Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (NO REPLIES TO OTHER POSTS)

So many rentals on what was always a family oriented, residential lake are ruining things for those of us who enjoyed “getting away.” I don’t even want to be there on weekends anymore.

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I happened to see the job you posted (no, I’m not interested in going back to work, so this isn’t a personal beef). There is absolutely no way that the salary you are offering for that compliance specialist position is commensurate with the expectations of the position. You will get what you pay for, which may end up costing you more in the long run. It’s time for the boys at the top to understand the importance of what they seem to consider an unimportant job. Good luck.


Yesterday was a great day visiting my parents with D1 and D2. My Dad is undergoing radiation treatment for cancer and was having a pretty good day yesterday. He didn’t feel well enough to go to lunch, but the girls and I had a wonderful lunch with my Mom. We brought Dad back something he loves to eat and D2 watched the Dodger/Cubs game with him while the rest of us talked.

I am so grateful to still have both of my parents with us and I really appreciate days like yesterday.


Arrrggghhh!!! Well, it seems that our car will be ready on Friday to be picked up. Unfortunately, we leave tomorrow for a 3 week trip, and the service manager (not the one who helped us) informed us that we will have to pay for the loaner rental once the car is fixed. That will be almost 3 weeks!! This trip has been planned for 6 months, and really cannot be changed. The idiot service dude says that there is nothing that can be done. A 4 month old car with 5000 miles on it. I am hot. Fortunately, my husband is too.


For someone who’s not into tracing your roots, I’ve certainly gotten obsessed with H’s! Among things I’ve found in the last couple of days… a nice typed version of his 5x great grandfather’s 1789 will, and a handwritten 1710 will - half in Gaelic I think - of his 7xgreat grandfather’s will in Scotland.

His 6x great grandfather seems to be interesting. I’ve found several letter between him and George Washington discussing sale of land. It didn’t go smoothly, lol. Also some transactions between other noteworthy people, and detailed descriptions of where they were located. From there I’ve found his will recorded, but I haven’t been able to track down a real copy. Worst case, I can pay the Library of VA $10.

And somehow his family wound up in the mountains/woods of TN/NC! The curse of not being the first born descendants…

But now I must stop… this is a huge time suck… but I want to know!!!


See my previous post about my unexpected jury duty…there were over 150 people who showed up fo the jury duty today. 45 of us were selected through lottery for a civil suit, and I was one of them. They then selected 12 people based on their professions as potential jurors, and I was one of them. It was going to be a 2 week trial going through lot of contracts and witnesses. They needed 6 jurors and 1 alternate. I gave them the best, true stories about why I wouldn’t be the best fit. The lawyers questioned us for 2 hours. I was fairly certain that I would be selected, but I was spared. There were 2 young men next to me who were super nervous bout being selected. Three of us did a little dance when they told us that we were done for next 4 years.


Well, it’s official. I’m “old”(er) - my Medicare card came today - for at least the first year it’ll save me a ton in insurance premiums, I’m not quite looking forward to what happens as time goes on…


Update to my jury post above. It turned out to be very easy to adjust the week I’m on jury duty (once). I get to pick a week within a 3 month time period.


Shooter situation at the highway exits closest to our house. I should have been driving there right when the incident occurred, but I left early to have time to run errands with my son. Yarmouth, Maine! Geez. Coming back, we saw many state troopers and tactical police units. The southbound lanes were blocked off but we were able to travel northbound and take our exit to get home. A couple of people were injured and have been taken to the hospital.

Update: 4 people found dead in a house in a nearby town, Bowdoin. Related to the Yarmouth incident. Suspect is in custody. On CNN now. :cry:

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Dear husband of very good friend,
I know people laugh at your inappropriate jokes and references, but I just wish you would STOP. I didn’t want to call you out at dinner and ruin the mood, but today I feel a little bad that I didn’t.

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I am so disappointed. Sooooo disappointed.


I see what you did there!!!

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Please continue to enjoy your hate fest; it’s always interesting when people reveal their true character(s).

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You organized a company event which centered around drinking. You then informed me that it is against the company policy to expense alcohol and we would need prior approval before it could be expensed. At the event you to,d me that managers should pay for the event because most junior people couldn’t afford it.
My question is did you get my prior approval before you decided to spend my money. You also ran out of the event and said you would Venmo me 20% of the cost.
It is not the amount that bothered me, but it is the expectation without consultation.


Watching the Uvalde parents finally testify after 10 p.m. on a bill to raise the age to buy a rifle to 21 and furious all over again.


Playoff hockey really is a different game. So much fun watching the Kraken :squid: take game 1. Happy, happy, happy the local crew were calling it tonight. The ESPN people are awful.
I just wish H, D, and SIL would keep quiet during it; ye gods they get loud and they weren’t even talking hockey. There are 15 minute intermissions for a reason, haha.


Reading about another innocent victim suffer because of another ‘shoot now asks questions later’ attitude is disgusting. Too many of us love our guns more than we love our children.


Seriously? She gets a modeling contract just because she was standing behind a couple of bored professional golfers at the Masters? Heck, my H passed out right next to the green at the Masters, and all he got was a ride in a golf cart to first aid.

Wow. You tell the people who are working their tails off to keep the company going … the ones doing day to day difficult jobs … the ones earning far less annually than you … that they need to stop worrying about whether they will get a bonus. And you’re not particularly nice about your admonishment. Yet you will undoubtedly earn millions of dollars, including your bonus (even if it’s not technically called a bonus) this year. Way to be clueless, ma’am.