Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (NO REPLIES TO OTHER POSTS)

Dear Facebook: Why do I keep seeing posts from a group that rehomes chickens, ducks and peacocks? What brilliant person came up with the algorithm that decided I want to raise poultry? :joy:


Clearly, ā€œI am perfectly healthyā€ is relative. My 96 year old MIL just said that sheā€™s perfectly healthy. I had to bite my tongue so much that it hurt!

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May the Fourth be with you.


My mother had beautiful roses. She died in September and I asked a gardening friend (her FIL was the garden expert on the local news years ago) and she said to do nothing. I called her yesterday and she says it is still too early to cut them back, but to look for new growth, probably next week.

Iā€™m panicking. I donā€™t want to let my mother down. Iā€™ve cleaned the old leaves around 2 of the bushes and they look pitiful. Iā€™ve watered them. It is supposed to be 70+ degrees all weekend, but last year we did have a big big snow storm in late May. I donā€™t see how these brown sticks can produce beautiful flowers in a month.

D**m. One of my bridge playing friends husband has been diagnosed with a fast growing brain tumor. He was diagnosed earlier this week and is going into hospice today. They, give him a week, maybe two.

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Everything about this just breaks my heart :smiling_face_with_tear:

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Yes, her application was accepted, she got the apartment. (Landlord chose her over somebody who overbid the rent - who does that?)


Feast tonight at my place! My Israeli friend working on the Kubbeh Kubbeh - Wikipedia, theirs made with semolina dumplings, chopmeat (beef), celery, onions, carrots, paprika, chicken stock etc., etc., etc.


This makes me sad even though I understand the reasoning. Weā€™ll see if this becomes more common.

As a former teacher, who never had to participate in active shooter drills, I find the current school environment for our children and teachers unacceptable.


When did this stop being a venting thread??

Clean your stinky, gross clothes!!! Iā€™m happy youā€™re home butā€¦come onā€¦the piles of dirty clothes are disgusting.
But donā€™t bother with the towels and sheetsā€”those are a lost cause and Iā€™ll be throwing those in the trash. :rage:


I think T-Mobile has the best customer service ever! Very friendly and helpful. Such a rare thing these days


I wish you could see that by getting so upset by my comment you made my point.

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How is it that Utah baseball gives Oregon State trouble every year? Utah is usually the PAC 12 doormat and Oregon State is a national championship contender year in and year out.

It was a hell of a party! Israelis off to Berkeley, Alaska, Oakland, then back to Brooklyn on June 10.


When is science not science? And when is not-science science? Why should we care? Donā€™t bury your head in the sand, because these arenā€™t rhetorical questions.


When is enough finally enough? Itā€™s literally daily now. Iā€™m both livid and numb. And collectively, itā€™s a real problem that the latter has started to dull the former.


Iā€™m very angry. None of it makes sense. I hoped we were better than this.


Itā€™s sometimes tempting to imagine that life would be perfect if only we had a few billion dollars. Unfortunately, illness and loss affect us all. Quietly grieving for a wonderful mother who lost her son.

Completely tore my Achilles last week.

Underwent surgery on Monday.

Woke up in pain feeling sorry for myself Tuesday.

Was reminded of how blessed I am to just have an injury and not an illness and to have healthy and happy kids on Wednesday.

Perspective (plus my spouse saying toughen up cupcake) matters and helps.