Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (NO REPLIES TO OTHER POSTS)

Ah, what a wonderful time our little family had together this afternoon. I’m not the best cook, the kids couldn’t stay more than a few hours, but everything was just right.


It’s not your own personal soapbox


You are being recruited where? Oh my. Please please weigh everything carefully. It is a nice place to visit. You will not like living there. Your wife will be miserable there. I guarantee that.


More thoughts and prayers for those who were in a bank in Louisville, KY today and the police officers who responded (thank you for what you did). :broken_heart:

The rest of what I’d like to say I can’t even put on this thread.


Woo hoo, taxes are done but we don’t have to actually pay anything (including estimated taxes) until October 16. Even if all I had was frizzy hair :grin:

In February the IRS announced the federal tax return filing deadline for certain California counties, including San Diego, was pushed back to Oct. 16. Not long after, California’s Franchise Tax Board extended its own deadline to Oct. 16 for the same counties.

The October deadline shift was prompted by a series of devastating winter storms that caused landslides, flooding and mudslides in parts of California. But what if the only damage you saw from the recent rains was extra frizz in your hair? Even if you don’t have property that suffered damage — which might allow you to claim a disaster loss deduction — you have the same deadline: Oct. 16.


No, I can’t go on a trip and get home 4 days before I leave for Europe. And Georgia in July? Ugh. If it was anyone other than my dad I would just say no.

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I love blue jays on a spring like day, but did one really need to crap on my dogs back?

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Princeton is not “vastly overrated”


So grateful I have a Plan B for my kids. It started as a hobby during COVID but it’s turned out to be a wonderful silver lining.


At around 12:30am today at the University of Pittsburgh there was a hoax active shooter event. Details are still coming out, but many students were posting on social media. The police entered the crowded library with weapons drawn to get kids out. You can hear gun shots in some of the videos - police discharged weapons to get into an area . It was chaotic and terrifying for many. My S has his notifications silenced until 9am every day, but I’m anxious to hear his voice.

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Well, last night my DH AGAIN forgot to turn off the burner after cooking the fish for dinner. I swear he will burn down the house someday!!! Arrgghh!!!

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My sister’s family has had about $15k in veterinary bills over the last few days. They have pet insurance, but with a $7500/year max benefit. We just bought pet insurance for our dog today, more in line with catastrophic insurance coverage ($1k deductible, which is the highest we could find, with no limit on the max benefit). Definitely helps provide peace of mind in the event that a health situation needs an expensive fix.


Forget his cancer, I am going to kill my father long before that takes him.
I have to deposit his checks into an app on my phone. I set it up, set up touch ID for me, all good.
Today he comes up during work (as usual) to have me deposit a check. Touch ID doesn’t work.
I finally glean that he has changed the password via his computer.
“Why???” I ask.
“I wanted better security.”
“Dad, you have not left this house except for the doctor in six months. We live in the woods. Nobody is stealing your passwords.”

He spells out the new password.
I type it in.
No joy
I ask him if the alpha part has a capital A
“It’s all capital. That’s the only option on my computer keyboard.”
“All capitals???”
“You know. The symbol”
“What symbol???”
I have to look up the @#&@ symbol for alpha.
Of course I have not got the @#
&@ symbol for alpha on my iphone.

He’s now been on the phone with the bank for at least a half hour trying to change the password again.

I am going to kill him. I swear.


A neighbor, who is more of an acquaintance than a friend, reached out to us because his wife, 63, passed away recently and his 30-year-old son is beyond distraught. There are no counselors available for many months and he doesn’t know what to do. :frowning: I called my son’s psychiatrist and he said the man should call the local crisis services provider. I hope they can help. So many hurting people now.


So, my less than 4 month old Hybrid Rav4 had a check engine light come on this afternoon. It has something to do with the electronic engine control. We take it to the nearest dealer and they can’t do anything with it. They need someone from the company to look at it. We got a loaner for 30 days. It is a Rav4, but not with the upgrades. Yuck. We are leaving next week for a road trip that will be about 5000. They didn’t blink an eye when we told them. Arrrggghhh!!!

She didn’t need to find out that she has to find a new place to live when she has so much other stress right now. I hope someplace great comes along for her. She deserves a break.

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Nothing like a wonderful new therapist to ease anxiety and depression. I am so lucky!


Holy smokes. My mom got into researching her heritage (again) and it got my H into it (again). he asked me to try to figure out when his people came here from Scotland (he thought). He only had to his great-great-grandparents… took it way back. And I mean WAY back. I was impressed his surname went back to the 1600s . But one of them married someone with my sister’s H’s name in the 1600s, so I started clicking on that and found it went back to 166BC… They come from the Lyons of Glamis Castle in Scotland - home of the Queen Mother! I matched up the names from the castle website. Yikes! We diverge off in the mid 1500s…

But still! Super neato. On my side, we were peasants from eastern Europe and the records don’t go far back. And all the records have different spellings for each person, and wrong ages, dates, etc.

My H married the riff raff!


I wish I could believe it was my mother’s illness causing her behavior, but she treated me like this even before. I don’t want to be the grownup. Everyone else gets to live their life and I have to be the responsible one.

Pretty sure we’ve found D24’s college. Now if we can get it close to in state COA, that would be awesome.