Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (NO REPLIES TO OTHER POSTS)

Nothing like being awakened multiple times by some weird noise only to finally get up and learn that it’s a giant water bug hitting up against the blinds. I absolutely can not squish a bug myself so I get the spray to slow him down and then try to find a cup to put on top of him until dh can rescue me. I find a cup and a six-pound weight to make sure the cup stayed on him. Well, he was slow but not dead so when I put those two things on him he moved slightly and I got that lovely CRUNCH sound that I was tying to avoid! :face_vomiting: :face_vomiting: :face_vomiting: No way I could go back to bed after that.

As an aside, I was with my 91yo mom last week, and she has no problem killing them and picking up the carcass with a tissue and … just no.



An average cost per item of $14 at Costco? I’d be doing a happy dance, based on the items I buy at Costco.


Nothing like going to lunch with your kid and having them say, “I have to tell you something and I figured it’s a good time since you’re seeing your counselor this afternoon.”

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Casa Bonita (check old South Park episodes if you don’t know it) is finally opening. You have to have a timed reservation, so I’ll probably get in around Christmas.

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It was supposed to rain at 1 pm. Nope. Then it was supposed to rain at 5, and the local news was showing warnings and where it was raining but not at my house.

So I water the grass and the flowers, turn on the sprinklers to go off in the night, do some laundry and go to bed a little early. At 9 pm I hear noise. Then more noise. Oh thunder.

Now it is raining. Thank you mother nature for making me water and then raining.

So much bickering, enough already!

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Privilege on full display is nauseating.

Pregnant at 15. Not sure I’d be doing a happy dance.

Dear Nosy Neighbor,

I’m glad that your house guests are enjoying your pool every evening, including while you are out of town for 10 weeks at a time. But now you’re back home from your travels. And while you were having a great time yesterday evening, you or some of your guests tossed marshmallows into my backyard. Right near the spot where your fire pit is.

Since I’m a giving person, I tossed them back to you into your backyard. Thanks for the snack, but I’ll have to decline.

I sincerely hope that Gary the Gopher invades your property in the near future.


Not sure who all those old people were today, but they were pretending to be my cousins. :rofl:


I think the entire world would really appreciate a slow, boring news day.

There’s been way too much to digest lately.


There is an old story about a person being asked if they know the difference between ignorance and indifference. The response being I don’t know and I don’t care.

If you have to post and explain, clarify and repeat yourself 12+ times, others clearly don’t care and or you don’t know what you are talking about.

Move on for everyone’s benefit!


They’re married. I have a daughter-in-law.


29 years… And here I sit at home. H is at the hospital with his mom. I’m not allowed as his dad is coming later and it’s 2 people max. His mom (who is already super fragile and has severe Alzheimer’s) was admitted with breathing trouble and an oxygen reading of 66. Supposedly she is in heart failure and her kidneys aren’t well… But yet they want to do heart surgery tomorrow to put in the stent.

And this is on top of waiting for the stupid oncologist to call the PCP back to set an appointment for H to see what’s going on with him. And was discovered while doing blood work for his hip replacement in 2.5 weeks. It’s been a week. How long does it take to look at the calendar and pick a date?

Two medical people I trust say they are very concerned and not to have the surgery until more is known, but his (quacky) PCP cleared him? And H desperately wants it done now before school starts. And if they are willing to operate on his mom, maybe it’s not so bad?

And this is on top of our lives getting hacked the other week and the normal emergencies like the refrigerator breaking. I just want to go back to my old version of the stressful summer with the kids flying and driving all over the world and S moving 600 miles away to start a new life.

Happy Anniversary indeed. 30 had better be better.

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Can’t we even get through the annual town hall meeting without the two of you making threats about members leaving if we don’t do what you two want? Why don’t YOU leave? Your toxicity has gone on for too long and is poisoning relationships. Would make the board’s (and my) life easier and remove a lot of stress and nastiness in our religious community!



Mother in law. I do understand that your life is very small now.

But I do not care that your granddaughter bought a $4400 dress for her wedding. I do not care what the grandson makes and how much they paid for their house.

We don’t tell you these things and I can’t figure out why your other son does. It’s none. of. your. business. It’s definitely not mine.


Its amazing how much you seem to relish in showing your true colors. Its not a good look.


I want to complain that my toilet is leaking right before I am going on my vacation and a business trip, but I am instead going to have a mindfulness moment and be very thankful that I found out before my trip.
I have a plumber coming tomorrow to fix it before I leave.