Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (NO REPLIES TO OTHER POSTS)

…The attack is one of at least 199 mass shootings this year in the US with four or more people shot, excluding a gunman…
high low


Hey random rude neighbor, who was using your kids to illegally dump your trash in the construction dumpster. Did you maybe have a guilty conscience and that is why you rudely stopped me from my run to tell me that your kids said I took their picture and that it is illegal because they are under 18. A.) No it’s not illegal to take a photo outside in public (but I wasn’t even taking pictures). And B.) Pretty sure it IS illegal to dump your trash in a private construction dumpster. And C.) hope you feel awkward every time I walk by your house. Maybe I will continue to say hi like I used to even though your wife would never say hi.


For once Social Media did some good. May you NEVER.EVER.EVER be around a dog again. That behavior was reprehensible. Not only that…do you not know everyone films everything these days? And you still thought yanking that poor creature around in a manner where he became airborne was okay…because you were wearing that uniform.

Good riddance.


Almost 2 yr of you hassling the kid to get a drivers license. Kid finally did that 6 months ago. Your regular frustrated questions about how come kid doesn’t want to drive anywhere now fall on dead ears. Neither I or kid care if you are frustrated with this. And now out of the blue, you propose that kid pay for part or all of the extra costs for kid’s car insurance.

No offense, dear husband, but you are kind of being an idiot with this. You don’t get to change the rules part way through the game. Had this been the intent all along, kid would wisely have said, “Fine, then I’ll get my license when I’m 18.”

And you’re mad at me for pointing this out.

I don’t care that you’re mad. I don’t care that you don’t understand why Gen Z’ers don’t care about driving like us Gen X’er cared about driving.


Yay - +1 for our side.




Is it bad that I feel sad that a kid is leaving their safety which seemed so perfect for the student to go to a school where they were waitlisted? I know the family is happy, but I got emotionally attached to the other school. I feel like it’s my “school that got away!”


You refuse to wear your hearing aids then complain because you can’t understand much of what GD says. You refuse to get tested and buy new hearing aids, to replace the current decade old ones, and so you can’t hear well on the telephone, or in any restaurants or other spaces with background noise and/or more than one person talking.

Today you wasted time driving around trying to buy supplies because you didn’t call ahead. Then you got angry that the store you wanted to shop at was closed and the others don’t carry the quantity you want at a price you think is reasonable. I don’t have any sympathy left because you refuse to make any effort to help yourself.


I honestly do not know how some people can sleep at night.


I’m sad because a friend of more than 30 years has only a month or two to live. She’s 92, so has lived a fabulous life, enjoys her 10 grandchildren, her chocolates (she loves chocolate), but I’m sad.

I will miss her hilarious stories, like last fall when she was combing the fringe on her rug because she likes it all even, fell against the arm of the sofa and broke two ribs. She then had to have her neighbor come over every night and hold up her boob while she applied the bandage. She said that’s when you know you have a good neighbor and good friend.


I had to create 2 new userid/password combos tonight and I already forgot the PWs. Why yes I should have written them down.

In the words of Lizzo, “It’s about da** time.” For multiple things.


I feel so lucky to be “the” one my kids immediately call when they have good news to share. Of course, their spouses/fiancee are already in on the news, but I’m the first one they call - often within minutes.

I love my kids.

I wish everyone had great kid/parent(friend) relationships, and I feel for those who don’t.


Now I feel guilty for getting annoyed with you. At least I didn’t fuss at you yesterday right before you got that email from the doctor’s office. :cry:

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Public Service Announcement:

If you know a Millennial who “thinks” they had chicken pox, but it was mild before the vaccine became common (late 1990s), have them get checked!

My distance-running, very healthy 39 year old husband caught chicken pox somewhere a month ago and was misdiagnosed since his mom said he had it as a child (the doctor back then told her since his brother had a severe case, those three pox were enough for long-term immunity. They were not.) He was finally confirmed with chicken pox testing, but too late and became extremely ill. He is now in the ICU for the third day with sepsis in the state where his new job is located. I am trying to manage it from 600 miles away as S23 finishes high school this month. My MIL is beside herself.

He could have been checked and then gotten the vaccine as an adult, but no one tends to suggest this to males especially. (Due to a mild case as a child, I was checked for anti-bodies before pregnacy.) Unless your child/spouse/nephew/niece in that age group was totally covered with chicken pox back in the day, get them tested for antibodies and if not immune, get that vaccine!! Millennials especially may have fallen through the cracks if they didn’t catch it early because younger children started getting vaccinated and less virus circulated in Millennials’ later childhood


So sad to hear that my neighbor, who retired from the fire department a year ago, has been diagnosed with ALS.

What a waste of a tree that was killed to make that glossy interior design magazine sample you sent to my husband! You really need to know your potential customers better. This guy has not spent a nanosecond decorating anything. A snowflake’s chance in h*ll he will subscribe! :laughing: And BTW, I flipped through a few pages and tossed the magazine into recycling… not my style either!


Allowing myself to start getting excited that S21 will be home sometime early next week.

Miss him so much.
Last final paper due tomorrow.
Then he finds boxes and packs.
Then we get plane ticket and wait to see that awesome smiling face soon thereafter.

Oh, and he and roommate got an apt lease signed last week for August. Hallelujah!

Life is good. Much to be thankful for. (And I ended with a preposition.:stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:)


Once again, it’s all about money.

Let’s face it. There just simply are some questions that cannot be answered.