Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (NO REPLIES TO OTHER POSTS)

It is a REALLY BAD idea.

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Well that helps explain your highly emotional responses.

Complete disgust.

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The Ahsoka TV series is going to TOTALLY ROCK!


Kid purchased new car and dealer had car tagged, etc. in the wrong state, and charged him taxes for the wrong state (significantly higher). Complicated because kid has license from state they tagged car in.
Kid told dealer multiple times it should be the cheaper state, and dealer assured kid it was. Of course now itā€™s all screwed up and kid (likely with help from mom) has to figure out how to fix it. If you look at info. received from dealer, it certainly looks like it was done for the correct state. But, thereā€™s an area that says state to be titled in, and the two letters in that area were never noticed by kid (I wouldnā€™t have noticed either). What a cluster.

My mother died last September. I think that tomorrow weā€™ll finally have the title transferred to her car, the only thing that needed to be transferred! (no house, Iā€™m on all the bank accounts, CDs transfer under POD)

Itā€™s been nothing but a pain. I screwed up entering the odometer on the title so we needed a replacement title. We didnā€™t realize my sister had a POA and thought we were going to have to probate the estate. Sheā€™s ever so busy teaching school and since October hasnā€™t had one second to work on this (but sheā€™s the executor listed in the Will and on the POA). We went to DMV on Monday and there was ONE MORE form that needed to be done and that had to be notarized so she got that done today. I got the insurance into my name and went to the emissions place for testing (why is it always 100 degree when I have to go there and the place is a black top nightmare you have to sit in a line for an hour).

The insurance has been NO HELP at all for this. I have the same company as my mother and they wouldnā€™t transfer the car to my policy or add me to hers but today, suddenly, they would. Oh, but they wonā€™t cancel hers until she calls in. Sheā€™s DEAD you idiots. and weā€™ve sent you the death certificate, the will, the title to the car and whatever else youā€™ve asked for) Oh, then they had to put me on hold to see if this was all okay (sorry I even asked about cancelling my motherā€™s policy) after they just said it was. I asked how it was any different than if I were buying a car from Joe Schmoe, as I just wanted to add a car to my policy so I can get it registered. I believe the next payment for HER policy is July 17,so Iā€™ll have to close the bank account by then.

As soon as this is fixed, Iā€™m going to change insurance companies.

Noā€¦Iā€™m not paying $50 for three months of the newspaper for only two days a week with digital access everyday. Good thing you decided to give me the July 4 special $17.76 for the year!

I paid you idiots twice in Mayā€¦I shouldnā€™t have had to pay youā€¦.at all.


Just once could you try and understand my point of view and drop the passive aggressive thing. A ā€œIā€™m sorry ā€œ would have gone a long ways.


Do you have any clue how much stress you caused our family? How about staying in your lane from now on. Youā€™re not the MD and should not be playing one. You implied that you were acting on orders, but clearly not, and you are not qualified to interpret those tests. The surgeon was not happy, but he wasnā€™t nearly as angry as I am.

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You couldnā€™t make it to her graduation dinner the night of graduation and you said you would take her out later, but it has been 5 weeks and she only has 5 weeks before she is going. This is not a parent I am speaking about, but still family. I am so done with these people. She has been done with them for a long time and expects nothing.

Be calm - five minutes ago you had a problem - now you have two possible solutions and you are having a panic attach

Coffee maker - why couldnā€™t you have broken a day earlier on Amazon Prime Day? :triumph:


So the Savannah heat sucked (glasses fogged up the second I walked outside) but I had a wonderful time with my sister and dad. It was hard to see my dad struggle. He used a walker but probably should have been in a wheelchair. He is such a trooper!


Idiots. If you donā€™t see the value in what youā€™re getting, you are idiots and deserve to continue to underperform. But not my :clown_face: not my :speak_no_evil: ! :laughing:

As I was driving to work this morning I heard ā€œI am I saidā€ by Neil Diamond.
It starts out this way.

     L. A.'s fine the sun shines most the time
     And the feelin' is laid back
     Palm trees grow and rents are low

Have times changed a little bit?


Raging fires everywhere, and yā€™all did nothing. Thanks. You did us no favors.

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When will the ā€œParents caring for Parentsā€¦ā€ thread become ā€œSpouses caring for Spousesā€¦ā€? Are we there yet?


FTC: you are barking up wrong trees. Why the heck did you let Ticketmaster get away with murder?! A $99 ticket is $140 after those fees?! Holy guacamole :avocado:!!! Grrrrrā€¦


Iā€™ve been working on a quilt and Iā€™m almost done. Three of the nine blocks need some things like buttons, beads, an applique, so I separated those, grabbed them and my laptop, phone and two glasses that needed to go to the kitchen. I went upstairs, dropped my laptop on a chair and went to the kitchen (very small house, just feet from the chair.

I was heading out to the store and couldnā€™t find the blocks. Oh, must have left them downstairs. No. Looked all around the chair Iā€™d dropped them in. No. Looked under the chair, coach, looked to see if Iā€™d tucked them into the laptop, put them in the papers that were on the table, if the fan had blown them across the room. No. Looked through all the baskets on the sewing table, on the floor, in a bathroom, by the washing machine. No. I looked in the kitchen, opened every drawer Iā€™d opened when getting lunch. Looked in the trash cans. Nothing. I was going crazy. Two hour later, TWO HOURS, I found them in the freezer.

I had opened it and something was stuck, so I must have had them in my hand and set them on top of the lower section while I unjammed the upper and then just closed the whole drawer and didnā€™t notice theyā€™d slipped down.

Blocks nice and cold.


My younger son is a very astute UFC fan. He told me he helped his teammate at school make thousands betting on UFC this year. I am not a MMA fan at all. Iā€™m a traditional boxing fan. Tonight there was a UFC event, so I watched it with him. I have an online betting app, so he told me to bet that the main event would end in the 2nd round. A $5 bet would have paid out $42.50. Instead of $5 I accidentally bet $50. Sure enough, it ended early in the 2nd round and I won $425.