Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (NO REPLIES TO OTHER POSTS)

Wish you could respect the decision we made for our family. Your negative comments are not helpful, and just make me respect you less.

Yay, the collection agency is going after you legally! We won’t even get that much money, I imagine, but maybe you’ll think twice about stiffing people in the future. I know you’ve done it to others. The straw was the glowing article about you in the newspaper. Unbelievable.


The sides think they are so very different. In reality, each will bend over backwards to excuse the inexcusable - if it happens to be something that further supports an already entrenched position.


Accidentally posted in the wrong spot. SORRY!

DH & I took our kids to see Return of the Jedi on the big screen. They’ve seen it at home a million times, but this was the first time for them seeing it a movie theater. I’d forgotten how awesome Darth Vader’s helmet looks when he looks out of the Death Star out into space. And all of the “yub nub!” from the Ewoks
LOVED IT ALL! There was a guy dressed up as Jedi Luke
when he walked into the theater, some teenager shouted out “You look dope!”

And everybody clapped and cheered at the end. Awesome.


My sweet girl, you have been with me nearly ten years. Now is not the time.


How many more before something changes?


It may be false spring, but I’m still going to relish the feeling of sun on my face (w/plenty of sunscreen!) as I sit in the deck gazing at the water.
As someone said, “the sound you hear is that of everyone in the PNW collectively losing their **** about spring finally arriving.”


Why are expiration dates not in the same place on food items? I just spent 5 minutes turning a glass jar over and around hunting for the date on a jar of salsa I found toward the back of the panty. I used a flashlight, stood outside in the sunlight and added reading glasses, after not finding it with the lights in the kitchen.

I finally found the date, it had expired, in tiny print closes to the lid where I thought it would be. Larger and darker print would be helpful!


I had a really strange experience with Comcast, so I’ll give credit where it’s due. Yesterday, our tv stopped working. Rebooted the box. Nope. Unplugged and replugged everything. Nope.

Got on the online Xfinity chat. Went through a series of questions and steps. Nope. After only 15 min of this it scheduled me a tech visit for this morning 10-12. The guy actually came early and was done in less than 30 min. Our box died. He said our dying model is happening all over. He replaced 2 yesterday.

But never has dealing with Comcast or a tech issue been so easy. I am floored. Yay!! (Because saying I despise tech issues is putting it mildly)


Crossing every finger and toe that S21 and his roommate like the apartment they are touring today and that they get it. :crossed_fingers:t2: :crossed_fingers:t2: :crossed_fingers:t2:

DC housing isn’t easy or reasonable and I’d be incredibly thrilled to have this checked off his things to do list.


Well great.They both work for the same company, and were both told they were work from home permanently. They don’t own a car and they have to take a bus to get to subway. Now they have to go in 3 days a week. If they’d known that when they bought their place, they would have picked the one walking distance to the subway.


you have never been there, and don’t really know anything about the places. So why are you giving advice??


Woooohoooo!!! :squid: :ice_hockey:!!!


Imagine how “happy” I was when I went to use our new milk this morning and discovered it expired April 29th. I picked it up at the curb, so not my fault.


Enjoying the sunshine this morning here in Brooklyn. Yesterday my Israeli friends and I went in their rental car to visit an elderly cousin of theirs in Greenwich Village. It was raining cats and dogs so the husband dropped us off and parked the car, returning in around half an hour. When he went to get the car so we could go home, he couldn’t find it. I took the subway home and they wandered around for hours. I kept telling them, go to the precinct, they will help! They stayed at another friend’s house, went to the precinct this morning, where two wonderful officers drove them around until they found the car. Happy ending for sure!


Am I the only one who is stressed when their adult child travels? Sitting here with flightaware open tracking her plane makes me anxious.


If you already think you have all the answers, why ask the question?


Thank goodness nobody apparently got seriously hurt or died! Shaking my head. Guess none of these students are future structural engineers.

Doing a deep dive on the huge keepsake chest, going through all the saved pictures and schoolwork of the kids, trying to get rid of a lot. Exhausting, but. man, my kids were adorable. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: