Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (NO REPLIES TO OTHER POSTS)

My dear man. I guess we are driving each other crazy. I get it. I have had to rethink my future endeavors should I lose you first, which is more likely age wise with an eight year difference. We can’t seem to get ahead here. You’re all over the place. Worse than ever, my ADD darling. I get it. I try to make you focus on one thing at a time and then you get angry at me. Meanwhile, I keep packing up “stuff” and donating it. All is all, it will make the merest dint but I’m trying. If I say “okay so next week let’s_______________,” you immediately rise up and say “well what about ____________?” Will keep keeping on. Trying to keep you on track in subtle ways i.e. I start the project and invite you in. I do love you. You’re my best friend.

Don’t pretend it has anything to do with keeping us safe. It does not.


Why does she have to be so hard on herself? She needs to relax, let some stuff go, she can’t do everything.


I’m relieved you’re finally moving forward with this. Sounds like you’re in good hands.


Feeder schools suck. $50K per year to attend high school BETTER get you into Harvard. But its still patently ridiculous.

It’s time. We gotta get you safer and we can’t do that this way. You are keeping it from happening and 6 months of better is …better than this. Or we can spend a tonof your money on adaptations, and that’s fine, but you wanna spend your time that way? Does Mom? Do we?


Just buy the woman a steak or pork or whatever meat she wants and invite her and her husband over for dinner. Put the paperwork in a drawer and don’t let them upstairs so she doesn’t go through your bathroom drawers. You can see us after you do this and I don’t need to be pressured to feel guilty about it at all. I don’t need to agree to spend holidays with people who don’t like me and never have. I’m still a perfectly good person if I spend holidays with people who actually want to see me.


Come on Noosa Blended Yoghurt- did you need to add gelatin to your delicious yoghurt and make it non-vegetarian! Try harder.


Oh my gosh I looked at my gym weigh in history just now. I gained 22 pounds from June 2022 until January 2023, which happens to be the timeframe of my son’s six-month total of hospital stays. I’ve managed to take 11 pounds off. He’s struggling a little again and I have to find a way to stay on an even keel. At least I have a good counselor and I think that will make a difference.


Brother, I love you. But don’t come asking for my advice on how to pay for my nephew’s college. He is about to be a senior, and I have been telling you for YEARS to put money in a 529. You instead kept going on extravagant vacations, bought expensive cars, and lived beyond your means. How did we do it, you ask? We put money away diligently since the kids were little. How I wish you had done the same.


You’re sending your kid to another country for 9 days. Your kid wanders off all the time. Can’t even sit in a classroom for 55 min without walking out unannounced and without permission.



Ugh - I hate the smell of mothballs! MIL used to put them all over the cabin when she closed in the fall, but I stopped doing it when I took over the job. For whatever reason, H decided to put them all over when he did the final closing jobs without me last fall. I can guarantee that our S is going to give him heck … he dislikes the smell even more than I do. There’s just no way to air out the yucky old people smell the mothballs have left behind!


so sick and tired of seeing the same mean girl and her mom talk badly about teachers, coaches, students behind their backs for 4 years but smooth talks to selected adults who they need to use to help get them what they want and gets rewarded. Cannot wait to never see them again.


So happy that this week’s NYT food section’s recipes involved everything that showed up in my CSA farm share! And from my favorite contributor, no less!


My DH told me he wanted to go shopping for some new clothes for our upcoming trip this morning. Those are words that come out of his mouth about every 10 years, so I got ready at lightening speed…before he changed his mind.

We get over to shopping town and he pulls in the costco parking lot. :rofl: Fifteen minutes later we are loading up the car with 3 pair of shorts, 3 of the vented non wrinkle columbia shirts he likes, 2 pair of pants, 2 polo shirts, 2 t-shirts, a swimsuit and a pair of tennis shoes.

We’re on our way home now. Sigh. Maybe next time. :woman_shrugging:


Dear neighbor, sometimes it is better to say nothing. I fell because your dogs were running loose. If they were on a leash as required by law none of this would have happened. It’s as simple as that. It’s only because you were afraid of being recognized that you “apologized”. For what it’s worth, I didn’t recognize you - all I could see was your back as you ran away as fast as you could.

Darn it!!! I’m really enjoying the Jeopardy Masters tournament but I can’t get the Jeopardy music out of my head!

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Before Mother’s Day, I wrote upthread that I don’t have a lot of warm adjectives to describe my mom and the most memorable advice she gave me was mean.

Yesterday, I left her house to drive the three+ hours home after taking care of her for five days to give my siblings a break. She followed me to my car, and as I was sitting in the driver’s seat, she leaned down and hugged me and said, “I love you so much.” This is, honest to God, the first time she has ever told me she loved me. I know that dementia sometimes makes people mean, but it’s enabled my mom to become more tender. I’m thankful for that, but it’ll make her passing that much more difficult.


Why waste your time and mine to come here, walk the lot for 45 minutes, then never get back to me with an estimate? I waited two weeks to text you and you said you’d have it that week - that was three weeks ago and still nothing. No reply to my follow up text last week. We waited because you were recommended by the landscape designer. Now it’s too late to get anyone else until fall. If you’re too busy you could have told me up front.


WTH - I used a credit card to make a fairly large purchase, and my credit score goes down 58 points, before it’s even due - WOW. I don’t normally pay attn, but got an email that prompted me to check it out.