Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (NO REPLIES TO OTHER POSTS)

It feels like you willfully walk around with your eyes closed, running into walls, and hurting yourself. Over and over. And when I say, look where you’re going, you reply that you can’t. But you can. It’s just become habit not to try.


Sometimes it’s nice just to have a lazy day (especially after a long bike ride or something similar)


Today is my daughter’s 20th birthday and the first one we’ve ever spent without her here at home, she stayed at her university to participate in research this summer. I miss her so much but I’m so incredibly proud of this young woman who is brilliant and funny and who finally has friends (!) and who has overcome so much to get to the place she is in today. Depression and anxiety are b*tches and there were years during which I didn’t know if she would survive them.


We’ve gone through so many rounds of this with the older kids that I was surprised when Principal A agreed to a year of math acceleration for my son last year. Before there were at least some other high achieving kids to make the case. I assumed you wanted us to leave us on easy, friendly terms so that i would continue the valuable volunteer work I created and have solely run for ten years, turned over and neatly tied with a bow before I left.

Principal B set the standard and he passed. And then because of your mistake you tested him again for the next year. You offered him a seat in a math classroom at another location which didn’t work for our schedule. When you selected an online learning platform you input the wrong year. Which you corrected it and then unlocked throughout the year; then unlocked second year when asked. So he sat in his sad math corner all year watching the kids have fun but learn nothing, never causing a problem, and receiving no support from his teacher.

In short, in a single year you set a standard and allowed a fourth grader to test out of two grades of math and completed two more with grades of 97 and 98 with complimentary iReady and NWEA and MAP scores. The learning platform is accredited by our flagship university system.

This week we changed campuses (to where we tested and where the platform was administered) and you told us he would be placed in the regular 5th grade classroom. Kid has a lot of anxiety over disappointing people or hurting people and a lot of trauma due to my stage four cancer.

Besides being livid, I honestly cannot tell if this is some diabolical plan to hurt me for thought crime or just true incompetence and a total lack care over one little ten year boy. I am not a violent person but oh, I really want to make you mean, stupid, thoughtless people suffer. I have no objections to your recent ten years of experience with balloon arches or “party baskets” but since you insist it is impossible for children to be ahead in math and don’t even know that math contests exist I am going to have to pop your balloon.


Overwhelmingly sad for D and her H. They’re still trying to get settled in jobs (actively job hunting) and now his mother has been diagnosed with non-smoking lung cancer. At first thought Stage one, no spread but during surgery found it had spread and recategorized as stage 4. He is in NC and mother is in CT.

Shocker of the night. I got conditional approval for my global entry pass that I submitted on Friday. Why is this surprising? In my haste, while I was finishing H’s (after mine) I realized you only had to single click the countries you’ve been to. Doubling clicking is not good. I went back and looked at the screenshot of the countries I put on mine - I wanted to be sure ours matched. OMG. I said I went to AFGHANISTAN!!! Quickly sent off a “contact us” form, but didn’t have much hope. Hopefully I’m not the first idiot to have done that. And that it was obvious that this 50 something country bumpkin female who’s worked at the same boring job for 25 years and lived at the same house for 17 and only had visited popular European countries did not take a detour to Afghanistan. :rofl:


Sometimes I wonder how I possibly married someone who can occasionally be such an absolute and complete jerk. I am a totally nonviolent person, and I came within two seconds of throwing my phone at you. :rage:


It’s so refreshing to be the only Americans in this area of Spain. We are staying at a large beach resort south of Barcelona that has lots of cottages as well as RV and tent sites. We’ve heard English spoken by other guests only once. A young couple from London named Claire and Jamie. We told them they need to watch Outlander. :sweat_smile:

Spanish people are direct but lovely. We’re so glad we came.


Dramatize the outlier as the norm. Rinse and repeat. Superiority complex included.


I am an adult. I do not need to have you dictate what movies I should/should not be seeing.


Oh dear, local paper was purchased by a major media company known for bare bones. Numerous long term employees have accepted generous buyout offers and are done as of this weekend, including the great political cartoonist Steve Breen. The longer the service, the better the buyout. So decades of experience and government/business contacts are gone. I love having a physical local morning newspaper, but will have to think hard about renewing next time.


I remember my business policy class focusing on business failure/poor decisions - think “New Coke.” Amazing to me how you are competing to race to the top of that poor decision list. Even in a climate of poor CEO decision making, you are winning the worst decision derby, IMO. Maybe you will become irrelevant soon.


D2’s boyfriend asked me out to dinner…


Didn’t think you could possibly come across as more self righteous and pompous. I have been proven wrong. Good grief.


Mm… two peas in a pod, climbing over each other trying to see who can spew the most ridiculous hogwash.

Dear Pediatrician,
I’ve been taking my kids to your office for the past 5 yr. First, you said, “Don’t let your kids have too much milk. It’ll raise their blood sugar too high.” I ignored that advice. You repeated that 2 yr ago. And last year, too.

Now with this year’s annual check up, you say, “Make sure you’re getting plenty of milk to drink for strong bones.” So NOW it’s ok to drink milk? We’re not doing anything differently than before.

And quit asking why Daughter is pale. We’re white as heck. And it’s been almost a month now of temps of 110 or higher. We avoid being out in the 7th circle of hell of the blazing sun. Daughter is just fine.


Why must you put your hand on the stomach of everyone with whom you are photographed? Even your son. Something about it is just kinda creepy.


When they show you who they are, not only believe them, act


Katie Ledecky!!! :1st_place_medal:1500 GOAT!!!


I am frustrated by why you continue in this relationship. You are so responsible, hard working, and ambitious. He hasn’t had a job in years, is spending the summer back and forth visiting his family, and depends completely on his parents to support him. Why does this not bother you?