Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (NO REPLIES TO OTHER POSTS)

Wow, Seattle, & Florida, Toronto!


Another day, another disappointed poster with their/their kids admissions results, partially because the student had a bad list. What’s it going to take for people to learn that wherever they/their kid goes to school has no bearing on who they are or their potential success in future endeavors?

Parents, ask yourselves what message you are giving your kids to be upset about this
that they aren’t good enough in your eyes or that you are disappointed with them? All the hard work in HS was wasted? Best to celebrate their successes and help them get excited for their next steps.


S21 completed (as did we as co-signers) apt paperwork but 

didn’t get apt bc roommate failed to get his and his parent PW completed and submitted in timely manner; so leasing agent went with next on list!

.now roommate got reality check, and PW is now being submitted for almost identical apt that had not been listed, but that S and roommate were also shown yesterday.

My BP is not a fan of this.

But light is approaching?! Fingers crossed :crossed_fingers:t2:.


DH- lessons in how to load the dishwasher will commence shortly. But I guess after all these years you know that you can stick stuff in any old way and it will magically get fixed :persevere:


Every parent should go watch this Malcolm Gladwell presentation about “Why You Shouldn’t Go To Harvard.”

Celebrate your kid’s wins. :slight_smile: Tell them that you’re proud of them and that you love them, no matter WHAT happens.


RIP Gordon Lightfoot.
I’ll be pulling out your CD for the soundtrack of tomorrow’s work.
If you could read my mind



A reminder that posts in this thread still need to abide by Forum Rules and those that don’t are subject to removal without any comment. Posts admonishing another user are inappropriate.


My nephew should be turning 28 next week. I can’t believe he’s been gone almost 8 years. My son was born not even two months before my nephew, so it’s got to be hard for my sister to see his life advance. :cry:

Yes, we are well aware that you can steal that money from us. And that you will. But this is the final time you will have this chance. And unlike you I will not sacrifice my integrity for a few thousand dollars.

Cops were called to my kids’ school this am. A 7th grader allegedly threatened to bring a gun to school (middle school grades are at same campus as HS). Student will not be on campus, at a minimum, until police investigation is done. D24 said the 7th grader who allegedly did this is a “big trouble maker” and is VERY disruptive all of the time.

If the kid really did make the threat, I hope that:

  1. Police and the kid’s parents get him some mental health help.
  2. The kid gets kicked out of this school.

I don’t care if anybody disagrees with statement #2.


Learned more. 7th grade student is 14, has failed 7th grade twice at this school. Was caught engaging in extracurricular activities of an adult nature in the bathroom at school with an 11 yr old female student. Posted on his social media last night a photo of himself holding a rifle with caption of ‘don’t go to school tomorrow.’

That boy needs a therapist and a psychiatrist. And the 11 yr old probably needs counseling, too. What a nightmare for those 2 families.

But they better expel that boy from the school. He needs to attend his local alternative school in his local public school district instead.

I am relieved and grateful that the school acted quickly, took this whole thing seriously, etc. To say that I dropped a lot of 4-letter word bombs today would be putting it mildly.


Coyotes, deer, raccoons, bunnies, squirrels, bald eagles, owls, and a galore of other smaller critters
 but a bobcat sashaying through our front yard - that is a first


OMG we have a “WOW” emoticon!!! Yay!!!


Way to go McDonald’s in Louisville! :rage:

Glad you got caught


I really, really don’t want to spend my week like this. I hope my H appreciates that I am here with his family.


There was a real panic on my part when I found out there was a general outage of internet in my building. But then I remembered that I hotspot on my phone.


This one was waaay to close for comfort. ENOUGH!


Feeling grateful today. Potential disaster/tragedy averted thanks to some students who spoke up, told their parents, parents called school and police, school and police took immediate action. Students alerted their parents of the social media post made by the 14-yr-old 7th grader who threatened to shoot up the school. There’s an online Q&A meeting & discussion at noon tomorrow w/our principal, the school system’s main head of security, and our principal’s boss.

No idea if the student meant it as a joke or if it was a real thing. But very grateful that everybody took it really seriously.

That boy needs a psychiatrist in a bad way. Am glad that the school is working to keep him way the heck away from my children and all of the other kids who go to our school.

Earth to the parents of that student: your son needs serious help. If he’s repeated 7th grade twice already and is doing things w/11 yr old girls in the bathroom at school and he threatens to shoot up his school, THAT’S A SIGN THAT SOMETHING IS SERIOUSLY WRONG!

I have no idea why this boy is doing the things he is doing. But I do know this
some parents REALLY need to lay off with the pressure on their teenage children.

So just love your kids. Unconditionally. Regardless of their grades. Or the college they do or do not get into. Regardless of their straight/cis-gender or LGBTQ+ status. Regardless of their religion. Regardless of who they decide to date. Regardless of what they choose to major in. Just do your best to love them as they are.


Now this? Why me?

Oh, my, I really don’t like the dress my daughter got for her art show opening. Sigh. Zip it, Mom.