Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (NO REPLIES TO OTHER POSTS)

What if the thing I want to get off my chest is a reply to something said here? I guess I need to start an Off Topic - Responding to Say It Here Because You Can’t Say It Directly - The Get It Off Your Chest Thread Thread.


To the person who grabbed my bag off the airport baggage claim carousel and left, did you not notice the large orange tag (and not your name)?!? Apparently not.

To the American Airlines baggage staff, kudos for scanning the closest bag to mine that wasn’t picked up and quickly contacting that passenger (who wasn’t too far from the airport). Added another hour to an already hour and a half delay, but I suppose it could have been worse.


Thank you everyone for the last few years. I have learned and benefited from the wisdom of others on this board. Two kids later, I have nothing but wonderful things to say about this site. Long-time posters, you all are such treasure troves of knowledge! Apologies for a few ruffled feathers along the way.

That said, my journey here as an applicant’s father is done. I will continue to visit from time to time to catch up. Probably no longer on a daily basis. Until next time!!!


Oops deleted

I really want to bug my child but can’t do that until tomorrow. She just took her NPTE (National Physical Therapy Examination) and is done with 22 years of school if you count preschool. I am confident she’ll pass (she’ll find out within a week) and she graduates next Friday. I am elated. I’ve texted her congratulations but she’s staying with friends as she had to go about 3 hours away to take the test. I can’t ask her a lot of questions right now so I’m getting this off my chest. Yay!


You really bug me. I can only say this here, because it isn’t nice to be openly honest about family members (even those you aren’t directly related to). But the feeling is stronger sometimes than others, and today is one of those times.


Dear friend,
We have known each other over 2 decades and have shared lots about our families and kids. I do not want to hurt your feelings but STOP trying to control your adult children and their lives. It is OK that your child wants to move into an apartment she can afford and yikes have roommates. I know it will be a severance of your purse strings but really at some point we all had to learn a budget. Props to her she has a good job, just cannot afford the doorman building without needing money from you… And is really trying to make it on her own. Oh and she has a tattoo.
I will now go back to keeping my mouth closed.


No one ever says “in the spirit of radical candor” and then tells you how great you are.
And honestly I could do with a little less radical candor and a little more consideration of impact and feelings.
It’s been a loooong week of work travel, it’s only half over and I am peopled out.


Trigger Warning: Violence with Children. Skip this message if needed.

Yesterday’s newspaper had a report about a woman shot (and died from her injuries) while her one-year old was in the backseat. It happened to be the birthday of her sister who had been shot and killed while driving, pregnant, ten years before.

Today’s newspaper included the story of a woman who killed and chopped up a six-year old to fit in a 10-gallon bucket and left it on someone’s front porch.

I am sick. I am scared. And I really think that we may be going somewhere in a handbasket.

D1 said to me, “you can’t tell anyone, but we (she and her husband) are getting on our bank’s private jet for a client event.”
I told her to take some pictures. i am watching her kid, so I should get something out of it.


Unbelievable. I had no idea this kind of home equity theft was going on. Check out the map in the article to see if your state does it. We’ll see how SCOTUS rules.


I am glad that I can see more than my own point of view. It may have taken me a long time to get here, but I’m glad that I arrived.


On the bright side, your website’s glitch that prevents me from signing in at least 3/4 of the time has been good for my bank balance. I’d tell you directly, but there’s no way to contact an actual human and I am done with bots.


When faced with a new dilemma or problem, I am grateful for helpful, kind people.I am thankful for clarity and first steps to sort out the messes.


I have one very bad thought/wish. I try really hard not to. But it’s there.

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If anyone has any good thoughts, fairy dust, mojo, prayers for my S’s job search, you can send it my way. TIA


So horrible, even if you and we all knew it was a possibility. My heart goes out to you.

Why does an expense hotel encourage its customers to use the towels more than once but only has one, yes one, hook to hang them on? There are two of us and one small hook. So annoying. It must have been a man who designed it. Definitely form over function!!!


It amazes me that people don’t read the contract.
And are then shocked! Shocked! By something that was in the contract.

People read the contract. :roll_eyes:


So nice finally to be on vacation and have my friends in Israel staying with me. Aaahhh!