my daughter was looking for a job there was so much frustration in the process - getting ghosted by HR, applying for jobs and hearing back six months later that they are not interested, having to do so many rounds of interviews, and needing to spend hours and hours on presentations.

Now, she is trying to hire and is frustrated on the other side. Applicant says no problem relocating, until she is made the final offer and now says she can’t relocate. Applicant she knows from a previous job who even sent her linkedin messages, who is not replying to her emails. Applicant who doesn’t reply when asked to supply references (which is the final step before an offer).

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Today I ran an easy 5 miles. I drove over to a trail and ran. I didn’t worry about pace. I didn’t worry if I had to walk up a hill. I saw so many dogs and their people and I visited with them all. At the end of the trail, it was still 5 miles.


I think I spoiled my parents when I was younger and it might mess up my kid’s chances of going to the school he wants to attend. I don’t know for certain and I feel guilty about this. I never foresaw this consequence when I was a high school student applying to college. I didn’t foresee the cultural and economic changes that would make this conversation and multigenerational planning necessary and I don’t know how to break through to them. They literally think that it’s easy to do what I did at 17 and anyone who tries can do it. They don’t realize that it’s not that simple and nothing I can say or do will convince them otherwise. It’s really driving a wedge between my DS24 and his grandparents. He is working so hard, giving up weekends and vacations to achieve what he can. He thinks they just don’t care and he’s not acting entitled at all. He doesn’t even want to talk to them about it even though they can help because he thinks they don’t care. There’s nothing I can do or say to bridge the generational gap. DH and I saved over 100k for his college alone and can cashflow a lot too and they literally laugh at us and say that’s all you could save/afford?

Go Zags! Basketball and all! :sunglasses:

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Dear Uncle,

It’s really cool that you’ve become so comfortable with smart phones and text messaging. But as I’ve explained a few times - LOL does not mean “lots of love“. So when you write LOL and add the emoji to a message like this to your grand kid, it doesn’t come across the way you intended…

“Congratulations, heard about your promotion! LOL :joy:

There is a reason why you are still single at 35. It only took one day to see what a crazy person you are. No, I don’t know anyone i dislike enough to introduce you to.

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I respect you a lot - you are a kind person. I know your religious views don’t align with mine and I never comment on it, although you are very vocal about it on Facebook. But your mocking post on Good Friday was a little hard to take. I’m expected to be tolerant, but you aren’t, obviously. It makes me sad and think a little less of you.



I’m glad that you are doing your taxes. I’ll keep the rest of my thoughts to myself.


Please read up on child development so you might adjust your expectations. No one can tell you anything so we just try to teach her coping skills and provide a soft landing when she’s with us.


I just want to plan things a few weeks ahead. Little things but no… can’t do that.

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