Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (NO REPLIES TO OTHER POSTS)

Would you like some fries with that salt?

I don’t know what you would do without Facebook. Your constant need for feedback from others is sad, and especially so when the way you present things isn’t really all that rooted in reality. I just feel sorry for you.


If you are not sure what something means when you read it
read it again. And don’t answer questions until you are sure you understand what you have read.


Argh! Glad we got home in time to keep the power company from touching our oak. We had it pruned when it was okay to prune it 
 that time has passed, and anyway, there are no limbs that threaten the power lines. What hacks.

On the other hand, it is fine that they took some limbs out of the pine that dropped limbs every ice storm this year. But the other “trimming” they are doing in our trees is just ridiculous. They’re cutting branches with no rhyme or reason. Our mulberry is kaput.

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Keep trying
.I guess if you throw enough darts you might hit the target eventually :joy: but wow do you look grossly inept all the while.


“OG” makes me sick to my stomach. The fact that those young men ate up the c$&@ he spewed makes me even sicker.


My dear friend, you are the soul of kindness and love. But your lack of proper grammar on FB just about slays me. Every time. Don’t you “hear” that it doesn’t “sound” right? Or was learned at home growing up and is ingrained? When I met you, I didn’t notice you speaking that way. Nails on chalk board.

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Why don’t you go ahead and cut all extracurricular sports rather than cutting extracurricular music and drama, if you need to balance your budget. I think one would get more headlines, and perhaps even more money out of the state.


It is a business, not a charity. Do not volunteer your services for free to them! If their VCs can’t afford to pay you in any form
 tough life for them.


Sun rise in the east couldn’t be more predictable!

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I did not pay for Broadway tickets to have some stranger sit next to me and sing the songs with the performers. Sorry I’m not sorry for asking you to “please not sing”


It is interesting to me that golfers, and especially tennis players, can pout (to put it mildly) about a little sound distraction and yet those girls on the balance beam do their amazing stunts through all sorts of sound at unpredictable intervals and decibels.

Respect to you, Ladies!


Yesterday 75 degrees. Today snowing.


I got a note from the collection agency that they are going to review our case and consider taking legal action against the woman who stiffed us on a $6,000 invoice. So I googled her to see what she’s been up to. The newspaper and Maine NPR both had glowing stories about her - she’s been elected president of a local immigrant community. Wow. The language she used while swearing at my husband would make a sailor blush. She signed a contract with the estimated fee clearly stated. What a role model. Even if we don’t get any money out of her, I hope we make her a life a little unpleasant, sigh.


Note to the companies, including medical offices, that I do business with: as I am not on your payroll, I do not expect multiple emails asking me to complete surveys about my experiences. Many are multiple pages and include redundant questions. Also, it is not unusual for your vulnerable employees to request a ‘perfect’ review, as anything else could cost them their job. Really? Between not wanting to be the arbiter of an employee’s status and how rarely the questions align with problem areas or even things to celebrate, you are making being a customer most unpleasant. Our auto dealership reaches out twice by phone and 3 times by email per oil change. Please


My two year old granddaughter has stuffed animals, books, musical toys, large motor toys, sidewalk chalk, bubble machines, a play farm, a dog, a play kitchen with pretend food, a basketball hoop, a plastic bowling set, a water table, etc. She doesn’t need one of those, let alone two.


You feel so much better because you’ve had rest. You feel so much better because you took your meds. He will feel better when he can hear.

But none of that means you are safe by yourselves. Please don’t make us do this. Please.


I’m retired, so I pretty much have no excuse to not serve on jury duty. But why couldn’t the request have been for the winter, and why did it have to be for the week our beach trip is scheduled


I have gotten into a habit of only checking my physical mails once a week because all of my bills and bank statements are digitalized now. Yesterday, after not checking my mail for a while I decided to clean out my mailbox, but was very close of not doing it because my hands were full.
There it was, a jury duty summon for tomorrow. I kept on thinking what if I haven’t checked. It was a mad scramble to move my meetings and sending email notifications.


I just want to do the simple plan we originally talked about. Now it’s blown up into a half day, everyone’s included thing. And I am sore and tired.

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