Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (NO REPLIES TO OTHER POSTS)

The last episode of Mando is SO GOOD. I cried. I cheered. I’d move mountains for baby Yoda/Grogu. Dave Filoni and Jon Favreau are primo story tellers in the Star Wars universe.

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Defund public libraries Missouri? What’s next? Stop selling feminine hygiene products? Sell guns and ammunition in school cafeterias? No more fresh produce? :face_with_spiral_eyes:


Stop leaping to conclusions. Stop predicting the result before you’ve experienced the entire journey and collected all the facts.

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NINE state senators from Michigan supported a law that makes it a misdemeanor for an unmarried man and woman to live together.


Really makes me happy to see my girls (in particular) using social media to educate friends/followers about important political happenings in our state. Not in your face, but informative. Don’t know that I can take the credit, but credit where credit is due to THEM! Girl power!


Wonder what the other parents thought when my two year old GD, hearing a siren in the distance, yelled “fire crotch!” on the playground last night?!


Someone clearly missed 10th grade English class the day the lesson was about not using three words when one will suffice:

"rapid unscheduled disassembly"

For the rest of my days this is how I will describe any sort of malfunction.


Someone bleeping parked directly in front of my driveway - which I can’t see until I’m all the way at the end of my driveway sandwiched between two retaining walls. Cars parked in front and behind so even if I wanted to try to go around, I can’t.

Nobody answered any doors. Call the police and ask to send a tow truck. Call again 20 min later since nobody came. After 30 min an officer comes. Edit - I also live on a Main Street in the center of town 1 mile from the police station!

The officer asks: Which car is it? Which one do you think?!!!

So now we have to wait for a tow truck. I’d be shocked if it gets here within the hour. I was supposed to be at work 30 min ago…

Cancer sucks. This article is about my best friend’s brother. I’ve known him since he was 10 and went by Boofer. He’s just the best guy and has had an amazing career as an English professor at UT. The prognosis is not good. It’s not fair. :frowning:

It’s been 10 days since you tested positive, and today you report that you have a temperature of 104.3. You joked to your boss that you never got boosted even though you are “fat, old, diabetic and have asthma.” And you got it from your son who never even got vaxxed. When I talked to you about how to take care of yourself, like staying hydrated, you said you “can’t drink water because it makes me nauseous.” I’m so tired of you not taking responsibility for your health.

I will be pissed if we have to bury you before our 91yo mother.

ETA: Got her to call the doctor, who told her to go to the ER.


There are two tiers…it’s more evident every day.


Re-testing in three different modalities showed normal numbers…thank heavens. Now the oncologist is trying to find out if someone else was told their numbers were negative (a good result) when in fact their leukie numbers are sky-high. I send up a prayer every day that this LabCorp error doesn’t kill someone and that my onc’s diligence will find the person who needs emergent treatment.


Stay off the town Facebook page. Stay off the town Facebook page. Stay off the town Facebook page. (Pleading with me to take my own advice…)
I feel so much better about my little town and neighbors when I don’t see what they are willing to type late at night from behind a screen. :roll_eyes:


Eid Mubarak!


My husband wanted a cabbage based dinner…but asked if I could leave out the cabbage… WTH?

Apps- why do you say “click here” to trust the device and not have to go through the additional verification? It doesn’t work.


Whew. For now.


You can’t find him any place to stay in Newport or Narragansett because a per diem of $120 in May is insanely dumb.

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Thank you, Shriners, for showing us (in your tv commercials) the beautiful children you help. I believe that the more we see “different” children, the more likely we will be to consider inclusion an important goal. My severely disabled grand nephew loves being able to play on the all-kids playground with his siblings.


The tulips are finally blooming. :cold_face: Coldest, nastiest spring I could remember. What is this, Seattle or Siberia?!