Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (NO REPLIES TO OTHER POSTS)

We are in the office only 1 day a week. My analyst isn’t here today, so I messaged him where he was as we have an investment team meeting in person. He said he works better from home and he’s busy.

So disrespectful. I didn’t make up the rules to come in or not- I am here because that is what is expected of me. Of course we’d all like being at home 100% of the time. Seriously. I am so angry.


It stinks to be the better person. Doing things I should do not what I want to do.

I hate feeling obligated


Well we had our first ever medical appointment where a person took their time and probably some from other patients to sit and talk with us - 45 minutes worth. I’ve discovered this isn’t a good thing and means bad news. Surgery is cancelled and the PA was surprised nobody told us about the seriousness of the results. I googled but was hoping for a better outcome. It was more likely, I thought. And seeing how the PCP “wasn’t worried” and the oncologist office had zero sense of urgency and seemed fine with doing the testing after surgery, I figured it wasn’t that bad.

Nope. I was wrong. I suppose there is a sliver of hope once further testing is done, but I think the best we can hope for is the CLL variety of leukemia. But kudos to the PA. He was awesome and helped H through his panic attack/vagal response. I’m not sure what was worse. Him not caring at all or that. I believe he aged 30 years in 1 minute.

Oh and his Mom did live through her hospital emergency and is now in a PT/nursing home.

I’ve dubbed this “the summer of suck.”

My high school class FB page started as fun pictures of the reunions, planning the next reunion, updates about classmates and their kids and grandchildren and dogs, a few updates on the state championship basketball teams.

Now it is the obit page.

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My sister told me the saddest story about the girls at work not asking her to lunch. She has no friends, which is why she talks inappropriately to our mom. My brother spends too much time in the bars, but at least he has friends there.

A friend going through the same thing texted me this last night: “The aging parent process forces working together with siblings, and it’s weird because we all have our own lives and ways of doing things. And then throw in dysfunction, and it feels like you’re getting sucked back into what you’ve moved on from. I hate that this process has made me judge my siblings and face things like some of their selfishness that I’ve been able to ignore in the past. I want to go back to ignoring.”



Recent exchange with the husband (very cringe-worthy):

me: Hey, Olive Garden and Texas Roadhouse are hiring hosts. Daughter could apply there.
H: Yeah, but she’d have to wear make up.
me: There’s nothing in the job description requiring that.
(side note: daughter hates wearing make up)
H: Yeah, but you have to be attractive for a job like that.
me: And she is.
H: (Darth Vader sigh)


Glad our kids weren’t around to hear that one. Sometimes, he really puts his foot in his mouth and should just hold his tongue. :roll_eyes:

Do you know the best way to keep all your lies straight? Don’t lie. Tell the truth, and then you don’t have to make up different stories to tell different people.

You said you REALLY wanted to go on this trip, and even if everyone else cancelled, you and your husband would go. I spent several hours arranging it, and said I’d pay for all the lodging. The very next day, you came up with an excuse of why you absolutely couldn’t go, your dog needs medical care and you can’t afford to do both. Yet you told your kids the problem was your fear of travel and being socially uncomfortable that my adult kids were coming (which I know is complete BS). Okay, family trip cancelled.

I’m just tired of lies to make yourself comfortable. I don’t lie to people. I don’t lie to you. This is a chronic behavior that I don’t understand.


Dear large university hospital system: Have moved seeing one provider to your system. Your scheduling system is cumbersome, appointments are impossible to get and frequently cancelled/rescheduled and your communication, whether via phone, portal or text is poor and inconsistent. Please stop sending repeated requests for donations. Take the money you are wasting on postage and printing and fix your system!


Sample of one is not a total endorsement of anything.


What I wish I could tell my brother:
I will always love you but right now I don’t really like you. It is great that you are brilliant and wealthy - I just wish you could also be considerate. I’ve tried so hard to keep a close relationship but finally get that you are not interested.

I’m very proud of myself for not being grumpy in the Savannah heat and humidity! I’m trying to stay in the moment and enjoy being with my dad and sister. I have no idea why they chose to go to Georgia in July, but I’ll deal with it!


To the guy who came barreling through the middle of our forestry property in a four wheeler on our private road, and started asking me if I knew where our property lines were…why yes, I do, and you’re smack in the middle of our private property. What is wrong with people? I am always pleasant and deflect, trying to not be confrontational, but I can’t comprehend this kind of attitude.


I’ve planned my family vacation 6 months ago. At the very last minute I was told that I had to go to the London office straight from my vacation. So far, my flight has been cancelled and the only seat I could get is a middle seat, and then I found out the hotel I booked through our corporate site was never received by the hotel (no, I am not going to stay at a 4 star hotel that’s 2 miles from the office for 6 nights). My vacation was perfect, but something tells me that my business trip is not going to go as well.


There is such a thing as being too quick to apologize. Especially to those who never do.


So you post something offensive on your social media and then claim the “media stirs up ****”.
Uh no.


Well adulting …. Son is an over achiever. Took a summer English class to get some pre reqs done at the local college. Enrolled in the English lit class that is sophomore level and is not equivalent for transfer credit at his university. Uggg.

Rolling Stone — Shame on you!

An odd, weird, creepy, touchy old man. Yuck.


My dad is gone and I’ve been tossing/shredding. Ran across this letter he wrote to the US Treasury…

“Your bureau has indicated that it does not know the correct amounts, so it has conjured up some fraudulent figures by the process of omphaloskepsis.”

Man, I miss him.:rofl:


Look in the mirror. Do you look like an angry boomer/old geezer? Cause you sure sound like one.