Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (NO REPLIES TO OTHER POSTS)

Pleased to see them do that after the game.

There’s apparently a lot of dust floating around today. What a story. Sorry about the dust heading your way, it needed sharing.


I believe that the ubiquitous “Doodle” dog breed is actually a race of aliens who have found a way to invade and subordinate humans without our knowledge.

Spent a day in a park yesterday and this hybrid breed was everywhere being spoiled, played with, poop picked up and fed. We all treated these “pets” as royalty and gladly acquiesced to their every need.

If our greatest threat as a civilization is aliens with superior intelligence invading earth and getting us to “surrender” without even the awareness that we have been invaded, isn’t the “Doodle” a little too much of a coincidence
.I think not.


What a crappy weather weekend. I want my weekend $$ back.


“The lady doth protest too much, methinks”

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Karma, thanks for showing up in a big way on a Monday!


I’d like to thank the Washington Post columnist for the term: Strategic Incompetence.

(This is in reference to an employment situation).


RIP, Len Goodman. :cry:

:dancer: :man_dancing:

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God bless ya Joe. You never quit.


Dear Cable Company Service Chat Center,

That was 45 minutes of my life that I will not get back.
There are no words-- at least none that I wish to say aloud or even type here.

Ugh. I am convinced some circle of hell involves trying to deal with simple questions with a cable company


Oh Harry Belafonte. So sorry to see you go

rest well


Just checked email and found a junk one warning me of the evils of NPR.

Making note to self:

Send a donation to NPR today. :sunglasses:


I feel proud that I raised my daughter to be familiar with a broad range of pop culture from before her time. I tell her Harry Belafonte died and she starts singing Jump in the Line.


Tell me you have no idea what you’re talking about without telling me you have no idea what you’re talking about.

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Sad to be that guy who is so delusional you believe you’re the life of the party when the rest of us didn’t want you invited in the first place.

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Fellow Boomer: The right way to ask for a recommendation in the retirement community FB group is to post your question on the wall, NOT start a group chat.

Instead, most of the 62,483 people in the group are caught in group chat hell because most of them apparently have no idea how to leave a group chat. So, 50K+ phones are blowing up at lightning speed while 30 of you share your recommendations or, even better, step by step instructions on doing the repair yourself–one step per message even–AND 50,000 other people beg for help on how to get out of a group chat. :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

Clearly, I am incapable of looking away.

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I am not your personal secretary.


What did they expect after giving crayons to a bunch of little kids?! :laughing:

I will never understand sending a child to boarding school far away from home for high school.


My 11 year old cat had all of his teeth extracted yesterday. He is at this moment high on morphine. I’m just very happy that he won’t have anymore pain. Yes, I know it was expensive, but don’t tell me “it’s just a cat”. He’s my responsibility. I adopted him. You don’t just love something when it’s easy and convenient.