Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (NO REPLIES TO OTHER POSTS)

Today was an unexpectedly wonderful day. Love when that happens.


I find this sad and so irresponsible:

New York Times Suggests 'Death' As One of 6 Ways for Students to Cancel Debt.

Sooo tired of the constant mansplaining here.


Lock him up and throw away the keys!!! 34 years is not enough. :rage:


To the 30 yr old man who sexually harassed my daughter at work today, you’re lucky that I am a law abiding citizen.


To the creeper who sexually harassed my daughter at work yesterday, SO GLAD to learn today that you’ll be getting fired on Monday. Oh
and you even asked another young female employee there how old she is. Glad that my daughter listened to her gut. Glad that she complained to the female manager yesterday about you. You’ve been bugging the female managers AND other young female employees.

Your butt is grass, buddy.

Go try to date some people your own age.

To the pack of 6 teenage boys who all said goodbye to D24 yesterday evening while she was working the front counter, thank you. You made her laugh and got her mind off of creepy kitchen worker guy who looks like he’s spent his entire life in a tattoo parlor.


To nephew and new niece-in-law who have yet to send any acknowledgement for the wedding gifts sent three months prior: now that it’s more than one month post, maybe you could think about thanking people? I know you (nephew) are likely very busy hunting for a job but you (new niece) seem to be spending all your time gaming and posting about it on Twitter. Multiple times a day, sometimes. So at least one of you has plenty of free time!

Perhaps you’re waiting for the perfect thank you cards? Since you never got around to save the date cards and then sent somewhat delayed wedding invites because you wanted everything to be absolutely exactly perfect?


I have had 3 kids go through the college process in recent years, so thought I could use the information I have to help others going through it, but this forum causes me stress. There are so many posters who volunteer that School A isn’t “worth it” and give financial advice to posters who are not asking for it. There are many reasons why students choose more expensive schools – yes, prestige, environment, etc – but if people aren’t asking for advice, why give it. If someone asks for recommendations of Steak Restaurants, would you give them a lecture on why Vegan is better (actually many would). I am sensitive to this I think as I have a UC OOS child - and yes, I know it costs a lot - but that “isn’t worth it” really depends on my means and how I value my $$ - no need to chime in unless asked. ** As this was flagged as inappropriate and hidden, I will add that when posters ask for advice about their budgets, advice on the topic isn’t just appropriate, but I am sure appreciated. But diplomatic language is still appreciated. Still, diplomatic language is still appreciated when it comes to other people’s choices.


hello? Summer? You can show up anytime now, I’ve been waiting patiently but my patience is wearing thin.

(Apologies to those dealing with record heat
 We here in the northeast are NOT.)


Not sure what was surprising about it, given the circumstances.

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You are horrible, greedy people, You had the upper hand and milked it for every penny without an ounce of compassion or understanding. You acted rude, inconsiderate, and selfish (and accused us of rudeness). All good memories have been tainted by the last couple of months. What should have been bittersweet is now just bitter!

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Such a wonderful weekend at our cabin. I’m thankful for my husband’s creativity and skill, to have an off grid camp. :heart:


Goodbye, my friend. Till we meet again. You made my life better.


A glass of wine on the deck. Life is good




A positive post because I wanted to share our unexpectedly delightful experience. My brother is a hard core birder - as in, he drove from Michigan to Delaware & home via Atlantic City over the weekend in order to see specific birds that were sighted. He texted H to tell him that a bird that has only been sighted a couple times (ever) in our state was hanging out in the river a couple streets from us. H and I went over to see it, joining a bunch of avid birders in watching a limpkin dine on snails right here in our Midwest neighborhood. It’s a beautiful night, and the bird is happily hanging out, enjoying the neighborhood. It was pretty cool!


Be still my heart! The very handsome Roger Federer between his beautifully dressed & lovely wife and the Princess of Wales at Wimbledon = a wonderful way to start my day! :tennis:


I sometimes (often?) feel like the grief is all I have of him as he slides away, and if I share it , that’s just more of him that I’m losing. I know it’s weird. But there it is, anyway. I don’t want to talk about him, and it’s all I can think about. Thanks for being patient.


More on my tinnitus. Air conditioners sometimes make a high pitched, pulsing type of noise , and the one next door had me sleepless for two weeks. I hate being a problem tenant but ran into my landlord on the street and mentioned it (apologetically). Turns out the offending air conditioner belongs to his daughter.

Yesterday I noticed quiet. My landlord texted me that he had moved the air conditioner to the other side of the building, away from me! I am stunned by his kindness.


I love my brother, but he can be so exasperating. He is stubborn, obstinate, certain his take on something is the only right way to look at it. The older he gets, the more he digs in. He is only a year younger than I, so we basically had very similar upbringings. How the heck do we look at life so differently? Sigh. I will continue to repeat, “We’ll never agree on this.” Maybe he’ll understand someday. In the meantime, I will continue to celebrate the fact that we always work together toward the same goal when it’s necessary. Family is family, even when they drive you nuts.