Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (NO REPLIES TO OTHER POSTS)

Attempt at getting out and attending events: positive.

The seven to eight hour drive that should have been four, thanks to construction and multiple accidents: not so much.

You go, girl! :sunglasses:


The incompetence leaves me speechless.

Leaving this morning for our summer in Maine. On the way, weā€™ll stop to see our son and FDIL whom we havenā€™t seen since last July. Iā€™ll have my arms around my boy in less than a week. Happy and excited donā€™t begin to describe it.


In my enthusiasm to get the planters surrounding my deck in tip-top shape, I pulled waaaaaaay too hard to dig up a dead boxwood hedge. That was on Tuesday and my lower back is still absolutely killing me. I sat in the hot tub for 20 minutes earlier today; I need to go back in and do it again. In the meantime, I canā€™t continue working on the planters, and my unofficial deadline each spring is always Mothersā€™ Day. Iā€™m not going to make it this year.

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Less than two weeks after eyelid/brow surgery and having focusing problems and doctor is traveling and out of town for 3 weeks!!! Receptionist claims not related to surgery; sorry, donā€™t buy that. She will text him. Possibly astigmatism has developed? Scary.

Your mother was verbally and emotionally abusive, mentally ill, and determined to be combative with nearly everyone she met. You couldnā€™t have saved her, your job was not to save her, you were a child and even as a 20-something it was still not your job. No matter how normal she could seem. No matter the illustrious career. No matter who says she was great and you must miss her so much.

It was unfair you had to put distance between you. It was cruel that she tried to make that your fault. It . Was. Not. Your. Fault. Iā€™m sorry it all went this way and Iā€™m sorry she left a giant mess behind and a hole in your heart. I literally cannot fathom how she did not appreciate how awesome you are in nearly every way.

But I will never be sorry that your are ours. What a lucky family we are, to have you in it. My son gave us a great gift when he married you, and we love you with all our hearts. Happy Motherā€™s Day.


(Proud Mom brag) so many congrats to you kid! Summa cum laude and the only summa cum laude ā€˜23 graduate in your major. And Iā€™m equally glad you still had time for social life - parties, intramural sports, clubs, and a job. And a beautiful (inside and out) GF to join our family, and share it with. What a great day this is.


As I sit here in an empty waiting room for my doctorā€™s appointment, I have to wonder why you chose to sit on the sofa next to me. The waiting room is huge in space, with 19 (yes, I counted) chairs or sofas to chose from. Even before Covid, I would never sit on top
Of someone if there were other options.


Iā€™ll be honest. I donā€™t like Motherā€™s Day. I adored my mom and always felt that anything I did or said was forced on that day. Iā€™d rather just love her and honor her day in and day out and make sure she knew it. And I do NOT want my kids to feel obligated. All three are married with kids of their own and I told them to aid their children in honoring their mothers on Sunday. We get together about once a month and anytime I see them all is ā€œMotherā€™s Dayā€ for me.
That said I hope all of you moms have a great day on Sunday.


We are going to my milā€™s for Motherā€™s Day. Weā€™ve been planning to do this since Monday. Iā€™ve asked my husband to call his mom. You know since itā€™s his mom.

Nope of course he didnā€™t call. Mil called today. Me of course because she always calls me. She doesnā€™t even know her sonā€™s number. :flushed: I turn over the phone to husband and he makes plans to go there Sunday.

Husband then tells me that I need to call his mom to figure out the food. :roll_eyes:. I say I donā€™t want to cook, he says I could make reservations but itā€™s busy on Motherā€™s Day. Again :roll_eyes:.

I call mil. I decide that we (husband and I) will stop at Costco on the way there and buy lasagna, salad, rolls and dessert. :white_check_mark: No one has to cook. Why husband couldnā€™t have thought of this brilliant idea :crazy_face:

Itā€™s a good thing Motherā€™s Day is only once a year and that my husband has many good qualities. :kissing_heart:


I just watched a show where the hosts were honoring their mothers. They were using all glowing words to describe their moms. And then they asked what was the best piece of advice you got from your mom. I hate that I donā€™t have glowing words about my mom and that when I think of advice she gave me the thing I most remember is before going on a date she told me not to be myself. Itā€™s so mean itā€™s comical. I wish I had a lot of warm, fuzzy feelings about my mom growing up, but I donā€™t. Iā€™m sad that we finally have a decent relationship now, just as the dementia has taken hold.

Goodness, so much drama. You women are professionals, act like it! You are sucking time and energy from pursuing the agencyā€™s mission.

A very generous person offered to pay for whatever was the top item on my bucket list.

I realized I donā€™t have a bucket list. I have everything I need and everything I want, so I just gave this person a big hug and told them how much I love them.


SILā€™s company announced layoffs last month; his entire team, except for him was let go. :grimacing: Now daughterā€™s company is going to announce cuts on Monday; hoping she isnā€™t on the chopping block. :crossed_fingers:. This is a tough economy for all.


You have absolutely no idea what youā€™re talking about.

I have worked my last Saturday, hopefully forever!


No, I donā€™t want that breakfast we eat all the time and is your favorite for Motherā€™s Day. And you are very lucky that the really good bakery and restaurant nearby was still open for preorders. Youā€™ve got a twenty year eyeroll over here.


After an eight-hour-plus-stops drive from El Paso to another godforsaken Texas town on our way to GA, we arrive at our hotel after 5PM only to find our room is not ready yet due to short staffing and a lobby full of college baseball players attempting to find rooms for the night after their team surprisingly won a tournament game and they need to stay on for the next dayā€™s play. Registration desk is overwhelmed and suggests we go have dinner and all should be resolved by the time we return(!). :rage:

We check in to the room at 7PM only to hear a dog(!) barking non-stop a couple of rooms down. No-pets-allowed hotel eventually evicts troublemakers but not without unpleasant drama. :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

Such a first-world problem but happy to be able to vent here.

Serenity now. :cocktail:


Do NOT blow the next one!!! :ice_hockey:!!!